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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Treat tonight Spaghetti Carbonara Spaghetti with eggs, parmesan, bacon and butter and cream (mind you I'm substituting olive oil and milk for the butter and cream) RG
  2. Doing the laundry, having a coffee, watching tv, surfing Lyla and Twitter and about to read and reply to some emails All while my cat is taking hits of catnip LOL RG
  3. Steak and sautéed mushrooms Washed down with beer RG
  4. Winter affects everyone especially in Canada Learning winter survival skills very useful for anyone who lives in a cold climate. I'm sure she's taught skills like how to avoid hypothermia and frostbite, things that I'm sure you are worried about. Courses like this teaches a person winter and the cold is to be respected, but not feared A morning rambling RG
  5. Gas line anti freeze and Rain Ex De-Icer windshield washer fluid Winter is almost here :-( RG
  6. Happy Birthday emb3750 Enjoy your special day RG
  7. Finalizing arrangements for a escape with a Very Special Lady RG
  8. Happy Birthday Sweetshay Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  9. Happy Birthday Sasha Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  10. Happy Birthday Reuben Sandwich Hope your day was great RG
  11. Sheppard's Pie, no not homemade, from the store deli section. But filled with meat, mashed potato's, peas, carrots, everything for a balanced meal RG
  12. Does making a hotel reservation for an upcoming December escape with a special lady count? :-) RG
  13. Happy Birthday rickkm Enjoy your special day RG
  14. Happy Birthday yabut Enjoy your special day RG
  15. Having a coffee, sorting laundry, surfing Twitter and Lyla and watching tv I'd start my laundry but the laundry room isn't unlocked till 8am RG
  16. Congratulations on your double header milestone Cato :-) Looking forward to your next seven years and next 8500 posts RG
  17. Congratulations on the 1000 post milestone Mikeyboy Looking forward to your next 1000 posts RG
  18. I'll say Boston...more a coin toss though Small Town or City RG
  19. You title your thread, your first post and thread on Lyla btw, Is Emily Wilson Safe. Do you really think that was an appropriate title to a thread about a Lyla lady. One who has been a member here since 01-08-2012 and has contributed to this board with 117 posts and has four pages of recommendations. The title of your thread has negative connotations, and even though its a question, puts a cloud over a lady. And it's there now for all Lyla members to read. To put another way, would you like it if a lady you were arranging a date with posted publically on Lyla a thread, "Is drzeus a client that a lady is safe being alone with" and posted it for all to see If you titled it Are There Current Recommendations On Emily Wilson, that wouldn't have a negative spin to it. RG
  20. Confused why you're asking about her. Here is what you posted about her 07-08-2015. Sounds like you've already met her http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=693018&postcount=2 RG
  21. I prefer to request say a five hour date. We meet at my hotel on this day/date at 5pm, and ends at 10pm Instead of using phrases like early morning, late morning, early after, late afternoon, evening or night...you use specific time and date Works for me RG
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