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Everything posted by Ftn40

  1. To quote Neil Diamond, "Red, red wine". Started off with dry red wine from France, tried to get my bearings around Beaujolais and Burgundy, eventually settled on Cabernet Sauvignon. Later, I found Australian Shiraz, and spent a few years with that. Lately, I have to agree with Old Dog, Amarone and Ripasso. They may be thicker, but you just have to sip it slower.
  2. One eskimO - Kandi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DM-2Ook4H0
  3. The Doors - Texas Radio and the Big Beat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m1vuQea1zw
  4. A friend of mine once told me that the feeling you get when you get a cold, the feeling of getting run down, tired, sniffles, stuffy and all that, was not something you caught, but rather something that you always have. It only flares up when you have not been taking care of yourself like you usually do. It's as if your body's is warning you that you are not your usual self. So, the body tries to get you to rest. Something all of us forget to do from time to time. Just do nothing. That being said, once you are subject to a cold, all the suggestions that have been offered will help you feel better. First off is the fluids. Think of how much water you lose by blowing your nose5. You don't usually lose that much water in a day. Green tea is great, as long as decaffeinated since, even if it doesn't keep you up, it still has appetite suppressant properties. And the old adage is true, "Feed a cold, starve a fever." For a cold, eat and build up your strength. For a flu, just keep drinking fluids. Your body cannot afford the energy for digestion. Chicken soup has been shown to have properties that boost the immune system. Of course, so do all those dark-coloured fruits and berries and vegetables. Hot peppers, garlic and other spices have always been used by people in hot humid climates to deal with the wee beasties. But, most importantly, just take it easy. Your body will really appreciate that. But to answer your first question, I pass the time when I'm sick by drinking a glass of water, then some TV, then some green tea, then some food, then some more TV, then I get sleepy, then I go to bed. Lather, rinse, repeat. Oh, and Extra Strength Cold-FX. It may just be the placebo effect, but I find it lessens the severity and duration of my colds.
  5. Arcade Fire - Wake Up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEKC5pyOKFU
  6. Absolutely. This has nothing to do with protecting children. There was no indiscretion on the part of a teacher who directly influences the minds of their students which might somehow be twisted as grounds for dismissal. They just did not want a person to work at their school that was involved with porn. And yet, how many of their students view porn as part of a natural curiosity about sexual relations? Just a tad ironic that a high school would spend its time passing moral judgments in a vain attempt to suppress sexual expression when they should be educating their students about it.
  7. Icehouse - Icehouse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXelzDCdKmA
  8. Nirvana - Where did you sleep last night? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_MD0rnI1xo
  9. Yes, for a guy with a beer gut, he somehow manages to keep his butt in good shape. Must be all that running away from dogs, people, fires, explosions, etc..
  10. Yes, it's six of one, half dozen of the other. Even the CERB.CA link that is placed on Web sites says, "NEWS REVIEWS COMMUNITY". The difference is that CERB reviews are always recommendations since they are never negative.
  11. Kazzer - Pedal to the Metal (with spring bringing songs about cars to mind, what better than a song about an '86 Jetta - not your typical hot rod!)
  12. Well, I know what y'all are sayin' but the first thing that attracts me about a woman is the eyes. You know, "eyes are the window to the soul" and all that. You can just get lost in there. That being said, an amazing personality conquers all, of course. But did you ever see a "House" episode (an "House" episode?) where Olivia Wilde is wearing a surgical mask and all you can see is those gorgeous eyes? How about when you see a banner where she flashes "bedroom" eyes? How can you help but click on it? Of course, discretion being what it is, you can't expect to see everyone's face, so sometimes you have to go on other things. But I'se da b'y dat luvs de eyes!
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