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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. It can be suspicious, it can be benign A lady who worked for a agency and then goes independent may have to change her name A lady who has a stalker may change her name (one I know had to do this three times) It may be an innocent case of a lady who just wants to change her name, just for a change It can also be the case of a bad companion getting a bad reputation, and decides to change her name to give herself a "fresh start" RG
  2. A must have...a client LOL :-) OK all joking aside, if seeing clients at your place, better to have body wash over a bar of soap (unless individual bars of soap). One lady I saw years ago had bar soap, a used bar of soap for her shower. Who knows who used it before...gross So just a suggestion, body wash, or individual bars of soap RG
  3. Chicken sandwich, fresh veggies (radishes, celery, carrots) olives Washed down with water Strawberries for desert RG
  4. Able to wiggle my toes And bruising is slowly going away RG
  5. Much needed groceries Oh and some more Advil RG
  6. Cold Plate...chicken thigh, pepperoni sticks, olives, pickles, assorted cheeses Washed down with...oh hell after the week I've had, a no alcohol beer :-) For desert, mixed berries RG
  7. This Board is about positive recommendations, not negative reviews. No true, you didn't go into details. You just told ALL of Lyla you had a very bad experience and if you want the details PM you. So much better than posting details (being sarcastic) BTW as for ganging up, how do you think the lady feels after reading your review...probably ganged up on by you. And she is in a no win situation, say nothing and your review stands, argue it and she can get suspended for fighting. All we get is your unsubstantiated post. IMHO This thread shouldn't have been posted RG
  8. This afternoon going out...just to get some groceries, but after being laid up in my apartment for a week with a sprained foot and ankle, I feel like an inmate about to get a weekend pass :-) RG
  9. There was an article a few weeks ago http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/04/science/chilly-at-work-a-decades-old-formula-may-be-to-blame.html?_r=0 I believe this is what the post is in reference to. RG
  10. Magnum Force And a certain sense of irony in that Dirty Harry wasn't able to use his 44 Magnum to get rid of the bad guys. RG
  11. Well Three To Be Exact Starting with two nights ago, able to sleep in my own bed Today...able to walk Now...my first coffee since Sunday morning People might be wondering...when a human and a cat collide with the cat running at full tilt, the human loses. In my case got a bad foot and ankle sprain when a feline collision took place at my apartment. Oh, the cat is just fine RG
  12. Happy Birthday Michelle Enjoy your special day RG
  13. What's wrong for you isn't wrong for me As for the term date, yes I really wanted to say that. Otherwise I wouldn't have said it. Just because the date is a paid date doesn't mean it isn't a date Hobbyist works for you, great. Doesn't mean it works for me RG
  14. Emily Ruston tours to Halifax. I don't know her tour dates but if you send Emily a respectful email you could book a date with her Emily's Profile https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/member.php?u=22822 and her website http://www.emilyrushton.com/ RG
  15. I don't find the term hobby or hobbiest wrong or offensive. When I began seeing companions it was the accepted terminology and still is. I agree with Johnybird , I consider this a lifestyle, not a hobby. I don't see how interpersonal human relations, especially intimate human relations can be viewed as a hobby. But that's just me, and use of those terms has been accepted since before I began in this lifestyle. So I can't say their use is wrong or offensive As for using boards and writing recommendations, first it is both ladies and gentlemen who use such board. Ladies to advertise, and gentlemen to see those advertisements. When I began dating companions I was uncomfortable with the idea of writing recommendations. To me what happened between a man and woman was private. But it was ladies who said recommendations are welcome, it helps their business. So my first few recos were awkward, more because I was uncomfortable writing them. Now I view it as having three purposes. First, a public thank you to a lady for a great date. Second hopefully it helps the lady get other clients. And third, sort of the opposite side of the second reason, it lets potential clients know of a great lady to see And on the subject of boards, well in this day and age conventional dating has led to the rise of computer dating sites. In both cases, conventional dating sites and escort sites computer/internet technology has just allowed for a new forum for long time human practices. Dating, and seeing escorts has just kept pace with the internet age that's all So yes, hobby/hobbiest are accepted terms. But for me, when I contact a lady for a date, it's because I'd like to meet her, or she is a lady I know and want to get together with her again. And it is a lifestyle, a lifestyle where ladies and gentlemen can date one another in a no strings polyamorous relationships A rambling over cup number one Now I'm going through my fishing tackle...fishing, that's my hobby ;-) RG
  16. From Russia With Love Just my opinion but the best Bond movie RG
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