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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Got the call, going fishing later this afternoon...pike and walleye here I come LOL RG
  2. Well if all goes well today a late night dinner of pan fried fresh walleye fillets Keeping my fingers crossed RG
  3. Surfing Lyla, Twitter, and reading/replying to emails ;-) while waiting for a call from a friend to see if weather is good for fishing RG
  4. Spinnerbait, Buzzbait, bobbers, mono fishing line and a Walleye Diver RG
  5. Are you for real. I'm a bachelor too, and shower every day, sometimes in the summertime when it's really hot and humid, a few times a day. What is pleasurable about living like a pig. Like PP said, don't lump all us men in the same category as you. Your not like all men, you're an aberration. Actually frankly I think you insult dogs too Disgusting and disturbing RG
  6. Wheel bearings for the front and rear left wheels For what I've paid for this car, plus repairs/maintenance just over the past four months I could have bought a nice used pick up off a lot RG
  7. Friend called, weather permitting, tomorrow after breakfast going fishing Going after pike and walleye RG
  8. I agree that we all need to pay attention to things and we should let our doctor be aware when things seem...ummmm "off" shall we say But, and I'm copying/pasting OBE's own words, bolding the key ones "If I don't shower daily, the tops of my inner thighs, you know, the leg flesh that joins with your crotch flesh, develops moisture which smells of something I've never smelled of before" I think anyone who doesn't shower/wash every day, well their finger isn't going to pass the sniff test. And I take it from the way his post was worded it only happens when he doesn't wash daily...so maybe a shower, bar of soap and scrub brush are in order RG
  9. Or just dunk your balls in Neet (credit for that line former CERB member SaraMQ) LOL RG
  10. Reading/replying to emails, surfing/posting on Lyla, and smelled my computer, its clean (private joke) RG
  11. You don't shower daily!!!...????? You ever think maybe ummm.....sweat You know, that section where your arms meet your upper torso...aka armpits.....they develop a smell too if not washed daily Now if you properly wash daily and have good hygiene practices and it still happens then see a doctor Smelling your fingers after shoving them down there, sometimes some people have just way too much information to "share" RG
  12. Well just my take on it...for Harper, MacKay et al they see sex workers as victims of exploitive johns. So with religious fervour they want to save sex workers, come down hard on johns, at least in press releases to appease their constituency...the religious right But Khadr has nothing to do with any principles. The government has to be seen, by the United States, as being tough on terrorism. That's why all the appeals trying to stop his bail, standing up in the House of Commons etc etc etc. If Khadr was instead, a juvenile delinquent who committed the crimes in Canada, instead of being in the middle of a conflict, it all would have been dealt with by some junior Crown Attorney, and maybe the local newspaper might have reported on it. Khadr is hated by the United States, became a hot potato for Canada, and given the choice, Canada would prefer to be on good terms with the United States rather than Khadr A thought RG
  13. Ten tickets for the OFAH lottery Maybe I'll win a truck and boat RG
  14. Congratulations Victoria on the 1000 post milestone Looking forward to your next 1000 posts RG
  15. Happy Birthday Johnny Enjoy your special day RG
  16. Just a quick comment, not directed at you Danielle, but mentioned because you pointed it out. There may be competition in this business. But ladies really aren't in competition with other ladies. There is someone for everyone as they say and the lady you are may attract some men, and other men may be attracted to another type of woman. And some men, due to the polyamorous nature of this lifestyle may be attracted to women in general. So all ladies just need to present themselves in a positive professional way. That way in part, they present themselves in a positive light and will continue to attract the clients that they normally would. I guess my point, awkwardly made LOL is any lady trash talking another lady isn't making herself more attractive to clients. All she does is make herself, at least to me, unattractive and someone not to see. So Danielle, keep handling yourself the way you are. The other lady is likely losing potential clients by her actions. Hope that rambling makes sense But in a lighter vein, but it is often true...and kind of applies here RG
  17. Congrats NorthernOntGuy on the 3000 post milestone Enjoy your posts, looking forward to 3000 more RG
  18. Well a Google search found this http://www.soundfeelings.com/free/text_messages_from_computer.htm and this http://www.txt2day.com/ Don't know if it will help or not, but a starting point RG
  19. Depending on how much my car repair bill is...maybe Kraft Dinner...for the rest of the month LOL RG :-)
  20. Happy Birthday Joseph Enjoy your special day RG
  21. Happy Birthday Eva Enjoy your special day RG
  22. Well the only thing then is posting pictures Mine, open browser, type lyla.com, log in I'm there Click on whatever I want to see same as at home on my computer Because screen is exactly the same as on my computer Just haven't figured out how to post pictures on my phone but not a big deal, if I want to post a pic, I'll wait till I get home LOL RG
  23. I sometimes surf the internet including Lyla on my phone...a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 I'm able to access the web using normal web browser like I do on my computer My question is what is the big deal about tapatalk I do fine without it Just wondering BTW this posted on my phone RG
  24. Real classy stuff...kitty litter and toilet paper RG
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