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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Potatoes...more versatility in cooking JMHO Stompin' Tom Connors or Gordon Lightfoot RG
  2. Boyfriend Experience. You take your girlfriend out shopping to all her favourite stores...and when she says she'll be just a minute, smile and expect to wait a couple hours (gotta love shopping malls :-(, ok ladies seem to :-) ) She won't laugh at your 3 1/2 inches...in fact she loves it...mind you the 3 1/2 inches is your credit card LOL When you get her home you clean the house, make dinner, do the dishes and take out the garbage At the end of the day you kiss your girlfriend goodnight and she goes to sleep and gets a good night's sleep, you go home and take a cold shower All tongue in cheek here BTW :-) RG :-)
  3. Being taken out for breakfast by a special lady the morning after our encounter. An unexpected and pleasant surprise, which made it all the more special And one of the reasons I continue to see her RG
  4. Been a number of heated threads on this topic already and no matter what anyone answers it never is the correct answer it seems JMO but no need to bring back a heated discussion on the subject, here are a few threads on the subject http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=181140&highlight=blacks http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=151618 http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=143689 RG
  5. Happy Birthday Patrick Enjoy your special day RG
  6. Happy Birthday Sassiesworld Enjoy your special day RG
  7. My turn to buy breakfast this morning Fortunately we were one short at the table :-) RG
  8. About to get some money from the ATM. Then to the restaurant, my turn to buy breakfast RG
  9. Happy Birthday Evelyne Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  10. Hotdogs on a sausage bun...well not just any hotdogs Hot 'n spicy jumbo hotdog on a bed of onions Melted Monterey Jack with jalapenos cheese on top with Franks Slammin Sriracha sauce on top A cold bottle of no alcohol beer to put out any fires LOL Mixed berries for desert RG
  11. As long as there is mutual respect, and your encounter is mutually beneficial I don't see a problem RG
  12. That is the other thing about email bookings. It does allow a format for conducting screening/verification. But it also allows the client and lady a chance to get to know one another before they even meet, something that same day dates using text/phone doesn't allow So when you finally have your date and meet the lady or lady meets the gentleman, some trust has been established and you have gotten to know each other just a little bit A rambling RG
  13. I've been with Co-Operators since I began driving when I was 16 I'm happy with them...any claims I've had quickly paid. And with the en route program plus some other discounts, my premium is reduced $258 for a six month period RG
  14. Seems like a summer salad type day So macaroni salad (already made) and bleu cheese coleslaw (saw a recipe I'm going to try today) Fresh berries for desert Washed down with Yummy Detox Water...made a batch up yesterday RG
  15. Reading and replying to emails while having my third coffee and watching NCIS RG
  16. Jack Reacher Saw it once, it was two hours of my life I'll never get back You may gather I didn't like it RG
  17. Echoing Phaedrus's post, no negative reviews allowed here Here's the link to the rules/faq https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_recarea Use the recommendation section and write recommendations on the good and great encounters you have had. The ladies will appreciate it, and members of Lyla will appreciate it too RG
  18. I know the ladies I see book using email Included in initial contact is providing screening/verification information including reference and real name This is done ahead of time, but even after it is done, I still contact the lady a couple days ahead of time to confirm the date Likely if a prospective client provides complete screening information and confirms the date you won't get no shows. And if he has to cancel he'll notify you Just my two cents RG
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