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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Oh god no, too early. For family we've all agreed to fifty dollars, either cash or gift card. We all used to spend a lot of money but ended up for about three months paying off Christmas bills. The gifts are more token than anything since what we give equals what we get For a couple friends, its Bass Pro Shops gift cards and something else fishing related And for a special someone, well she'll find out at Christmas time ;-) But as for buying any of it, that'll wait till closer to December...not that I'm a procrastinator, just if I bought it now I'd likely misplace it by Christmas RG
  2. BBQ Chicken and steamed Asparagus with butter and lemon juice Washed down with a cold no alcohol beer RG
  3. Happy Birthday Chantal Enjoy your special day RG
  4. The Quiller Memorandum RG
  5. On Her Majesty's Secret Service From the George Lazenby year...a dark year for James Bond IMO :-) RG
  6. Rib Eye Steak Steamed Asparagus with butter and lemon juice Washed down with a cold no alcohol beer Mixed berries for desert RG
  7. Ummm, a dishcloth, ivory liquid, elbow grease and sink are what this single guy uses :-) RG
  8. Having coffee number two while surfing Lyla, Twitter and reading/replying to a couple of emails RG
  9. Happy Birthday Nicolette Enjoy your special day RG
  10. Well for me I'm already retired at age 54, drawing my Public Service Pension (Superannuation) If I was to keep working till 65 to draw full CPP it means in my case I'd have worked 41 years. The pension plan we have allows pension contributions to a maximum of 35 years (that's a full 70% pension) It means I would be working for 6 extra years, not drawing my Superannuation, just to get the full CPP...that makes no sense to me CPP at age 60 nicely supplements my current pension RG
  11. Yes but between 60 and 65 you draw 0 $$$ and don't get that money back retroactively at 65. So in fact you lose money waiting till 65. And not being morbid but your lifespan is reduced by age 65 so you may draw a higher CPP income but will draw it for less years than if you draw a lower pension income at age 60 and draw it over more years. In real terms you will have more years drawing your CPP if you draw it earlier than later Use it sooner, the only one who benefits from you drawing it at age 65 is the government and they won't even say thanks. Another thing, while 60 is when you can draw it, you can apply and start the paperwork rolling at age 59 so day after my 59th birthday I'm running down to Service Canada and get the ball rolling on my CPP so on my 60th birthday I start drawing my benefit RG
  12. Transmission cooler line Car has cost me in the past week $500 in maintenance and repairs :-( RG
  13. Greek salad washed down with a cold no alcohol beer Hagen Dazs for desert RG
  14. Having lunch (cold plate) reading Lyla, Twitter and reading replying to emails RG
  15. Happy Belated Birthday Wishes Hope You Had A Special Day RG
  16. Well two. First after a three week unavoidable absence back having weekly breakfast with my friends And Second, finally got to the optometrist/optician and picked up my glasses I can see LOL RG
  17. Picked up my prescription glasses and paid the balance owing RG
  18. Enjoying coffee number one, watching tv, surfing Lyla, Twitter and reading/replying to some emails RG
  19. Beef Ashley Madison or Lyla :-) RG
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