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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Leftovers...Chicken Hawaiian and noodles Washed down with hummm lets see, no alcohol beer, lemonade or water, haven't decided yet Followed with...well on a hot day like this, ice cream :-) RG
  2. Really you should contact a lady who interests you and ask her. She may not have posted sleepover/vacation rates, but if asked she will give you a rate. Who I would like to travel with could be different from who you like. And any ladies I'd like to spend extended time with I already know JMHO but a vacation with a companion would be better with someone you already know, not with a companion you don't and won't know until you meet for the vacation. Some ladies may be uncomfortable doing an extended date with someone they don't know. Two strangers away together could be a recipe for disaster...what if you find out you are incompatible with her and vice versa Finally, a lady may very well request some alone time during the vacation. I know just on a weekend sleepover the lady who blessed me with her company had her personal routine (as I did too). So don't be surprised if a lady requests some alone time while on a vacation with you Good Luck RG
  3. And are you optimistic about his chances of getting a refund...especially after he had a sleepover with a lady and only paid a donation for two hours LOL RG :-)
  4. But someone who gets a lady who is a bait and switch should contact the agency immediately to get another lady...he chose to spend the night with this companion/wife LOL The story they can tell their grandkids...if the marriage survives But it shows something else, seeing escorts isn't the only form of paying for sex...marriage is too LOL RG
  5. I love the whole thing, he's shocked his wife is an escort. Wonder what his wife thinks of him though seeing escorts, she's probably as shocked too...seems he has a bit of a double standard Good luck on him getting his money back, unless he's saying the date was bait and switch in which case he shouldn't have had a date that night with his wife/escort RG
  6. After two extremely busy and tiring days just relaxed today. Slept in (till 7am) enjoyed a few cups of coffee this morning without having to run off, had an afternoon nap (past two days got up really early today it caught up with me) and now watching tv, surfing Twitter and Lyla and reading/replying to emails RG
  7. Just FYI Mod recently put in a Gatineau area forum https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=370 So far it seems to have little traffic...maybe ladies and gentlemen haven't noticed this forum yet Just mentioning it, maybe if more Gatineau ladies advertised here and guys who have had good encounters with Gatineau ladies posted their recommendations here, not to mention post in discussion and massage areas where appropriate ;-) this forum will grow Anyhow, just posting for information RG
  8. Sorry, but as someone who travels 3 1/2 to 4 hours to get to Ottawa, I really fail to see what the big deal is where ladies are in Ottawa. If I lived in Ottawa South and wanted to see a lady in Gatineau, I'd feel lucky to live so close. If I lived in Kanata and wanted to see a lady in Orleans, again I'd feel lucky a lady was so close by. And so on and so on and so on. Ottawa whether east, west, north or south is blessed with many beautiful ladies who are close by for gentlemen. Even opposite ends of Ottawa really isn't that far Coming from a guy who really knows what distance is involved in seeing ladies, and the ladies are well worth the drive I take A evening rambling RG
  9. After (what seems) a long day away I'm back home, sitting in my recliner, feet up, enjoying a hot coffee while watching tv, surfing Lyla and about to catch up on emails. Alas another long day tomorrow :-( RG
  10. I had a lady rip me off too not to mention a few bad dates believe it or not it happens outside of Winnipeg too....one (or a few) bad experience doesn't mean all ladies should be treated as potential bad dates. Pay a lady at the beginning of the date that IMO is proper etiquette RG
  11. 30 plus is mature? God I wish I was young and 30 again, even 40 :-) LOL Seriously now, a touring lady I can recommend who is in her thirties is Emily Rushton, and she does include Halifax on her tours. Her albums show her physical beauty, but once you meet her, it's her inner beauty that will win you over A sweetheart, and a beautiful lady with a big heart RG
  12. I've always paid at the beginning of an encounter, sometimes, actually more so now, I pay even before the beginning of an encounter...I pay the lady weeks/sometimes months in advance via email money transfer When I started in this lifestyle this was explained as the proper etiquette to follow for payment Whether you have a great, good, fair or poor experience is moot, you are paying for the lady's time and companionship. Sometimes whether an encounter is great,good, fair or poor depends on the lady, more often than not it depends on both you and the lady...chemistry/connection is important and that takes two. Irrespective, my experience is the lady gets paid at the beginning of the encounter. She shouldn't have to worry if she's going to be paid. And no matter how good or bad a date is, she gets paid, so why not pay her up front to begin with A morning rambling over cup number one RG
  13. Boursin cheese on poppyseed buns...2 sandwiches total Just seems like a day for sandwiches for dinner Washed down with water To be followed with mixed berries for desert RG
  14. Relaxing, feet up, surfing Twitter, Lyla and reading/replying to emails while enjoying a cold (no alcohol) beer number two RG
  15. At my age and shape slow. Given the current weather...summer or winter RG
  16. Finished dinner, feet up, digesting Shortly going to do the dishes :-( Then have strawberries for desert RG
  17. Tomato and cucumber salad. Bought some feta cheese and kalamata olives and made it into a Greek salad...topped with Renees Greek salad dressing Washed down with a big cold bottle of water In a bit strawberries for desert RG
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