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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Really if you do know of ladies who have had professional photographs done that are a clear misrepresentation of themselves, you should report it in the Warnings Section of the city they are in. Your post, at least to me implies all ladies who have professional photos done are misleading potential clients. Even ladies I saw and couldn't recommend, their photos were accurate. And to say I have been lucky, I have partaken in this lifestyle since July 2010. Not one lady's photo a misrepresentation of her I haven't been lucky, I do my research. A lady who misrepresents herself with photos needs to be reported in the Warnings Section, because fake or misrepresented photos are part of bait and switch My concern with a thread like this, it paints all ladies who use professional photos as misrepresenting themselves. And ladies who invest in themselves by having professional photos shouldn't be painted with the same brush as those who use what I'll call fake photos Your thread does a major disservice to many professional companions here on Lyla, especially the ones who invest in themselves by having professional photos done. A rambling over cup number two RG
  2. The difference is this. A client's recommendation of a lady is directed to other potential clients of a lady to see because she is a wonderful companion A lady's screening methods are to determine if potential clients are safe to see. And when it comes to a lady's safety she is going to use tried and proven methods of screening (client's name, email, phone number, reference etc) It isn't done by having a list of client's name on Lyla. It is done on an individual basis. Your intent may be good, but really, you're trying to fix something that isn't broken. And to reiterate, first guys should have no part in telling ladies how to screen. And second, how do we know what goes on in the Ladies Only Section...I don't. Maybe they utilize that section in part in their screening A morning rambling before coffee number one RG
  3. Well I'm trying to think of some lady where the companion's photos did not look at all like the lady used over kill, or was a misrepresentation of herself. Of the ladies I have seen who had/have professional photos done, (at the time I saw them) ten out of ten ladies had photos that accurately represented themselves. In fact of all the ladies I've seen, whether they used professional photos or selfies, I've never had an issue about the photo accurately representing themselves. I'm sure there are some, but I've been seeing professional companions since July 2010 (not long compared to most) and never has a lady's photos been an issue for me Anyhow, just a rambling reflecting my experience RG
  4. Ladies have their own screening methods And ladies should be the ones to decide if needs be, amongst each other, screening methods It's not for us clients to advocate how a lady screens, just support a lady when she asks a client for screening information from a prospective client Sometimes as part of screening, they look at a board member's posting history Hence why often a lady wants a prospective client to confirm his board handle by PM Also there is the Ladies' Only section on Lyla But who knows what is discussed on the SP Only section of Lyla (which is btw part of this board, just gentlemen not allowed) Just because us men don't see it on Lyla doesn't mean it isn't there And even though I'm not allowed, nor never will be allowed access, I don't feel excluded ;-) RG
  5. Actually if taken on a cell phone with a small screen they'd look less like boobies wouldn't they LOL Just like a male genital shot makes a pinkie finger in comparison look huge RG
  6. Guess there is a Seinfeld episode for every occasion and every post LOL RG :-)
  7. As someone who has seen one or two ladies (OK maybe more ;-) ) in this lifestyle I've never bashed a lady over her photos...not ever!!!!! If a lady chooses, for whatever her reasons to use selfies from a cell phone as her photos, I won't criticize. Likewise a professional companion who chooses to invest in a professional photo-shoot shouldn't be criticized. Yes a professional photographer photoshop's the photos. But in my experience, seeing ladies with professional photos, what those photos do is enhance the natural beauty already there. They don't produce fake photos. When the lady came to my room, and I only had the professional photos to go by, they have always been an accurate representation of the lady. BTW just as a sidebar, does anyone think professional photo-shoots of professional models, such as Playboy, Victoria's Secret, SI Swimsuit Edition etc doesn't involve photoshopping. Maybe some would say those pictures are glamourized, but no an inaccurate portrait of the model. Anyway back to the topic at hand Some ladies, such as Emily also take selfies, on Twitter for example. Those photos complement her professional photos, or is it her professional photos compliment her selfies. And the same holds true of other ladies I have seen. And those selfies also show a bit of time and effort on the part of the lady. If anything, some ladies should take dare I say it, better quality selfies. A photo from a cell phone can still look high quality. But a lot of selfies from a cell phone look like they were done quickly, using a flash which is reflecting in a bathroom mirror. A little patience with the selfies, a bit of attention to lighting, would pay dividends in the end. As long as a lady's photos are an accurate reflection of her, then there are no issues from this client, prospective client. And if you are using photos, they need to be kept up to date. Photos going back to 2010 should not be used now as current pictures on a lady's profile/website. That is to me as dishonest as using someone else's photos A rambling RG
  8. I'm sure I speak for all saying we're all glad you are OK Emily :-) And that the injuries sustained by some passengers wasn't life threatening No fatalities, in what could have been a disaster a blessing Limbo sucks, but it could have been worse RG
