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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. She only lives by those words because with all her travelling and the time zones she crosses it is 5 o'clock somwhere But I think Em much prefers Jimmy Buffets "Margaritaville" RG
  2. In about 48 hours getting dressed and ready for the Social Maybe I'll dress like a cowboy, stetson and all and go not as RG but AJ...Alan Jackson...I hear Emily likes him LOL RG
  3. Well speaking for me I give a gift and tip I won't say publically how much...thats private But for me an encounter has an intangible value far exceeding any donation asked for I hope my gift/tip giving shows just how much I value their companionship As for protocol I have the gift in a gift bag upon arrival. And a tip given at the end of the date I don't know if thats an answer RG
  4. Just a half more day of hell, tomorrow afternoon home and pack up and Thursday bright and early Ottawa here I come And I get to meet Wifey 2 RG
  5. Redhead with a Capital R My BBFF (Emily) and Wifey 1 ( Gabriella) both are Redheads RG
  6. I recall a friend of mine, an older farmer, with his advice on relationships. He said a relationship was like a glass of milk. If someone poured some vinegar in the milk it soured, and a relationship that breaks up it like proverbial sour milk. Now if you could take all the vinegar out of the milk, it's too late, the milk stays sour. Likewise, after a breakup it's like the milk, stays sour even if everything "fixed". And getting back still doesn't fix the sour. Best bet, it's over, ended, move on. Best for both of you BTW my friend said it much better, but this is the gist of what he said RG
  7. There is one major difference, and I'll speak in generalizations. If a client wishes to break up with a companion, she'll accept the break up and move on. But if a companion wishes to break up with a guy, yes some guys are mature and accept a break up. But many do things, unfortunately, like threaten to bash a lady on review boards, write bad reviews etc. Some even exhibit obsessive behaviour, such as stalking, threatening to out the lady etc etc etc A lady realizes her professional reputation is at stake. So she will remain quiet about a break up. There is no such comparable professional reputation for a gentleman. Any man who has a good reputation as a client will accept a break up and move on. One who does not care about his reputation as a client will be less inhibited about bashing a lady At the end of the day though, relationships take two people. If one of those people no longer wish for the relationship to continue, it's over...time to move on Most everyone at least once, probably more, in their life has been through a break up, either as a break-upee or break-upor. It's hard, no argument, but everyone survives. Move on and move forward Just part ways, don't make the other person's life hell for breaking up RG
  8. I have to echo my dear (virtual) wife's opinion In a perfect world, a lady, or gentlemen who no longer wishes to see a client/companion, as the case may be should send a nice email basically saying thanks for our past, but it's time to move forward. I'll remember with fondness our times together, but its time to part ways...or words to that effect. But that's in a perfect world. But even getting a one line "I don't want to see you and want no further contact" is enough The flip side, if a gentlemen or lady receives such an email, take it like an adult. If that gentleman or lady TRULY liked and respected her client/his companion, he/she should respect their decision to end the SP/Client relationship. In other words, be mature, and be an adult about it. Take the Dear John/Dear Jane email on a high note, say goodbye and move on. When someone if they received a "Dear John" "Dear Jane" email pesters and harasses that person, it just shows they never ever cared about their client/companion in the first place. And breaking up was the right thing to do, the relationship was unhealthy Sometimes in this lifestyle, which is about mutual respect and mutually beneficial relationships, ending relationships is the best for all concerned And at the end of the day, all that is owed is time and companionship for the donation paid. An encounter with a regular client/companion does not mean a marriage like commitment. And even marriage doesn't always last a lifetime A long winded rambling RG
  9. Over Easy, on top of hash brown potatoes with a side of bacon Now a trick question Pink (the colour) or Alan Jackson WTF is RG talking about LOL RG
  10. Having a coffee, watching "The Guns Of Navarone" surfing Lyla, Twitter, reading/replying to emails and recharging my battery booster pack (just to be safe, going to Ottawa this week) Shortly going to have dinner. RG
  11. http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=671847&postcount=1660 Well that feeling I had yesterday especially after Emily's posted about a new dress, I weakened and bought something pink RG Additional Comments: @Excaliber...guaranteed no pink dress...no ladies' clothes of any sort But seeing as Em bought a new dress, I kinda weakened a bit RG
  12. Thursday evening will be the highlight of this week for me. So looking forward to coming And I have three ladies' door prizes to donate too RG
  13. I don't know yet but I'm getting the feeling I'll be buying something pink:-) RG :-)
  14. Frankly I hope for a minority Liberal, NDP or Conservative government Minority governments need the Opposition, they need to work with ALL of Parliament But I hope that Harper, MacKay and Joy Smith (her first name is a lie, can't believe there is any joy from her...but I digress) get booted out as MPs And I lied, I don't want the conservatives back in at all But a minority Liberal or NDP...works for me RG
  15. http://www.values.com/inspirational-stories-tv-spots/99-the-greatest
  16. The Marcels Blue Moon Even the moon was blue when I was born :-) RG
  17. Happy Birthday Grasshopper Enjoy your special day RG
  18. Received an automated email confirming my hotel reservation this Thursday. Things seem all a go for the Ottawa Social for me RG
  19. Reading/replying to emails :-) Surfing Lyla and Twitter And about to prepare lunch RG
  20. A Test For You If you pass you DON'T have a dirty mind Don't scroll down for the answers, that's cheating If you pass, you must close out your Lyla account But you can apply to be part of the Ancient Order of Turtles http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/masonicmuseum/fraternalism/turtles.htm BTW I'm still on Lyla, so I failed (or passed depending on how you look at it) the exam :-) RG 1. I am a protrusion that comes in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip. When you blow me, you feel good. What am I? 2. I'm spread before I'm eaten. Your tongue gets me off. People sometimes lick my nuts. What am I? 3. I assist an erection. Sometimes big balls hang from me. I'm called a big swinger. What am I? 4. Over 1,000 people went down on me. I wasn't a maiden for long. A big hard thing ripped me open. What am I? 5. You stick your poles inside me. You tie me down to get me up. I get wet before you do. What am I? 6. When I go in I cause pain. I cause you to spit and ask you not to swallow. I can fill your hole. What am I? 7. A finger goes in me. You fiddle with me when you're bored. The best man always has me first. What am I? 8. All day long, it's in and out. I discharge loads from my shaft. Both men and women go down on me. What am I? 9. I go in hard. I come out soft. You blow me hard. What am I? 10. If I miss, I hit your bush. It's my job to stuff your box. When I come, it's news. What am I? 11. I offer Protection. I get the finger ten times. You use your fingers to get me off. What am I? 12. I have a stiff shaft. My tip penetrates. I come with a quiver. What am I? 13. My business is briefs. I am a cunning linguist. I plead and plead for it. What am I? ANSWERS 1. - A Nose - 2. - Peanut Butter - 3. - A Crane - 4. - The Titanic - 5. - A Tent - 6. - A Dentist - 7. - A Wedding Ring - 8. - An Elevator - 9. - Chewing Gum - 10. - A Newspaper Boy - 11. - A Glove - 12. - An Arrow - 13. - An Attorney
  21. Well the Wolves are just having a housecleaning of management The Belleville Bulls housecleaned so much they are going to be the Hamilton Bulldogs http://www.thestar.com/sports/hockey/2015/03/12/ohls-belleville-bulls-moving-to-hamilton-next-season.html For someone who knows nothing about hockey, I know some RG
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