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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Going to try to be creative today Spaghetti with white clam sauce Shortly heading to the grocery store to get the ingredients RG
  2. Happy Birthday Icebreaker Enjoy your special day RG
  3. No Country For Old Men RG
  4. Live And Let Die The start of the dark years of James Bond movies, the Roger Moore years LOL RG :-)
  5. Scalp Cell Phones...iPhone, Android or Blackberry RG
  6. Seems to put it mildly, the most horrible child abuse imaginable How scarred will that child be? A family that loves their child would accept him/her for who he/she is RG
  7. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/gay-teenager-forced-to-have-sex-with-his-own-mother-in-corrective-rape-in-india-10291949.html
  8. Breakfast for everyone...my turn this week RG
  9. Most ladies answer that question in their websites already, with the general comment, "no negotiating my rates" So a prospective client asking to negotiate her rate, under the guise of a student discount, doesn't even do the lady the basic courtesy of reading her website. Ladies don't mind answering questions that may not be covered in their websites, but getting asked a question already covered in their websites must be annoying. If a client (including student) sees a lady's website, sees her rates are too much for his budget don't waste her time by trying to haggle under the guise of being a student. Ladies care if the prospective client is a gentlemen, not if he is a student. A rambling RG
  10. The ladies I see I trust far more than many so called legitimate businesses with my name and other personal info. No hesitation to provide personal info to ladies. But some businesses, hell I still get contacted by Bell Canada, even after leaving them eight years ago, offers from credit card companies that I left, offers for life insurance etc etc etc. They get my name, address and phone number from other companies I've dealt with and had to provide my personal info to But ladies, the information provided has been between just them and me, and only passed along at my request (such as a reference) Ladies don't deserve being stereotyped as untrustworthy. But mainstream businesses, there are far more examples of mistrustful behaviour with them. Many do pass your personal information around. RG
  11. Day rate There may be hotels that charge by the hour, but they'd likely be seedy And if you want an hourly rate likely a companion wouldn't go to that type of hotel RG
  12. Usually hotels by an airport offer a day rate...one hint, seeing as your looking in Halifax area avoid the Quality Inn Halifax Airport...believe me you'll thank me for that tip :-) RG
  13. Happy Birthday peiguy Enjoy your special day RG
  14. If a student is that worried about his bright future/career ahead of him, then pay the lady's full rate (which btw I advocate from the start) and no pushing for student rates. How does a student who wants a student rate prove he is a student unless he shows student ID RG
  15. Have a date confirmed with a Very Special Lady. So looking forward to seeing her again RG
  16. I think this is taking the thread in another direction. However many companions require verification/screening including full real name. How would providing ID to the lady open any more of a can of worms than providing screening/verification information. But now to bring this post back on topic, how is a provider, if she indeed did offer a student discount, supposed to determine if a potential client is a student without him showing his student ID. Really if a man is that concerned about a lady, this may not be the lifestyle for him. Hell I showed my badge and ID to a lady once (used to be a peace officer, now I'm retired) so I don't understand the fear of showing a student ID RG
  17. Bridge On The River Kwai RG
  18. Happy Birthday Angela Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  19. Well its been a couple years, lets try some CPR and revive this thread LOL Well Twisted Sister's We're Not Going To Take It I hope we all sing at election time to boot the CPC out But maybe some ministers got the hint, such as MacKay, Baird awhile back and I hope more follow suit And this should be playing as they jump ship Queen Another One Bites The Dust I hope we can sing this one quite a bit OK a S-T-R-E-T-C-H...almost Gumby like LOL RG
  20. So a lady gets contacted by a gentlemen for a date and he can pay her full donation and she gets contacted by a student for a date on the same time/date but he wants a student discount Hmmm who do you think the lady will see for a date Nice gesture...for whom, certainly not for the lady. She's getting shortchanged and this is her livelihood, pays her bills, rent, car payment etc...maybe even her tuition, yes she could be a student too Remember, this is a luxury lifestyle not a necessity. If you can't afford to see a companion, then don't...but don't negotiate, even under the guise of a student discount RG
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