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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. No I'm not a Scrooge but glad Christmas is over. Now life can get back to normal, well as normal as possible RG
  2. Been out grocery shopping (surprised no crowds) Back home, had lunch (leftovers from dinner) Now digesting, and finishing off a no alcohol beer RG
  3. Just finished a yummy Christmas dinner (pork roast and baked potato) Now digesting while dishes soaking and surfing Lyla and Twitter while having a third glass of (no alcohol) wine RG
  4. Reading and replying to some Holiday emails And relaxing watching John Wayne marathon on AMC RG
  5. Made the rub for the roast pork I'm doing for dinner tonight Now about to have coffee number three and relax and watch John Wayne movies on AMC RG :-)
  6. A prospective client freaked out because he is influenced by television and paranoia, why then look at escort review/recommendation sites or lady's websites, not to mention why even contact her and go through her screening protocols to book an appointment. If he was truly scared of a sting why did he even proceed to the hotel room, why not instead call and say he can't go through with the booking This wasn't a nervous client, this was a paranoid, (or acting paranoid) client who didn't care how his behaviour affected others. He shouldn't have ever considered partaking in this lifestyle. And should compensate Emily for her expenses, all wasted, in scheduling a date with this "man" RG
  7. Happy Birthday NotchJohnson Enjoy your special day RG
  8. It all depends on the lady. But getting a cell phone really isn't an issue in this day and age, cheap pay as you go phones are available. Even at 7-11 with their "speak out wireless" http://www.speakout7eleven.ca/prepaid-cell-phone-rates And stores like Walmart http://www.walmart.ca/en/electronics/mobile-phones/N-2413 and Wireless Wave http://www.wirelesswave.ca/compare-plans/ontario/plans-list.asp?Category=20 Just to name a couple offer pay as you go cell phone plans RG
  9. A long thread about this very thing, may help. http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=97946&highlight=Topics+avoid RG
  10. Happy Birthday Genevieve Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  11. So sorry you had to go through this Emily. And it is bad that this guy's behaviour led you to write this post. I've had many wonderful encounters with you, and every time my heart pounds, I get weak in the knees and I'm left breathless. But feelings of paranoia, not at all. The small talk you'd have made wouldn't cross any boundaries, and is intended so two people can get to know one another and relax. You are a kind intelligent lady who epitomizes the word professional. His actions are unacceptable and he certainly isn't suited for this lifestyle. He likely doesn't know nor care how his behaviour affected those around him, well specifically affected you Again sorry you had to deal with this character RG
  12. An escort screening service https://www.preferred411.com/ Personally don't use, only because I provide screening/verification information to the ladies I want to meet RG
  13. Strong legs scared me off after watching James Bond Sorry, couldn't resist :-) RG
  14. How about terms like Date for both Ladies and Gentlemen Also can be used to describe what happened..as in I had a date And for the men, how about Gentleman And for the ladies well how about, Ladies, Companions Conveys a much more positive image of this lifestyle doesn't it RG
  15. I agree with you. Stamp collecting is a hobby. Intimate interpersonal relations aren't a hobby. To me this is a mutually beneficial lifestyle that should be based on mutual respect between two adults That said, hobby and hobbiest seem to be accepted terms in this lifestyle. Which I don't think is done with any malicious intent A morning rambling RG
  16. Potato Skins and Jalapeno Poppers Washed down with water RG
  17. Go to edit, delete what you wrote and then just write something words to the effect " posted in wrong forum" and post that RG
  18. African Peanut soup Washed down with no alcohol beer Carrot Cake for desert RG
  19. That is more to search for specific topics on Lyla The type of search the OP wants (I think) is looking for specific type providers within certain age (and other I assume) criteria in certain cities I don't think Lyla has such a search feature and the advanced search function doesn't do this type of search Really he is going to have to go to the specific city's forums, look at recommendations and announcements RG
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