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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Replying to one email Sending another email Posting on Lyla And about to stamp and address an envelope Then dishes RG
  2. Maybe the poor guy gets nervous and tongue tied talking to a beautiful woman Like poor Cliff and Norm Just posted in fun RG
  3. Finished reading and replying to some emails Going to pick up some stuff at the store, then come back and have lunch RG
  4. I would prefer the second outfit over the first The schoolgirl look, to me that's a woman trying to dress like a girl, doesn't appeal to me. The second outfit can be very becoming and sexy...and yes, men do make passes at women who wear glasses. ;-) But most important for me is no matter what the lady chooses to wear, she is comfortable. I've even had encounters with one lady who wore sweats...and made it work. She did it to be low key. Walking through a hotel lobby no one would suspect she is a professional companion Anyhow, a rambling RG
  5. Well my preference for ladies is little or no make-up. Make-up should complement, not cover up a lady. As for me, while no make up ;-) when I'm outdoors especially fishing, where the sun doesn't just beat down on you from above, it also reflects off the water I wear 70 block sunscreen, and reapply regularly throughout the day. Also I wear sunglasses and a wide brimmed (Tilley) hat. RG
  6. Haagen Dazs for my cat New filter for my Brita Water Pitcher And after reading Meg O'Ryan's post yesterday, bought hickory sticks and going to have them with a cup of coffee RG
  7. Potatoes, onions dill and eggs With this summerlike weather a summerlike meal called for...potato salad Eggs and potatoes cooking as I write Onion already chopped RG
  8. Happy Birthday Loki Enjoy your special day RG
  9. No one is disputing that. And a friendly hello PM from a lady I don't believe anyone has an issue with But ladies spamming the inboxes of members trying to drum up business is something else. Only twice has it happened to me, once by an agency and once by an SP, and both times it was mass spamming of male members inboxes...so all that "love to meet you" didn't feel so special LOL And how do I know, by the time I read it, then thought about it, and went back to the PM it had been removed by Mod...and no, I didn't report it. So obviously someone else, at least one other, likely more received and reported it But again, to reiterate, no one has an issue with a friendly PM...I've received PM's from ladies from the east coast and west...ladies I very likely will never meet in person. Ladies who know I'm an Ontario boy It's spamming the PM system to solicit business that is the issue RG
  10. Danielle was seeking advice on how to deal with a matter. There is a community here that can offer support and advice She did not mention names or specifics, she did not start a fight, all she did was seek advice. And the advice, generally speaking was not to bring the dispute to the board but offered some ideas on how to deal with the matter Just my opinion, but nothing wrong that I can see with Danielle's thread that I can see RG
  11. While PMing one another is one thing, like a hi how are you, But agencies/ladies/spas can't use the PM system to solicit business. Ladies that do this run the risk of being reported to Mod A lady PMing you to send a message is one thing, but to PM you to say she wants to see you comes across as soliciting. This from Lyla rules https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_pmsystemtule pm system - do not spam or send unsolicited pm's AGENCIES/LADIES/SPA'S/ETC... You CAN NOT use the PM system to send advertising PM's! Please do not PM members with offers, ads, suggestions, etc... unless the member contacts you first requesting information or they specifically post asking for a certain service that you can provide for them. Using the PM system to just BULK advertise will get you suspended. To REPORT PM SPAM: Use the REPORT THIS icon on the TOP of the PM to report SPAM (Unsolicited advertising) if someone PM's you advertising a service/spa/agency and you did not ask for info first - THIS IS SPAM - REPORT IT PLEASE! A rambling RG
  12. I would suggest you take the high road and not discuss it (ie names etc) publically on Lyla. If you see a post on Lyla use the Report Abuse icon so Mod can deal with the post If on other boards, the site likely has a similar mechanism to report offensive posts. But giving public attention to the comments actually works counterproductively, it gives life to this person's trash talk Now if the talk falls in the realm of libel, contact a lawyer...but again, keep it between you, the lawyer and the writer of the libelous material. If obsessive writings, as in stalking, contact the police It can be frustrating but should be kept off the board Good Luck RG
  13. Finished filling out the paperwork for my retirement award, two plaques and a countertop grill (beats the lawnchair LOL) Now sitting back, drinking a coffee and watching Magnum Force RG
  14. Postage...sent something to someone ;-) RG
  15. Happy Birthday Kate Enjoy your special day RG
  16. Groceries...and surprise, no jugs of water, boil water advisory lifted RG
  17. Well then why talk about something you don't know what you're talking about. His post came across, to me as bragging about his longer dates and condescending towards those who book shorter dates. The original post was about clients who book shorter dates and then spend a lot of time in the shower at the end of the date. I4F in what I also read as a condescending post towards those who book shorter dates, posted first he doesn't know what he's talking about and then goes on about his longer dates and how a client should conduct himself in shorter dates. I quote him copied/pasted "I kinda think that if a guy chooses a quickie booking of 30 minutes or less he should accept that it does not include a show after or he should ensure that the fun activities are completed at least 10 minutes before the end of his time." This advice coming from a guy who doesn't book shorter dates and by his own admission "First I should say that I have never booked a half hour appointment so it could fairly be said that I have no idea of what I am talking about but here goes anyway." Now a respected board member, mr green who does book shorter encounters and knows what he is talking about tells how he conducts himself in a shorter date. His is the opinion that has a value for the original post. As for Emily's post, hardly condescending. It was answering I4F's post wondering why a swipe taken at him. I4F post in tone and writing to those who book shorter dates, even telling us he doesn't know what he's talking about...now that was the height of condescension. If I4F didn't want an answer to his question as to why a swipe taken at him first don't post a condescending post directed to those who book shorter dates. Second if he is going to post, then talk about the topic at hand, don't brag about his longer dates, which have nothing to do with the topic, and third, don't even ask why he is being swiped at. If you ask the question, don't be surprised if you get an answer you don't like A rambling over cup number one RG
  18. After two weeks to the day...boil water advisory lifted Nice to do dishes (something you don't hear everyday LOL) without boiling a pot of water No more jugs of water to buy You don't appreciate running tap water till you can't use it RG
  19. Well I can't recommend Lyla to the ladies I see...because the ladies I see are already on Lyla and it's because of they are here that I contacted them and had date(s) with them ;-) A very few times that I saw ladies off of other boards, well I couldn't suggest they join Lyla. They were just suspensions/bans in the making...in fact two are suspended from Lyla LOL This board is a community, not just an alternative to BP. And not trying to be elitist, but it's not for everyone RG
  20. Users cry #tattoogate after inked skin foils locking mechanism, heart rate monitor (Not sure if news or technology...but I posted in technology :-) ) http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/tattoos-disrupt-apple-watch-features-users-say-1.3055388
  21. I am curious as to why you would even ask the question? Precautions ladies have in place for their safety and security are just that, for their safety and security. If it is known what ladies have for a "Plan B" or for that matter, "Plan A" "Plan C" etc then the less scrupulous clients may be able to circumvent that security to the detriment of the lady One of the keys of security is keeping it confidential on a need to know basis, and that is applicable in this lifestyle too RG
  22. 30 litres of water (3 jugs) Water advisory on till at least Friday :-( RG
  23. The person who bought my truck came by early (supposed to be Friday, came today) and for the last hour and half been finishing off the paperwork, getting plates taken off (with rusted stripped screws harder than you think) and most important, paying me the balance owed Now I'm sitting back relaxing drinking a beer (no alcohol that is) RG
  24. Schneiders Three Cheese Jalapeno sausage on a sausage bun with chopped onion And Franks Slammin Sriracha sauce over top Definitely washed down with a cold no alcohol beer RG
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