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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well with the warm temps it'll be a cold plate tonight, cold cuts, cheese, olives and maybe share some ice cream with a grey domesticated feral cat :-) RG
  2. Back after a morning trip to hell. Surfing Lyla, Twitter, and reading/replying to emails while sucking back a cold (no alcohol) beer RG
  3. Breakfast at Ricki's All Day Grill, t shirt and groceries RG
  4. Happy Birthday imachi Enjoy your special day RG
  5. BLT with no L but extra B Washed down with a no alcohol beer RG
  6. Got an oil change and tires rotated. Then gas And finally groceries RG
  7. Surfing Twitter, Lyla and reading/replying to emails and text messages RG
  8. Picked up my prescription, got a bottle of Advil and bottles of water and orange juice RG
  9. Enjoying a quiet day...and week, no obligations to anyone RG
  10. There's a lot I could say but won't. First, what a positive and thoughtful post. Thank You for making it Second, without details, I went through, and am still going through some major tribulations. One was the passing away of my father after his battle with cancer and then a major betrayal by my family, one which I have to deal with the consequences to this day. And finally the burden of caring for a family member (one who betrayed me btw) who is getting progressively worse from dementia has fallen to me for the most part There is a special lady who offered much needed support. She is more friend to me than my family is family. And a bright light in a dark time. So third, if not inappropriate, I'd like to send Emily Rushton a big hug. You are a wonderful companion, but even better friend. Your friendship has meant more to me than can be imagined And thanks again Capablanca for such a thoughtful post RG
  11. Normally I'd post in the news section but this story seems more appropriate to place in this thread 'Suicides' over Ashley Madison hack http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34044506 RG
  12. There's a list floating around on the internet showing some federal public servants who registered with AM using their work email addresses. I am outraged and find it despicable, maybe criminal that AM was breeched. Irrespective of the breach though,how stupid can some be, using their government work emails to register on sites like AM As a sidebar on this list are a few names I recognize from the government department I used to work for RG
  13. Happy Birthday Tiannah Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  14. Happy Birthday Amelia Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  15. Salad with bleu cheese and Renees Bleu Cheese dressing Washed down with water Lemon Meringue Pie for desert RG
  16. Groceries including a six pack of beer Boy did that beer hit the spot :-) RG
  17. Finally after two weeks, able to shave My foot and ankle sprained so I couldn't stand for very long, but today I was able to stand long enough in front of the sink to shave I'm starting to feel human again RG
  18. Today just relaxing after a very busy and stressful day yesterday Right now having another coffee, watching Dr Strangelove and surfing Lyla, Twitter and reading/replying to some emails RG
  19. Happy Birthday scottthecanuck Enjoy your special day RG
  20. Well today was my day to go to hell, this time to take a family member to a doctor's appointment...these days suck in and of themselves but I can deal with them But today was particularly stressful so I needed a cold (no alcohol) beer when I got home. Stop at the grocery store, no beer on the shelves. That sucked Cold water just doesn't measure up RG
  21. In the one time it happened to me, this shower was for her clients. Justifiably repulsive having only a well used bar of soap used by god knows how many clients before. There were no feminine type soaps, perfumes etc to be seen in the bathroom...this was clearly intended for clients only Just gross and disgusting and one of a few reasons I never re-booked with her RG
  22. Happy Birthday mmad Enjoy your special day RG
  23. Happy Birthday Sandi Enjoy your special day RG
  24. And I'm paid both, monthly and weakly...I'm on pension :-) RG
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