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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Finished cleaning out the truck Then went to Walmart, bought a new Keurig Now it's set up and I'm enjoying my first coffee from it :-) RG
  2. A new Keurig coffee maker, A Keurig 2.0 K300 RG
  3. This morning got up went to make my coffee. The Keurig sputter and belched out a 1/2 cup of coffee WTF!!!...well I drank the coffee first. Then checked what was wrong. Took a paperclip to unplug any areas which might be plugged, and then using vinegar scaled it. Tried to brew another cup, just sputtering, and what little coffee (like drops) ice cold. Then tried again, pump made a funny sound and died, and the screen display died My Keurig Died and it was past warranty That sucked RG
  4. Happy Birthday Chloe Enjoy your special day RG
  5. People (men and women alike) routinely give their personal information to all sorts of businesses on a regular basis...such as banks, cable companies, internet service providers, phone companies (I still get contacted by Bell after being finished with them eight years ago), etc etc etc. Do you know the background of each and every employee that works for them? Yet that information is given freely, and its even more information than a lady asks for. But when it comes to seeing a lady a man wants to see, and he is the one who contacted her, all of a sudden it's a big deal to provide your real name. No, I don't understand the hesitation. And when I embarked on this lifestyle, my career was in LE, and my bosses would have frowned on me seeing professional companions. Also, living in smalltown Ontario, if someone heard I was seeing companions, it wouldn't take long for most of the town to know I was seeing companions My employers never knew, and the town I live in doesn't know I see companions Ladies I've found, are far more discrete and honest than some businesses I've had to give information too. RG
  6. As if being awakened too early today by my fury feline alarm clock wasn't enough...just went out for groceries, it's +1 and snowing WTF!!! RG
  7. My alarm clock, a furry feline one LOL woke me up at 4am today. So now I'm up and he went back to sleep, and snoring to boot Second day in a row he's done that RG
  8. A very special lady and wonderful companion Highly respected, both as a companion and as a pillar of this community Just a few recommendations, and reflections back to Dates Of A Lifetime I've had with her https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=46726 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=111874 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=68254 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=139979 https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=187359 She is an amazing woman. The only thing more beautiful than her physical beauty, is her inner beauty. Emily is a gem. Yes I can recommend her too RG
  9. I was the second post in this thread, before Genevieve Marceau posted. I posted MY OWN OPINION not to look good, not for nominations, thanks etc...but because I posted my own opinion. Pretty condescending of you to assume any post in agreement with Genevieve Marceau is to avoid being flamed My opinion is my own RG
  10. On the lighter side http://www.ottawasun.com/2015/04/21/colorado-man-cited-for-killing-uncooperative-computer-with-handgun
  11. Woke up early...around 430. My feline alarm clock is now back asleep (I can tell, eyes closed and he's snoring) after waking me up LOL So surfing Lyla, Twitter and reading/replying to a couple emails (some other people up early too) while enjoying a much needed coffee and watching tv RG
  12. BBQ Calamari (squid) or Octopus RG
  13. Medium Rare Beef, Lamb or Pork RG
  14. I wouldn't say it is protection so much as risk reduction How do you know the ladies assume great risks? Do you know how many dates ladies have declined because of their screening procedures I don't. Not to mention screening/verification may be but one tool in their arsenal so to speak to protect them... they may employ security etc etc etc. And for those men who are bad dates, time wasters etc, I'm sure the ladies share that information with other ladies without being asked...how many men out there are known to escorts, and not in a good way But it is their verification/screening methods, as one tool, that reduce their risk, the great risk you assume they take RG
  15. Maybe a light or two on...not all on though Wings...mild, medium, hot, suicide RG
  16. Met friends for our weekly breakfast get together RG
  17. My guess the details of how a lady screens are and rightfully so, going to be kept confidential. In my experience it isn't just your real name required. Ladies also want a reference from a reputable independent companion, email address, contact phone number. Some also like your board handle (confirmed by PM) and a work phone number. Information for screening/verification is more than just your name. Just my opinion, but ladies are seeing a man alone intimately. Something that takes a great deal of trust on their part. Ladies, in spite of men's fear for their privacy, run higher real risks than guys do. Anything clients/potential clients can do to minimize the risks, well I for one am willing to do A rambling RG
  18. Bag of fresh cheese curd...from the cheese factory. Curd you can eat from the bag, no need for dishes...so that and a bottle of beer for dinner :-) And two big jugs of water Looks like boil water advisory on till early next week :-( RG
  19. One has to remember the dynamics of arranging a date with a lady. The lady has her screening/contact information on her website It is the man who initiates contact with the lady, not the lady initiating contact with a man. Would anyone provide personal information to a stranger who just contacted them. And if the man doesn't like the lady's screening requirements (which he should know before contacting her), he is free to contact another lady who doesn't require his name, and not contact a lady who does require his name. And just a feeling, but I get the impression that guys who want a lady's personal information, like her name just want it as a form of tit for tat...she has my name, I want hers. But more ominously are some "clients" who want a lady's name for nefarious purposes. There could be other Robert Picktons out there. Or obsessive men, ones who get possessive and might stalk and would enjoy having a lady's personal information A rambling RG
  20. Probably a bag of fresh curd Washed down with a no alcohol beer (gotta conserve water LOL) RG
  21. When I first began in this lifestyle back in 2010 I booked a date with a lady who had verification/screening procedures which included providing my real name OMG!!! I thought, she'll know my real name. Seems all too funny to me now, but I remember the feeling in the pit of my stomach after providing ALL verification information...what if she contacts my workplace, she could call the papers, etc etc etc Well reality kicked in. This lady was very appreciative of me being open with her. And I have found EVERY lady who has screening procedures in place appreciates it when a gentleman provides all information requested Most ladies I see have screening procedures in place including providing my name There is nothing to fear from providing a lady information. In my experience ladies are far more trustworthy with my personal information than say businesses who have my information, such as cable companies, phone companies, the government etc etc etc Ladies use this information for their safety I understand the real concern for a man to be concerned about his privacy, but a lady equally has a real concern for her safety and a lady's safety trumps a man's privacy each and every time Screening including providing your name goes a long way to establishing trust between a lady and gentleman. When you first meet a lady after being screened it makes the date all the more special and intimate...because you took time to establish trust. And intimacy comes from trust, trust comes from verification Don't be afraid of providing your information to ladies guys, seeing professional companions isn't about anonymous encounters. It is about a date with a lady, a real live three dimensional person. So if a lady you wish to see requests your personal information, provide it. It is becoming more and more the norm. A quick morning rambling RG
  22. Just a few threads on the subject of fragrances and perfumes http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=67842&highlight=fragrances http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=53614&highlight=fragrances http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23370&highlight=fragrances http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=151438&highlight=fragrances http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=191849&highlight=perfumes http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=119278&highlight=perfumes RG
  23. Chicken Lasagna (no not made from scratch, frozen nuked in the microwave) Washed down with a bottle of water RG
  24. Well had someone knock on my apartment door...no not that type of knock, that would make this a Great Day!!! :-) But someone showed up and is interested in buying my truck. Saves me getting it towed to a scrap yard. Will give me an answer by end of the week Selling it for the same price as I would get for scrapping it...no need to try and rip off someone RG
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