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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches Simple but tasty Washed down with a no alcohol beer RG
  2. I'll say pad thai only because I don't believe I've had green curry That said, me being me, I'd eat both if put in front of me, not too much I wouldn't eat Knife and Fork, or Chopsticks RG
  3. Drinking coffee, watching tv, surfing Twitter and Lyla and just finished paying bills :-( RG
  4. Does paying bills count?...rent, cable/internet, cell phone, credit card RG
  5. Just threw a load of laundry in the washer, now having a third cup of coffee, surfing Lyla, Twitter and reading/replying to some emails RG
  6. V is for Victoria's Secret A store I stop into and buy a lady a gift prior to a date RG
  7. T is for Thank You Two words that should always be said to a Lyla Lady after a Wonderful Encounter with her RG :-)
  8. P is for Privileged Something I feel when I'm lucky enough to have an encounter with one of the Goddesses here on Lyla RG
  9. Happy Birthday Boomer Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  10. Going to have leftover homemade chilli for lunch and seeing as it's Friday for dinner, steak and sautéed mushrooms washed down with a no alcohol beer RG
  11. Happy Birthday Isabella Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  12. Happy Birthday bcguy42 Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  13. Gabriella Laurence is in Montreal and a wonderful companion Her website http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/ RG
  14. Sitting back, surfing Lyla, Twitter and reading/replying to emails while enjoying a no alcohol beer, all while watching a movie...Airplane, an oldie but funny RG
  15. It was a nice relaxed day, no agendas, no appointments after two long days. I'm busier and seem to work harder now that I'm retired RG
  16. Well this has been discussed many times before on Lyla. Using the search function shows this has been discussed many times before. http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=212085&highlight=stds http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=206726&highlight=stds http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=198453&highlight=stds http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=103179&highlight=stds http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=192093&highlight=stds http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=175758&highlight=stds http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=171932&highlight=stds http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=126578&highlight=stds http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=117436&highlight=stds These are but a few threads, there are A LOT more on the subject of sexual health. RG
  17. Reading and replying to emails, and about to post, while having a beer ;-) RG
  18. Well seeing as a Clint Eastwood theme Hang 'Em High RG
  19. I'm getting email notifications from old PM's from back in February 2015 And I've already read the PM's :-) RG
  20. Crying....only because I just finished cutting up the onion for the chilli I'm making Shortly going to finish the work on the chilli and let the slow cooker take over and I'm going to relax and have cup number 2 RG :-)
  21. Happy Birthday Vanessa Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  22. If the client has the hotel room and the lady comes to see him that is an outcall But if the client is going to the lady's hotel that is an incall It sounds from reading the OP's post he is seeing a companion at her hotel room and that is an incall Difference between outcall and incall is who hosts the date As for the question about cover stories and things like that, hotel staff see hundreds of people daily, who are there for business, family on holidays, maybe having affairs, and yes, even seeing companions. Frankly, unless you draw attention to yourself they have no interest in you. Just go directly to the elevator and proceed to the lady's hotel room. A person going to a hotel room in a hotel is no more suspicious than a person in a restaurant looking for a meal. Hotels are in the business of renting out rooms, staff aren't going to interrogate you because you're in the hotel As for meeting someone you know...that person may be equally concerned that you saw him. RG
  23. I've seen cases where ladies have had their professional photos stolen and passed off on another lady's website or bp profile On Lyla of all places, there have been some ladies who have plagiarized another lady's very well known ad titles Another Lyla lady took a companion's very unique name And a website was stolen, verbatim by another lady...the only change she made on the website she stole was changing the hair colour to hers, and rates to hers. And when caught, the famous cry, "oh my webdesigner did that" Funny that seems to be a favourite cry of any lady caught plagiarizing a website..."oh my webdesigner did it" What can any member of Lyla do if they spot stolen photos, plagiarized websites or plagiarized ads on the board...report it to Mod Also let the lady know her photos/website etc are stolen and by whom And guys, don't have dates with these thieves...yes plagiarism and stealing photos is theft. Support ladies who invest in themselves and their business. Ladies who are professional. With those other ladies, the ones who give this lifestyle a bad name, I am always left wondering if they would steal pictures or plagiarize, what else would she steal Most important as a client though is do not support these thieves at all. Don't book dates with them, just don't see them A quick rambling RG
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