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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Eating lunch, watching tv surfing Twitter and Lyla, reading/replying to emails and just generally doing nothing..got a hectic week ahead RG
  2. Went for a walk to enjoy this bright mild sunny Spring day. Says it's +3 out but feels a lot milder Then back home and having comfort food for lunch...grilled cheese sandwich. One with a sliced tomato and the other one with a onion slice...have to make sure veggies are part of my lunch, oh wait a tomato is really a fruit RG
  3. Alas living in smalltown Ontario I'd be looking at a minimum two hour drive (one way) to have an encounter Not able to last minute book encounters RG
  4. Up having a coffee and surfing Lyla and Twitter... I think this clock change is going to have it's effect on me this afternoon though, and I foresee a nap in my future LOL RG
  5. Emily's Chilli...a YUMMY recipe she gave me Second time I've made it In the slow cooker now. My apartment smells wonderful RG
  6. Slept in till almost 7am...yikes bad when 7am is considered sleeping in Having a slow start to the day, enjoying a coffee, surfing Lyla, Twitter, reading emails while watching the Rifleman on tv But I need to get my a$$ in gear, have to get ingredients to make chilli RG
  7. Making out a shopping list. Tomorrow for dinner, making Emily's chilli recipe YUMMY!!! RG
  8. Well just saw on the news, and a sign Spring is on the way This weekend Sunday we get an extra hour of daylight Now if the temps would rise and the snow go everything would be perfect RG
  9. Text speech is not just a turn off for ladies, but for guys, well this guy too I h8 when some1 speaks using text speak. A well written letter from a lady I like, but text speak, it is like the writer can't be bothered to even post a letter One of the down sides of twitter it's conducive to text speak Anyhow, a rambling RG
  10. http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/highlight/wife-asks-for-divorce-because-she-cant-handle-husbands-manhood/54f87a2202a760a76a00154d
  11. First use the lady's preferred method of contact be it email, text or phone If phone or text are her preferred method of contact, then use those methods of contact As for initial contact, introduce yourself, say where you saw her profile/website and would like to meet her And it is OK to use her stage name...better than "hey you" LOL You might also, if the lady has screening/verification requirements provide all info needed (name/phone/email/board handle confirmed by PM) and let the lady know a reference will be forthcoming after you contact your reference for permission A rambling RG
  12. Well if every dollar paid, why even post this thread And this post, frankly just horrible and ignorant too "but you still got to look at her"...what is she supposed to cover up so you don't have to see her "It pretty hard to judge a book when there is no cover..." Frankly just ignorant...the ugliness I've seen is yours You really need to take a good hard look at yourself before criticizing anyone else RG
  13. Having lunch (a salad) surfing Lyla/Twitter and reading/replying to emails RG
  14. Frankly, if you booked a lady not knowing ahead of time what she looked like and looks are that important to you, then you should not have booked the date with her in the first place. But since you did book with that lady, either carry through with the encounter or pay her the donation in full. She didn't do anything wrong, why should she be out any money In the future book only those ladies who's face you see Imagine how hurtful it is to a lady to be told by a stranger basically you're too ugly for me (well your words not pretty at all) How would you like to show up for an encounter, the lady looks you over and said no amount of money is worth seeing you. And I wonder how you "measure up" on the looks department. I'm sure ladies now have taken notice of your thread and wonder how you measure up as a client You are dealing with a real live human being, one with feelings. Seeing a companion is the ultimate blind date. You make a date, you go through with the date. You might even find after meeting her she's a gem And if you just can't see her (well actually won't see her, anyone can see anyone) then pay her the donation in full. She set aside time just to see you. Your the one walking out on her, frankly for no valid reason, not her. Why should she be out money. she could have had an encounter with a respectful gentlemen instead RG
  15. The concept of free speech is wonderful and one I support. But it applies to an open democracy. Lyla is not an open democracy but a private discussion board where the members have to abide by the rules of the owners of the board. Yes we are relatively free to discuss what we want but within the confines of the rules of the owners of the board A late night, or is it early morning rambling RG
  16. Some threads get deleted after someone complains to Mod about a thread or post and then he decides to either close or delete the thread Not a case of censorship but a case of perhaps the OP of a thread crossed Lyla rule lines Just a guess RG
  17. Ah my dear wifey #2 this hubby keeps his man card, no pink suits for me But maybe, just maybe I'll have something stiff and pink which can be seen and touched at the social by three lucky ladies ;-) Signed Hubby aka RG
  18. Finished the dishes and now just sitting, relaxing and digesting a delicious dinner A quiet evening ahead...I hope RG
  19. The only service you are paying for is time and companionship Whether with a local or touring lady And if a client is happy playing video games with a lady, isn't the important thing that his time with that lady made him happy No two encounters are ever the same nor is a lady playing video games with a client mean that's what all her encounters with all her clients will be RG
  20. http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/sex-trafficking-will-be-part-of-torontos-pan-am-games-says-head-of-church-organization
  21. Leftovers again tonight Lamb chops, potatoes and steamed asparagus Washed down with water RG
  22. Leftovers...lamb chops, roast potatoes and today grocery story had fresh asparagus so steamed asparagus with butter & lemon too:-) Washed down with water Followed by mixed berries for desert RG
  23. It'll be lamb chops in the slow cooker today Just trying something different usually wouldn't use a slow cooker for chops RG
  24. You might want to take a look at the rules, lost phone or not, your post not acceptable Doubt you'll get any ladies replying RG https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_rules Guys are NOT permitted to post a general "anyone available" post Guys. You can ask your fellow lyla.com members for advise such as "Does anyone know any 7 foot tall women in moncton?" but you can not post "Any ladies available tonight PM me!" (This is unacceptable). don't be lazy! take the time to read the ladies info and contact the laies that are of interest to you! You can not post stuff like .... "I will be in town for tonight only can any lady who is available tonight email or pm me" (NOT ACCEPTABLE) Posting asking "Are there any ladies who offer xxxxxxx in this city?" (Ladies and guys can respond to a question like this) and if you ask the ladies to pm you they can (but only if you ask
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