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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Oh that hurts since I was planning on mussels for dinner this evening But in order of preference, oysters, then mussels and then clams Beef, Pork, or Lamb RG
  2. I decided on having mussels for dinner. So when I went to the seafood section at the grocery store to buy some, they had been sitting IMO just a tad too long (4 days) for my comfort :-( So after having my heart set on mussels, it's going to be spaghetti carbonara for dinner...although it's pretty good too :-) RG
  3. And what gentleman/client wants a lady he saw posting about his nervous and awkward first time experience. There's a difference between talking about yourself, being awkward and nervous (hell I do it all the time), it's self effacing and a lady talking about you being awkward and nervous, it's mocking and disrespectful I know if I ever saw a lady who was new to this lifestyle, and she was awkward and nervous, that would never be posted. Some details of encounters should be left private, a shared memory between two people. And while awkward moments can be a shared private laugh and memory they aren't IMHO for public consumption A rambling RG
  4. Drinking coffee number two, watching The Rifleman on tv, surfing Lyla and Twitter, and pondering what to make for dinner...Spaghetti Carbonara or Steamed Mussels RG
  5. Sitting in my recliner, watching the news while digesting a delicious dinner:-) Shortly time to do dishes :-( Then desert...fresh cherries :-) RG
  6. T-Bone steak with sautéed mushrooms and steamed asparagus Washed down with a Becks no alcohol beer For desert, fresh cherries RG
  7. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/spy-agencies-target-mobile-phones-app-stores-to-implant-spyware-1.3076546
  8. Reading/replying to emails, surfing Lyla and Twitter, and enjoying coffee number two. RG
  9. New ink cartridges for my printer And a Subway cheese steak sub for lunch, with hot peppers, onions, green peppers and chipotle sauce RG
  10. Or when you go to the 12 items or less, checkout with a couple items and the person ahead of you has a full cartload, much more than 12 items Or when the person ahead of you can't figure out how to use the debit machine I hate shopping Except Bass Pro Shops...oh and Victoria's Secret, but that is because that is usually a precursor to a wonderful evening ahead, but it's always a gift for a special lady RG
  11. I'm sure the dog days of summer will mean something entirely different in Manitoba this year Of course there is always the Fall thaw to look forward too, a precursor to Winter LOL RG :-)
  12. Surfing Lyla and Twitter, drinking yummy detox water and enjoying a light late lunch, tuna fish sandwich on brown bread crust removed, onion, dill and mayo to the tuna fish. RG
  13. Gas :-( and more oranges, limes and lemon :-). RG
  14. Shouldn't the same then hold true about posting derogatory blogs about someone else. People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. No one stole your "thoughts" why in god would they. A link to your blog was all that was posted. But no one passed it off as their writing, it clearly is yours. Yes, I know what you wrote. RG
  15. Actually sex isn't for the faint of heart if you get right down to it How does a married person really know if his/her spouse is faithful What do you know about that woman in the bar. What does she know about the guy she is about to see What do people know about the ladies/gentlemen they are meeting on dating sites and I could go on The only 100 percent absolute safe sex is celibacy, ok well masturbation. But that comes with health risks too...loneliness. RG
  16. I don't think ladies offer birthday specials just to any client booking a date. There's no business benefit in doing so for just a random client, one just looking for a lower donation because he says it's his birthday. It actually seems a roundabout way of trying to negotiate the lady's rate Maybe a regular client might get a birthday card, or present from a lady...but if he is a regular. And that is because there is for lack of a better term a relationship between the client and lady. And in those cases if any gifts given, it is private between the lady and gentleman. It's not an advertised special But between a client and lady who don't even know each other, why would she give such a discount. She'd be further ahead to book a client who has no birthday and get paid in full And do you plan on reciprocating on the lady's birthday, what sort of gift do you plan on giving her? I don't know, but asking on a public forum for a birthday special from ladies you don't know seems in poor taste RG
  17. When Emily Rushton and I went to the Spring Social in Ottawa I took her for dinner at the EVOO Greek Kitchen on Preston Street Food was good Company was Great :-) http://www.evoogreekkitchen.ca/ RG
  18. Back from the grocery store, made up some Yummy Detox Water Although supposed to let it steep LOL for twenty four hours in two hours I'm going to give it a try RG
  19. Mint leaves....final ingredient needed for Yummy Detox Water :-) RG
  20. Happy Birthday Skylar Enjoy your special day RG
  21. I'm with Angela in wondering why even post this. First it is, in a roundabout way, a negative review...something not allowed on Lyla Second, it seems like airing dirty laundry. Third and most importantly, with the advent of the new legislation it is clear you were seeing a lady for a sex for money arrangement...not permitted to be discussed on Lyla https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=201210 RG
  22. Ginger root, orange, lemon, lime, cucumber. Was going to make detox water today but no mint leaves in small town Ontario grocery stores. So bright and early tomorrow off I go for a drive to a nearby city and get mint leaves and make the water RG
  23. Having a coffee, surfing Lyla, making a shopping list (going to try some detox water, someone has a recipe ;-) ) and getting ready to go out to lunch...meeting another retired co-worker for lunch RG
  24. Well back late last night from fishing and didn't feeling like cooking so tonight fresh walleye :-) Oh, you might guess, a good day's/evening fishing RG
  25. Happy Birthday xoxangiexox Enjoy your special day RG
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