  9. Before I begin though, my points here have been already mentioned. My post more a reiteration of previous posts First, is respect. Respectful posts get respectful replies. But the tone of the replies is from the inherent disrespectful tone of the OP's thread. What do I, and others see as disrespectful. As pointed out by Kathyrn Bardot is the use of the words something. Ladies are NOT things. Ladies are human beings, worthy of respect. And discussions about interactions between a lady and gentlemen deserve showing more respect than using dehumanizing terms to describe ladies Some may be willing to excuse his post as a newbie. But newbie or not, calling a lady a thing, well specifically "something" is just dehumanizing. All I can take from his terminology is he sees women as two dimensional providers for his needs, not a real three dimensional human being to have meaningful interactions with. Finally and as pointed out by my dear (virtual) wifey, Gabriella, I'm surprised more haven't commented on the OP's mentioning street walkers It is illegal and a topic not to be discussed. Just that comment by the OP should rate his post a "F"...although his other comments certainly aren't respectful Anyhow a rambling, mostly reiterating others' thoughts RG
  10. And she is a wonderful companion My recommendation of Lou https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=L&t=95910 RG
  11. Maybe it's a sign, come to Lyla, come to Lyla LOL RG
  12. For me (in addition to the donation of course ;-) ) I leave a gift and tip What I tip, well that's private between the lady and me What I give for a gift, well I read a lady's website, and see what she'd like. But it has included gift cards for Victoria's Secret, La Senza, La Vie En Rose, Sephora, Chapters, Air Canada etc. I also bought clothes once for a lady, but sized wrong so lesson learned, stick to gift cards LOL But the answer to your question is tipping and gifting, it will differ from client to client. But if you do receive a gift and tip, it shows he appreciated the companionship you provided. But don't expect or count on it, that way it's a treat, a surprise when given, and you aren't disappointed when not given...if that makes sense A rambling RG Additional Comments: @waterat The ladies I see would much prefer the gift cards I listed But if one day I became a professional male companion (ladies faces turning green with illness at the idea LOL) BPS, Gander Mountain and Cabalas Gift Cards would be appreciated ;-) Of course I'd only get them in denominations of $1.00 and that's because they don't make 25 cent gift cards LOL All in fun of course RG
  13. The fact that the Courts haven't dealt with him more severely surprises (well after 29 years in LE surprise is the wrong word) me. With his criminal history, you'd think by now he'd be serving a much longer sentence (two years is considered a short sentence) That he was detained by the PBC (meaning he served the full sentence, he didn't get released on Statutory Release) and from reading the news report I think that the Police/Crown used Section 810 Criminal Code to monitor him after he served his sentence, including releasing his photo shows how dangerous law enforcement considers him Warning flags were probably there, as they are with anyone who likes to control women. That his actions were not dealt with much earlier allowed him to escalate his deviant behaviour. But it's not unprecedented. How many other men have controlling, maybe even violent behaviour. It goes unchecked or just with minor sanctions. And it usually starts with relatively speaking, minor inappropriate actions and escalates from there RG
  14. My experience, let the lady take the lead. Definitely ensures you won't do something to cross her boundaries. If you continue seeing the lady, in an ongoing client/companion relationship, you'll both get comfortable with one another and just know One thing, what works in one client/companion relationship won't necessarily work in another. All people are unique and all relationships are unique too. Even different dates with the same lady are special and unique, and not clones of one another. But with an ongoing relationship and date, you'll just know. One lady may always like to take the initiative, another, the man, and another, let the encounter just unfold naturally Just my experience RG
  15. Well posting a day late but I was away from the computer for a day :-) Highlights of the day Yesterday A dinner date with Emily Rushton followed by Em accompanying me to my first ever Ottawa Social And then of course, Highlight Two yesterday, attending the Ottawa Social :-) RG
  16. Happy Belated Birthday Wishes Asuran Hope you had a great day RG
  17. Not a penis pic but is it OK to take a picture of frank and beans RG :-)
  18. Well sipping, OK gulping my first morning coffee. Then down to the car, first stop Timmies for coffee two, and Ottawa here I come See you tonight RG
  19. Got through a very long day today Just finished packing (except for a couple last minute items I'll pack tomorrow morning) Now sitting back relaxing and enjoying a no alcohol beer And tomorrow to Ottawa and the Social :-) RG
  20. After a long day and 3/4 away, getting caught up on emails, surfing Lyla/Twitter and shortly going to get packed up...trip to Ottawa tomorrow RG
  21. Having a second coffee, surfing Lyla and counting down the hours till I go home today RG
  22. Well got to make it thru today and in 24 hours approx I'm getting in my car and heading to Ottawa Tomorrow night the Social RG
  23. Maybe it's me or this early hour LOL but when I hear the term feelings used it conveys the idea of like and affection beyond just chemistry/connection and even friends. Feelings to me means the "L" word....yes love. Whether real or puppy love This is supposed to be no strings and drama free. A lady wants a good client, not a boyfriend And most gentlemen like this lifestyle because there are no next day phone calls etc Love implies lots of strings and a drama in the making and in this lifestyle would usually be one way without feelings reciprocated A early morning rambling RG
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