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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. But we are all accepting of each other, no possessiveness, no jealousies. We are all thinking of moving to Salt Lake City Utah LOL Roamingguy has two Wifeys and a BBFF (best beautiful friend forever) I answer to roamingguy, RG, hubby, "your going to wear pink or else" but I call myself Lucky RG
  2. Wanting a married woman...hmmm isn't that what a wife is LOL Seriously, that isn't something to broach with a companion you don't know for a first date...she may take it as a serious crossing of boundaries. If there is a lady you get to know, over time you both may get more comfortable with one another to talk about various personal aspects of your lives, not so much for fantasy though, but because you both become more comfortable and trust one another Besides, how would you know she isn't just saying that to give you the answer she thinks you want to hear RG
  3. Well a few comments. First the STD risks...if anything, my experience in this lifestyle is that the ladies are absolutely religious about safe sex. I would hazard a guess that the STD risks are more than likely less in this lifestyle than in random bar pick ups. And my personal experience, clean bill of health STD wise since embarking on this lifestyle in July 2010, and I've seen since that time exclusively professional companions Second, why are there social responsibilities needed in the actions between two consenting adults in this lifestyle. Partners should be responsible to one another, but social responsibility??? Do you propose the same "social responsibility for bar pick up's. Companions are very religious about safe sex, far more than any ladies I met in civilian life. That said, if your focus is on social responsibility shouldn't it be more directed towards the civilian dating scene As for your assertion about sex addiction, who warns whom. Does a prospective client warn a companion about sex addiction because a lady may be a sex addict. Or does a companion warn a prospective client about sex addiction because the client may be a sex addict. We are all adults and will choose to do what we like, making adult choices for ourselves. Unless you want us to all have warning labels like cigarette packs have written on us across our foreheads. What you want isn't social responsibility. It is infantilizing all adults for having adult sexual relations because maybe, just maybe a few adults have sex addiction, and of those, likely even less in this lifestyle have sex addiction Finally, nothing done in this lifestyle will make it be considered normalized. As for legally normalized, it was until very recently, legal. And so called social responsibility as you see it wouldn't have changed them from changing the law. I as of yet haven't seen any evidence from you substantiating your arguments. Just you posting your unsubstantiated opinion and wanting us to accept social responsibility as you see it. Just my opinion but I get the impression from your posts you have some hidden agenda or something in your personal past and you want to blame sex addiction and this lifestyle, and not take personal responsibility RG
  4. Shorter encounters just wouldn't work for me. There's more to seeing a lady than how long you last. Time for conversation over drinks, maybe dinner out, then time spent intimately with a woman you took the time to get to know, or you do know. And even then, it's not how long you last. You can lie in bed kissing and cuddling. An encounter for me is something to be looked forward to. Not just for sex, but for an evening spent with a lady. I've had wonderful encounters where most of the date was in the living room of my suite and the lady and I were catching up, sharing laughs. And others, no sex, but absolutely great dates. I'm not saying 15, 30 or 45 minute encounters are wrong, just they aren't for me. I'll stick with three to four hour (or longer) dates and let the dates unfold naturally and unscripted. And afterwards, I'm left with wonderful memories of evenings spent with special ladies RG
  5. Don't worry Katherine, just had the oil changed in my car, new battery put in I'm good to go :-) RG
  6. Just finished the updates on my TomTom plus added some points of interests when I hit Ottawa next week. RG
  7. Attending the Social...been thinking of buying a scooter. Is a three and half hour trip (one way) too far on a scooter or should I drive Where do I put my suitcase? RG
  8. Groceries (especially beer to go with my dinner) and a 9volt battery. Forgot to change the battery in my smoke alarm last weekend when the clocks changed RG
  9. Well nothing fancy, but spicy Schneider's Three Cheese Jalapeño sausage cooked up in the frying pan With Frank's Red Hot Buffalo Wing sauce over it And a side of homemade macaroni salad Washed down with a cold no alcohol beer Followed by mixed berries for desert RG
  10. Happy Birthday Zealous4U Enjoy your special day RG
