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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. That is why I prefaced my post with this "I have to say while not knowing the layout or management of the hotel from what you posted I think you and your gf very likely contributed to the problem" Maybe the Extended Stay is not very SP friendly and does kick out ladies...I don't know. But common sense, if the traffic coming in and out of a lady's room becomes very obvious very quickly(her words) someone is going to complain and the front desk is going to make enquiries. And I do emphasize, I believe she contributed to the problem BTW I think this is true of any hotel. If traffic coming in and out of a lady's room becomes very obvious very quickly someone is going to complain and the front desk is going to make enquiries Discretion is key both for ladies and gentlemen in this lifestyle. No one should know why the lady is there except for the lady and her client RG
  2. I have to say while not knowing the layout or management of the hotel from what you posted I think you and your gf very likely contributed to the problem. First, I'm sure when you booked through Priceline you did not use the name m.i.l.f. jade, you used your real name. But likely your BP ad would be using your alias...m.i.l.f jade So even if the front desk looked at BP how would they connect your real name (used to register at the hotel) to the name on the BP ad Unless, mere speculation here...did you post on your BP ad you were seeing clients at Extended Stay Second, and not moralizing about laws, but legally (assuming this is pre C 36) incalls were not legal. Meaning conducting the activities out of your room was not legal Third and what is the tip off for me. You stated "is each wing only has 4 rooms per floor, so the traffic in & out becomes very obvious, very quickly." It would seem you and your gf had rooms for an incall (illegal) with obvious client traffic. I would suspect this above all else is why you were asked to leave. Someone complained If you are going to have an in call out of a hotel the key is discretion. If traffic is becoming obvious very quickly (your words) don't be surprised nor blame a hotel for asking you to leave. I'm not judging if you see a lot of clients or a few a day. But no matter what, no one outside of the date should know why you are there. And even now, you are still indiscrete. You announce on a public board , Lyla (who knows who are all the members here, maybe someone who works at Albert At Bay) that you use Albert At Bay Any hotel is going to raise their eyebrows when someone is indiscrete. You should just let a client know after a date is confirmed where you are staying, not let all of CERB know what your regular hotel is RG
  3. Love you derailing this trainwreck of a thread my dear (virtual) Wifey Umm what do you think the chances are for the Toronto Maple Leafs next year LOL RG
  4. Well I'm sure the ladies of Lyla are just lining up eagerly awaiting the chance to send you pics on the chance you might give them your business Actually I'm quite sure the ladies do just fine without having to send you pictures at all RG
  5. Got up a little while ago, enjoying coffee number one while surfing Lyla, Twitter and reading emails and watching tv Shortly I'll be getting ready to go out for breakfast with some friends and fellow retirees :-) RG
  6. Goodbye Excalibur Well on here ;-) Good luck and we'll Tweet later :-) RG
  7. Just a beautiful sunny and warm (+15) day Went out for a walk awhile ago...just a nice day out RG
  8. A lazy Sunday morning, watching The Godfather (recorded on my PVR), Tweeting, surfing Lyla, and looking at boat manufacturers websites...maybe, just maybe I'll be in a position to buy a boat (more from a personal family standpoint than financial) RG
  9. Have one venison steak left...reheat it, have it with a baked potato Glad I have friends who hunt and give care packages. I like beef, don't get me wrong, but venison is a treat RG
  10. Happy Birthday Meaghan Enjoy your special day RG
  11. Digesting a delicious venison dinner Took a couple days of preparation, but preparation was well worth it Now just need to muster up the energy to get out of my chair and do the dishes RG
  12. Only one lady has received pics of me. One pic was because I value and trust her opinion and it was a face pic of me with a beard. I wanted her opinion...btw I'm back to being clean shaven. The other, just me holding a muskie I caught. We talked about my fishing, had to prove I've caught a fish at least once LOL To me, at least in the beginning of this lifestyle for me, it was scary enough providing personal verification information including my real name But I would never send personal pictures to a lady I don't know That said, if a gambling man, I would bet a lady sending selfies to a guy is a lot cheaper for the guy than booking a date with her...read into that what you will ;-) A rambling RG
  13. It sucks, but sometimes cancellations are legitimate and a fact of life Speaking for myself, I cancelled last minute on a touring lady due to illness. What I did was still pay her in full for the encounter...why should she be out plane fair, hotel fees etc due to my illness Another time I had to postpone on a lady but when I re-booked a few weeks later I increased our time together and increased her tip...for the inconvenience What I would suggest, is first implementing screening/verification for prospective clients. What it has involved, and only seen from this guy's vantage point, is providing a lady my real name, board handle confirmed by PM, email and phone number. You likely could ask a lady (or ladies) how screening/verification works. To this end there is a Verified Independent's Section (Ladies Only)...contact the Mod about how to gain access Second is you could insist on a deposit from a prospective client before booking. Someone is not going to be a no show if he has paid a deposit Just a couple thoughts A rambling RG
  14. Venison steaks with baked potato and a salad Washed down with a no alcohol beer Going out to the grocery store shortly to pick up the potatoes, sour cream and salad Mixed berries for desert Been looking forward to this for the past couple days RG
  15. Something that I find a turn off is when one companion pronounces her opinion of how other companions conduct their business publically on a board like this. Every lady has a business model that works for them. To publically make comments and posts as if there is one "right" way to do things and thus by extension every other way is wrong, and their way is the only right way. And then posting it publically for other ladies and prospective clients to read is a major turn off A second major turn off, said before, but deserves repeating. It is plagiarism whether in ad titles and content, or outright stealing of websites Any lady who plagiarises is stealing, and I am left wondering if she would steal another lady's ads/websites etc, what else would she steal A rambling RG
  16. Just removed the venison from the red wine marinade Put it in another dish, and poured Renee's Mighty Caesar dressing over the venison and it's back in the fridge Now enjoying a cup of coffee RG
  17. Meat Loaf...I'm assuming the food, not the singer But here's Meat Loaf...the singer LOL But on a foodie note, seeing as I'm having venison for supper Saturday...a treat for me BTW Deer or Moose RG
  18. Just turned the venison steaks over in the marinade and put them back in the fridge And made garlic olive oil which I'll use for frying the steaks up in Saturday night Mouth is watering already RG
  19. That sucks, I've had a few bad experiences too That said, Lyla is a recommendation board not a review board So no negative reviews are allowed here There is a forum on Lyla, a warnings section to report dangerous encounters, bait & switch etc...but it isn't to post negative reviews Here's the link https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=17 Also Cowboy Kenny has The Cowboy's Diary http://www.cowboysdiary.info/ Tell him your experience, he may post it in his diary But really, if just a bad date, chalk it up to experience, and move on RG
  20. JMHO But proper way to ask....don't Ladies often have pictures on their websites and albums on Lyla And some ladies have members only sections too Those are the pictures she is willing to post and share, and done as part of attracting prospective clients/clients But to ask a lady if she will provide you with n ude pictures, I wouldn't She may think you're just a tire kicker looking for free pics, and not a prospective client looking for a date. Any pics she has are used for getting clients...in other words as part of her business RG
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