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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Something to keep in mind. Not all ladies who have no recommendations have them (well don't have them LOL)because of bad service or ripping off clients. One highly respected companion (now retired) for a time wanted no recommendations written due to personal circumstances in her life. But she was an excellent companion. And definitely recommendation worthy. But she didn't want recommendations posted of her dates. Second there may be new ladies just starting in this business. And they have no recommendations/reviews. Does that mean until they get a recommendation you should assume bad service or she ripped off people. Pretty unfair assumption Third not all reviews/recommendations are accurate. You are getting the opinion of a "board handle" one for the most part you don't know. I can think of one lady highly reviewed, and she was one of the six worst ladies I met. And I recall a review of another lady (on another board), a bad review. Done by a guy who reported what he heard from another guy who had a friend who saw the lady. In short a third hand review by a guy who never even met the lady. The lady btw I have met and she was a great companion. Finally every encounter is between TWO people. Yes you may have had a poor or fair encounter, but how much of it was due to a lack of chemistry/connection between you and the lady. And I'm sure the ladies understand that, which is why ladies don't blacklist guys after a lacklustre date. If the client is a bad date (ie pushes boundaries, poor hygiene, haggles etc) he likely is reported, but if he does everything right, just no connection, the lady won't blacklist them. So likewise, some guys need to realize a date, no matter how "perfect" both try to be, still needs a connection/chemistry to be good. And no matter how many reviews/recommendations posted by an anonymous board handle, at the end of the day, it still is the two people having the date who either have chemistry or not. And that determines whether a date is good or not One last point. It is surprising how many ask for recommendations/review on ladies, but don't write any recommendations on encounters they've had. Personally, I don't use recommendations to decide who I want to see. That said I do write them because it is a) a public way of saying thank you to a lady for a wonderful time together, and b) it may help the lady in her business by telling guys of a lady to see, and the opposite side of that coin, c) it may assist guys in helping them choose a wonderful lady to see And to me, part of being on this board is not just as a consumer of information, but as a contributor too Writing recommendations is a way to contribute to this community A rambling RG
  2. Some groceries, and more water :-) RG
  3. BLT's on rye sans the L but with extra B to compensate LOL Washed down with a beer, a no alcohol beer RG
  4. To me it depends on the tone of the PM. I've had respectful PM's sent to me about ladies, and PM's that were asking about ladies but were disrespectful. Irrespective, I NEVER discuss details of any encounters I've had. And I've also had PM's about ladies I've never seen In the case of respectful PM's it was usually from newbies, both to Lyla and this lifestyle And I don't have any hard and fast rule about dealing with PM's, I would deal with it on a case by case basis Anyhow, a quick rambling RG
  5. We have running water back in town. Water has been off since Friday night...you don't appreciate running water till you don't have it Still will use bottled water for drinking (not sure tap water is potable) but for other things (toilet :-) ) who cares And do you want to know how much bottled water you need to flush a toilet LOL RG
  6. Reading/replying to emails, surfing Lyla and Twitter while watching tv and drinking my second coffee.....and overjoyed, we have running water back in town :-) RG
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6o0Cah5kQU :) :-) :-) :-) :-) RG :-)
  8. Artifical Fishing...shallow water or deep water RG
  9. Four cases of water and ten big bottles of water RG
  10. Leftover spaghetti carbonarra And no take out for the next few days, all restaurants and take out joints in town closed because there is no water in town RG
  11. I suppose in a couple years seeing my age now, I'll be getting one of these phones LOL RG
  12. Jigging Buzzbaits or Spinnerbaits RG
  13. I'm not from Winnipeg but her ad provides sites, including CERB where she is reviewed RG
  14. Italian Freshwater or saltwater fishing RG
  15. I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 that I'm very happy with There are a lot of choices out there, and what is right for one person may not be right for another person Like Emily says, it comes down to personal preference RG
  16. Fire department knocked on my door...no, no fire. But there is break in the water main so no drinking water for 48 hours and they want residents of town to conserve their water use RG
  17. JMHO and speaking for me the turn came not from the original question. You were given answers to your question. But you chose to make this post in response to those replies (Copied/pasted) well actually Mr Boone. I'm in my thirties, and the topic was meant to be a healthy conversation piece. Not some pointless attempt for spank bank material. There's plenty of that online:wink: Anyways, I was just wondering as some do send them out. If the ladies of lyla don't want my business because of it, then so be it. I'll take it elsewhere! When you make a post and in that post make a statement that in essence says you won't see any lady unless she sends nude pics, that is what got you flack. Your original thread question, you got legitimate answers to your question. But this statement (in blue) you turned your original post to for lack of a better term, an ultimatum to ladies. And with that statement I can't believe your original intent was to start a healthy conversation piece, you wanted to stir the pot RG
  18. Did you know Paul McCartney of the Beatles really died in 1966 and was replaced by a look alike? http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/former-beatle-ringo-starr-claims-the-real-paul-mccartney-died-in-1966-and-was-replaced-by-look-alike/ :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: RG :-)
  19. Cooking dinner...right now the smell of bacon is going through the apartment, and probably everyone on my floor can smell it :-) RG
  20. Spaghetti Carbonara (spaghetti with butter, cream, egg, parmesan and bacon) Making enough so I have leftovers for a few days RG
  21. Did you know that 95% of men and 89% of women reported they have/do masturbate What does that mean 5% of men and 11% of women lied when answering the survey LOL RG
  22. After yesterday just relaxing today Surfing Lyla, Twitter, and reading/replying to some emails while having a coffee. Just a nice quiet day today Shortly heading out to pick up some groceries RG
  23. I've had this one sitting in my inbox and decided to finally pass it on As a rule, I don't pass along these "add your name" lists that appear in emails. But this one is important ! It has been circulating for several weeks and has been sent to over 20 million people. To show your support for Senator Mike Duffy, please go to the end of the list. Please add your name and forward to all your friends. 1. Mrs Duffy 2.
  24. Eagles The Long Run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaVDqK7d_DQ RG
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