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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Probably the Government concerned there are enough expat votes to oust the CPC. IMO ironic in two ways. First enough problems getting people out to vote to begin with. But the Government wants to take the voting rights away from Canadians, albeit expat Canadians. Second irony, I'm pretty sure expat Canadians pay Canadian taxes, even though they don't live in Canada. Government wants to take away the right to vote from expat Canadians because they don't live in Canada but still has its claws out taking tax money from those same Canadians...just seems ironic to me RG
  2. Happy Birthday Trish Enjoy your special day RG
  3. Happy Birthday Elle Enjoy your special day RG
  4. Is this the article http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=145529&highlight=sex+addiction RG
  5. First it has been discussed. Just a quick search revealed these three threads http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=208802&highlight=addiction http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=198071&highlight=addiction http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=74288&highlight=addiction As for my opinion, first I'm no expert. But I, in my non expert opinion believe most claims of sex addiction are more to defend "bad" behaviour, such as a cheating (hate moral laden terms) spouse trying to defend his/her actions to his/her spouse. "I wasn't cheating, I'm sick, I have an addiction" Like I said I'm no expert but it seems more an excuse to me than a real problem But I could be wrong RG
  6. Oh a few bills today Cable/Internet Cell Phone Rent Credit Card Plus I bought breakfast out today, gas and a some groceries, especially a six pack of no alcohol beer :-) RG
  7. I agree with you. Luring Cecil with a dead animal to kill it solely for a trophy (his head and skin) is disgusting. And this "hunt" was done without a licence. Ask any legitimate hunter (or angler) about licences, they make sure they have them, don't leave it up to someone else to worry about. To add to the disgust is they tried to destroy Cecil's tracking collar. This poacher knew his kill was illegal If he didn't why try to destroy the tracking collar. And knowing it was illegal he removed the head and skinned the lion He says he regrets his actions...bullsh*t!!!...he regrets he got caught that's all But he isn't a hunter...he is a poacher. Big difference Idiots like this guy give a bad name to hunters, who lawfully and ethically hunt animals, in season, with a licence and appropriate tags. And from guys I know who do hunt, they hunt for food, not trophies This guy had no licence, he tried to destroy evidence (the tracking collar) baited the lion with a dead animal to lure him out and for what, the lion's head and skin. If you want an animal for a trophy, in this day and age take a picture, or pictures of the animal you want. Give them to a taxidermist, he/she can make a artificial reproduction of the animal. And the animal lives another day BTW I'm not opposed to hunting. But poaching, yes definitely opposed A rambling RG
  8. Well I'm a political agnostic, but I can't bring myself in anyway shape or form to consider voting CPC So that brings it to Liberal or NDP Ideally, I think a minority government is better than majority, it forces the Government to listen to all parties in the House...a majority and the Government can do what it pleases So for me its either Liberal or NDP So who to choose.... Hmmmm.....well Justin does have nice hair LOL RG :-)
  9. If that's your concern for someone else, that is why it was suggested by myself and others to get a second disposable phone. It wouldn't be found because as the name suggests, it can be thrown out after an encounter. You can buy them for under $50 But even if the client wants to keep the phone maybe he could keep it at work or find a hiding place at home. I stand by what I said before, each and every gentleman needs to find what works best for him, not what someone else thinks will work best for him RG
  10. Certainly especially with some ladies I could spend weeks with them Bigger question, judging on some guys' posts and threads is how ladies could manage to tolerate spending any time with them RG
  11. Happy Birthday Malika Enjoy your special day RG
  12. For some, like myself I use my regular cell phone which I also use as my home phone. And I have no concerns if a lady knows my phone number. I provide her with A LOT more information than that when I book a date But it may be very risky for some guys to use the home cell phone. For the cost of a cheap cell phone (some under $50) if it brings piece of mind to the client and a wife is prevented from discovering not only that her husband sees companions, it also prevents a scorned wife from discovering a companion's name and number. And that is drama the companion doesn't need So do whatever works for you. If that is using your regular phone, great. If getting a second disposable phone works, that is great too. RG
  13. Like others have suggested, get a prepaid (pay as you go) cell phone In addition to 7 Eleven or Petro Canada, Best Buy sells prepaid cell phones Some links for you http://www.bestbuy.ca/en-CA/category/prepaid-phones/pc_prepaid.aspx http://www.speakout7eleven.ca/prepaid-phones-promotions/free-dualsim-and-bonus-25-airtime?gclid=CLTzuMaA-sYCFRAxaQodijEMfw http://mobility.petro-canada.ca/default.aspx Good Luck RG
  14. Happy Birthday Tracy Enjoy your special day RG
  15. Well actually very plausible, after all married men see escorts, so why is it any less plausible that there might be married women who are escorts And the guy wanting a refund after his encounter with his wife/escort, well there are some men who negotiate (haggle)...the guy in this story just brought negotiating to a new high in lows RG :-)
  16. Tacos...using Franks Red Hot Sauce instead of the sauce that comes with the kit Washed down with a beer...no alcohol beer that is And for desert, maybe share some crack, well it's my cat's crack addiction Hagen Dazs :-) with him RG
  17. Groceries...including some original Franks Red Hot Sauce to use with my dinner tonight RG
  18. Portobello Mushrooms with feta, tomato, red onion, oregano and garlic Washed down with water RG
  19. Maybe start out in baby steps...get to know the lady, let her get to know you. Trust doesn't happen overnight. It may require booking a conventional date or two in the privacy of your hotel room to get to know a lady, and she gets to know you. Plus it allows the trust required to go out socially to be established. Nothing prevents you on those first couple dates relaxing, having conversation over drinks, maybe order room service. Once the lady gets comfortable with you and trusts you she may be inclined to go on a social date with you. Of course discretion is important. In a smaller city, the lady (or you) might not want to run into anyone who knows you/her. I know for myself there are a couple cities I would stay locked up in good and tight in my hotel room. Only because I wouldn't want to run into people I know and have to answer questions One other thing, if you meet a companion who would like to go out to dinner with you, discuss with her ahead of time restaurants she might like to go to. Nothing worse than showing up at a steakhouse and your date is a vegetarian Good Luck RG
  20. Meeting friends/fellow retirees for breakfast RG
  21. Just had a shower and shave, I'm dressed, now enjoying cup number two while surfing Lyla, Twitter and reading emails :-) Shortly heading out, first stop bank, then to town for breakfast with some friends and fellow retirees RG
  22. You Only Live Twice RG
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