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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. H is for Hotel A perfect place for a discrete encounter RG
  2. Got confirmation of my hotel reservation and that means three more sleeps and I am going to have a Special Escape with a Wonderful Lady RG
  3. Reading and replying to some emails :-) while enjoying a second cup of coffee RG
  4. Keep in mind in the post C36 environment MA's (as well as escorts) don't wish to advertise or have mentioned anything eluding to any sexual services offered. It could cause the agencies and ladies more grief than help RG
  5. If you went for a great massage, then write a recommendation about your visit. This is the reason for Lyla, to post recommendations. I think your intent with this forum is to skirt Lyla policy about no negative reviews allowed by telling Lyla members to contact the poster via PM. If you had a great massage why would you want to keep it private Also I think the lady would much prefer a public recommendation versus it kept private Honestly, there are a lot of review boards that allow negative reviews. If you had a bad date or massage, post about it on one of those boards. I may be off the mark but if you want such a forum you need to contact Mod. He can decide and if he agrees he'll set it up. My guess he won't create such a forum A rambling RG
  6. Back from breakfast out. Took a walk to the bank and grocery store, now counting down the sleeps (4 more :-) ) till an escape with a special lady RG
  7. Roast Beef and Mashed Potatoes Fresh berries for desert RG
  8. What Kate said is important. Read from beginning to end the lady's website. It will cover what she is comfortable with and her boundaries. Really, and it's been my experience, after reading a lady's website you will know if the lady offers the type of companionship you are looking for. Personally I wouldn't ask for anything in email post C36 except time and companionship. The website tells what type of companionship is offered and you can discuss with the lady privately during the encounter what you'd like to do A rambling RG
  9. Just finished dinner, now watching the main stories on the news then :-( I'll do the dishes RG
  10. Happy Birthday MsManda Enjoy your special day RG
  11. Six more sleeps and then reconnecting with a special lady RG
  12. The Guns Of Navarone Which BTW I'm watching right now :-) RG
  13. What works for me is drinking a glass of water, but not in sips, chug it down. RG
  14. I'm no expert but I believe payments done via credit card can be risky as a client can cancel the transaction after the date Pay Pal I believe doesn't allow payments for adult services and can refuse to process payments without refunding the money EMail money transfer the client sends the payment via e transfer, the companion accepts it, once accepted the companion has the payment. The sender can only cancel the etransfer if the receiver hasn't accepted it yet. I know many ladies use email money transfer, and personally as a client I prefer this method of payment. Saves carrying large sums of money to a date RG
  15. Knowing in a weeks time I will be in the company of a Very Special Lady Counting down the days now :-) RG
  16. My heart's starting to pound a little harder, beginning to get butterflies in my stomach and my knees getting a little weak...and it's going to intensify for the upcoming week because next week (a week from Saturday) I have a date with a Goddess RG
  17. Back from running some errands, now sitting relaxing enjoying a coffee and butter tart RG
  18. A bottle of wine for an upcoming date with a special lady RG
  19. With cell phones it's not necessarily a number even in the town/city you live in. I know myself my number is for a city I don't live in. But that is because the cell phone provider I went to, to get my phone is in that city and doesn't have a store in the town I live in. So someone checks my number, it won't show my town at all. Does that make me a suspicious client? Others get a cell phone when they lived somewhere, but maybe they moved (again happened to me). Should they go to the hassle of changing numbers and notifying all their contacts? Or for convenience keep the number they have Ladies tour, and people move. One great thing about cell phones is you don't need to change your number the way you would with a landline. The way to determine if a lady is reputable is doing research like Rebecca said. Things like reading recommendations, Cowboy's Diaries, tineye checks on photos etc RG
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