  11. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/sex-industry/brothel-buster-meet-the-man-who-gets-paid-to-have-sex-with-prostitutes-10103723.html?origin=internalSearch
  12. I didn't say it makes them dishonest. What I said "Openness and honesty is important in this lifestyle. Apps hiding cell numbers aren't open" The app isn't what I would call open As for a companion's overall presence and reputation, that works when the companion has been around awhile and established a reputation. A lady just getting started though, she doesn't have that presence and reputation yet. So something like this app used by a companion just starting out, well it doesn't appear she is open and may raise red flags to potential clients And irrespective, do you not agree that openness and honesty are important in this lifestyle? RG
  13. I would wonder why a lady is trying to hide her cell number. Initial impressions are important and trust has to be established on both sides. So when someone does something like hiding her number, you have to wonder if she is hiding something else Even if the user's intent, be it a companion or client is innocent in using this app, they should know it can be cause for concern. A client may not get booked. A companion may miss out on seeing a potential client. Openness and honesty is important in this lifestyle. Apps hiding cell numbers aren't open A rambling from a guy who techie knowhow limited on these things but believes in openness and honesty RG
  14. Well first I'm no expert, not pretending to be. But some ideas First I personally am not a fan of someone using the term sex addict. There may be some, but I am of the opinion that most people using the label sex addict do so to excuse their behaviour. A spouse caught cheating for example by his/her SO justifies the action, "It's not my fault, I have a disease, sex addiction" Questions, how can a normal activity (sex) be an addiction? How can escalating bad behaviour be considered sex addiction. It strikes me more as the profile of someone who may be a serial rapist As for what can be done...it is up to the "addicted" party to seek help. Last I looked we are all responsible for our own actions. Even if labelled with a diagnosis of sex addict, it still doesn't mitigate personally responsibility. He/she isn't exempt from treating others with respect. Non consensual violent behaviour, asking for unprotected sex etc, well within the community they should be blacklisted. If criminal acts (assault, sexual assault for example) they should also be reported to the police It isn't up to this industry to get sex addicts out of this industry. It is up to the individual to seek professional help and with the assistance of professional help get away from this lifestyle Just my opinion RG
  15. Cleaning something before I give it to a lady No matter how much washing I do it still is red in parts...strange because it hasn't been used in quite awhile ;-) Going to wrap it up for safety before I give it to her though RG :-)
  16. The most important quality in a drink for me...no alcohol. Let's just say alcohol and me really disagree with one another. Haven't touched it since 1980 That said, my main drinks are first, coffee. My needed beverage of choice in the morning. And during the day I have decaf coffee Second, sometimes I have no alcohol beer. Has absolutely no alcohol This is my brand of beer Third, throughout the day and evening I usually have water...around six to eight glasses a day And as of late, maybe a phase, but I like Virgin Caesars. I find I have to emphasize to waiters/waitresses no alcohol though...once ordered one and they gave me a regular Caesar, one sip, and spit out, I knew...there was alcohol in it. I like the Virgin Caesars from the Keg the best Anyhow a rambling over coffee number two RG
  17. No predictions but I'm rooting for RG aka (virtual) Hubby #1
  18. Happy Birthday Berlin Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  19. A car wash and gas Nice to see the car LOL.....lasted all of about twenty minutes, till the puddles from melting snow :-) splashed and dirtied up the car again :-( RG
  20. Injecting, 'er inhaling a coffee...going to be on the road shortly. Need to wake up LOL RG
  21. Well since my dates tend to be the lady showing up at my room/suite I love, after hearing the knock on the door, to open it up and see her dressed in....whatever she is comfortable wearing She could be in a dress, or jeans & sweater or sweats or whatever she likes to wear. I'm just happy she's shown up and we are having an escape for at least a couple hours RG
  22. Leftovers...Emily's chilli washed down with no alcohol beer YUMMY recipe Think I'm going to have a second bowl RG
  23. Well (virtual;-) ) Wifey, to be clear Wifey#1 :-) I'm not a hockey fan at all, although I do like poking fun at the Maple Leafs. But with you in that Hab's tshirt I could seriously become a fan...of the Habs that is. I'm already a fan of yours ;-) Signed (virtual) Hubby#1 ;-)
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