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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Groceries including a six pack of beer (oh OK, no alcohol beer) so I can raise a glass tonight in (hopefully) celebration of Harper getting the boot RG
  2. Got a haircut then had a shower Just sat down to send a payment to a lady for an upcoming encounter and will be getting up in a second for my third (I'm treating myself today) cup of coffee And counting down the hours till we are Harper free RG
  3. Happy Birthday Jolie Enjoy your special day RG
  4. Saving Private Ryan With a large ensemble cast including, of course, Tom Hanks RG
  5. Cooking dinner. In about two minutes I'll be sitting down to steak and baked potato RG
  6. The Quick And The Dead RG
  7. Already did my civic duty last Friday at the Advance Poll even though it took 40 minutes standing in line to cast my ballot I'm keeping the Party I voted for secret though ;-) But if you haven't voted yet, do so tomorrow RG :-)
  8. Well first is the falling temps...getting to feel more like winter out there :-( With that, I'm getting prepped, putting my winter gear in the car to be prepared when winter really hits RG
  9. Octopussy From the dark years of James Bond...the Roger Moore years LOL RG :-)
  10. I suppose your dog's nickname is the same as my cat's... "Rinse and Hold" LOL RG
  11. Had a delicious supper What sucks though...having to do dishes now RG
  12. You are right on both counts Phaedrus The recommendation template allows the originator of a recommendation to, if he so chooses, put a thumbnail picture of the lady in the "check picture" box. Once the originator of the recommendation thread posts a picture in the "check picture" box that is the only time a picture can be posted. If no picture is posted subsequent posters cannot, I believe, put a picture in the "check picture" box There are some recommendation forums (Gatineau, Quebec for example) that don't have the standard reco template (they are formatted like regular forums) and there is no "check picture" box. In that case I just posted a picture (actually two ;-) ) right in the body of the recommendation A likely repetitive rambling LOL RG :-)
  13. Finished grating the cheddar cheese Macaroni is cooking Very shortly I'm going to have dinner RG
  14. Feels like a comfort food type of day so... Macaroni and Cheese made with 6 Year Old Cheddar (makes extra old seem like mild lol) Washed down with water RG
  15. Enjoying my first coffee of the day while surfing Lyla and Twitter After the past three days looking forward to a few "me" days RG
  16. Happy Birthday Chanel Reign Enjoy your special day RG
  17. In fairness to the rep that came to your door, and I'm having flashbacks to my university days when I volunteered for a candidate for a federal election, we were instructed, more like ordered, not to discuss any policy issues or platform of the party...just hand out a pamphlet and give a phone number if a person wants to discuss any policy issues Only certain people can speak about policy Parties, all parties, control the message they send out And low level (like I was) volunteers don't send out policy messages, they hand out pamphlets...its one way the message is controlled. A flashback rambling RG
  18. They are doing the annual inspection of smoke and fire alarms today in my apartment building. My cat is agitated from the fire alarms going on and off all morning And I've been waiting since 8am for the Super to show up. He just showed up. Turns out my CO2 detector is on the list for replacement, so they are coming back in two hours to replace it Lots of fun, sitting, waiting, and when I thought I'd be done waiting, got to wait a few hours more RG
  19. Happy Birthday want some fun Enjoy your special day RG
  20. Happy Birthday Capitalman Enjoy your special day RG
  21. Happy Birthday Cowboy Kenny Enjoy your special day RG
  22. Apple Playboy...with nudes or without RG
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