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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Seems ladies just can't win. One thread not all that long ago the gist of which was "if you book with a lady with no face pics is it OK when you show up, cancel if the lady's face is unattractive to you?" Now the flip side, ladies who show their faces, are indiscrete What are ladies supposed to do...show their faces or not show their faces I've met some wonderful and beautiful ladies who don't have face pics oh and are very discrete I've met some wonderful and beautiful ladies who show have face pics, who are very discrete At the end of the day, in my experience, discretion and face pics, there is absolutely no correlation whatsoever. And it's a very major decision a lady has to make about whether to post a face picture on the internet or not. The old adage is once it's on the web, it's there to stay. So a face pic posted on the web, the lady has to realize and likely does realize, it's there to stay. I appreciate those ladies who do post their pictures on the web, but those who blur their faces, I understand that too Gentlemen don't want ladies who cause drama, but I think the ladies would appreciate no drama caused on them too...especially on something that is apparently no win for them RG
  2. After a big breakfast late this morning didn't feel too hungry so just some cream of mushroom soup, a couple slices of cheese(mozzarella with caraway) washed down with water Desert, an apple RG
  3. I don't think Phaedrus was offended. Don't think offense taken here at all by anyone for your thread. He was pointing out something he maybe thought you didn't know, namely there is a very similar thread In fact the intent of your thread could be posts incorporated in that thread for an interesting twist...example using your first post, which do you prefer, a wedgie or rubbing your mother in law's wart ridden feet (wedgie please LOL) BTW I prefer chocolate over vanilla LOL RG
  4. Took the car in for an oil change, found out I need a new battery. If it was Spring/Summer/Fall I would have gone to Canadian Tire, buy my own and install it myself. With this cold, I had the dealership install the new battery Sucks when you get an unexpected much higher bill RG
  5. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly RG
  6. There is another side of this coin. I for one understand that this is the lady's livelihood, it's never lost on me. But there are some ladies (well two in my case) that made it seem like they were there for money only, forgetting they had a client The first (and no details) but she didn't arrive as promised (sort of speaking in euphemisms to avoid black outs on my post) But during our emails she said she be doing this that and the other. Showed up, clear she wasn't there for this that or the other. Her words to me "got to pay the bills hun, got to pay the bills" Second example. Show up at the lady's place, Donation paid. Not a thank you. Instead, "oh good, now I can buy some groceries" Nothing like being made to feel like a wallet and nothing more. In the first case she should have advised me by phone to give me the option of rescheduling my date. In the second case, just say thank you when given the donation. I didn't need to know she couldn't buy groceries, well until I paid her Anyhow, just another perspective from a non negotiating, non boundary crossing time sensitive client who respects the companion client relationship :-) RG
  7. Well nothing weird about her JMHO but my boyhood crush While everyone else watched Charlie's Angels, I was ummm reading Time Magazine :-) RG
  8. I wouldn't say that. Just be aware of the laws, what you can and cannot advertise and so on If now wasn't the best time to get started, as an example, no ladies at all would ever have started in the United States and there being a escort has been for the most part illegal. Yet do a Google search and you can find escorts in the United States The Government likes to strike fear in those in this lifestyle...me, what I do to calm my fears is see a beautiful honest trustworthy lady just for time and companionship only ;-) My fears get calmed pretty fast, although my heart is pounding a lot harder but for other reasons that have nothing to do with fear :-) RG :-)
  9. About to go have a shower, get dressed and face the world...OK for me today that means go pick up a few odds and ends from the grocery store and go to the bank Sorry about scarring anyone with an image of me showering...but at least I'll be clean LOL RG
  10. Happy Birthday My Friend Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  11. Does a car wash count Took advantage of the relatively mild day today RG
  12. Watching Judgement At Nuremburg, having a coffee, reading/replying to emails from a friend and perusing and tweeting on Twitter RG
  13. Yes Emily is a friend. But I am siding with Emily because I know her website (I've read it once or twice) I saw the screen shots of the offending site on Emily's blog (yes its still there) Read Emily's site, then the screen shots. We aren't talking one or two sentences...we are talking about an entire website short of pictures and rates STOLEN I disagree with you however. Yes Emily was the victim here But Alex, she is responsible for who she hired to develop her site. And at the end of the day she put her site online without checking it first to see it wasn't stolen text. And it still would be on-line except Emily (not Alex) had it pulled. Now if she lies (I know for fact it is a lie) about that little detail it makes me wonder about the truth of the rest of her apology But to be clear, yes Emily is a friend. But if any lady had her website stolen, photos stolen, ad title stolen, name stolen etc etc etc I would be in full support of them too. Every professional lady has a unique style, persona, brand whatever term you like to use. And someone stealing it needs to be challenged. It isn't acceptable in the least. RG
  14. Ummm I read Emily Rushton's blog about this theft. First, be clear, you didn't get the website pulled, she HAD to get your stolen (yes plagiarism is theft) site pulled. Why you misrepresent it as you pulled your site I don't know And bad business is good. WTF is that. I'm sure Emily doesn't agree your bad business was good for her. And clients who see a lady with bad business practices, they don't think its good. And the screen snapshots taken of your (well really not yours) website, it is almost verbatim to Emily's website...even words that are completely capitalized on Emily's site are capitalized on "your" site. Only difference are you use your photos and your rates. Yes, maybe you paid someone to develop your website. But you are using that website to represent yourself and your business. You represent your business with a plagiarised (misrepresented) website kind of puts your business in question. Why am I irked to put it mildly. First Emily has a very distinctive style and you tried to steal it. Irrespective of whether it was done by someone you hired or by you yourself, at the end of the day you still are the one responsible for the contents of your website Second stealing copy, especially a complete website is just as bad as stealing another lady's photos. Emily's website is as unique to her as her photos. It defines her. And she worked hard to develop her unique brand, as do most ladies At the end of the day, remember you aren't the victim here. It is Emily who was victimized by your theft. For a guy who is a supporter of ladies, your business practices feeds right into the worst stereotypes people have of this lifestyle. RG
  15. Happy Birthday Bianca Enjoy your special day RG
  16. Using today as a day to stay in, and prepare for Spring/Summer. Dragged my tackle bag and musky box out, going to get my tackle organized for fishing I could open a tackle shop with what I have LOL RG
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