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Everything posted by Ice4fun

  1. Great to see the Senators make it into the playoffs.... Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  2. Listening to some great Jazz performers at the ECMA Jazz Showcase at the Fat Cat bar in the heart of the St. John's Bar Scene "George Street". Great East Coast Music Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  3. Disrespect is disrespect... I see nothing wrong with asking repeat canceling client to either pay a deposit or pay full in advance. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  4. I am guessing we will be hitting a restaurant downtown tonight as we are going to hit a few more of the ECMA showcases this afternoon and then the IceCaps game tonight. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  5. I also am thankful for Miss Jane's post as I actually think it is good that we talk about these issues openly... Positive change only comes from open thoughtful discussion with many perspectives shared that influence and inform the dialogue and help form a best path forward. We learn from hearing the perspective of others... In regards to Miss Jane's comment about what hobbyists want... I accept that her experience informs her opinion and therefore it is her reality but similarly my reality as a hobbyist for 20 plus years is that I have never seen "my" participation in this hobby in the way she describes and think it is valid to express that... you are correct she never said "all hobbyists" but to be accurate she also did not say "Some" or "Most". Like I said...I like the diverse dialogue... we are all better for hearing other opinions. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  6. Strangely enough I don't actually think that the Canadian public is becoming more "conservative" I kinda thing the public is becoming more open and accepting.. unfortunately acceptance and willingness to actually stand up and defend someone's rights are not the same thing... sure most people in Canada if polled might agree to making prostitution legal but are they passionate enough about the issue to actually push for it to happen.. NO. On the other side though there, is a passionate well organized right wing organization that is willing to put their money and their actions where their mouth is so they while a minority have been very successful in driving the political agenda. Certainly the pro legalization side has been making gains and is more active but let's face it for a lot of Canadians, because of the way this industry has been portrayed in the past they look down on sex workers even when they agree in theory on the right for a person to control their own body. We may have a majority of Canadians who now are not against legalization of prostitution but for the most part it is still a SILENT majority. This is a cultural change which will take time. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  7. This is a interesting thread and I have to admit it is making me want to arrange this type of booking in the future. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  8. As I have never worked in the industry I certainly can't have the same perspective as people who have but I can't help but think that the criminalization of this industry by government (either with the current or previous laws) only creates an environment where the "perverts" as you refer to them get to perpetuate their inappropriate behavior. In a legal, regulated and safe work environment these types of behaviors would not be tolerated but when forced to work in the shadows sex workers and for that matter clients have to except that this is just part of the business. As for people participating in this industry against their free will.... I think we all know this happens ... some because they are coerced into the industry by others (pimps, traffickers etc) and others because of financial desperation. I don't think that the simple Legalization of this industry would make this problem just disappear but it would I hope improve the working conditions for many in the industry... hopefully it would over time reduce the social stigma associated with working in the industry and would make it easier for those in the industry against their free will to reach out for help in getting out of the industry. I also would hope that it would allow Law Enforcement to clearly focus their attention on the situations where coercion is at play ( traffickers and pimps). Finally while I am sure there are clients out there looking for a "free flesh market where the best inhumane deal could be made, akin to drive through!" I am not sure it's all that fair to paint that picture of all hobbyists. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  9. Cristy.... here is what your looking for... [ATTACH]327[/ATTACH] Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  10. Just wondering... how many of you ladies are owners of a "magic wand" and if you do owwn one how does it compare to other vibrators? Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  11. You the proud owner of a new Magic Wand? Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  12. Just got to the Rink for the St. John's IceCaps game against the Hershey Bears after that it's George Street to take in some of the East Coast Music Awards Showcase sessions... full night tonight. (If you are in St. John's I have a couple of extra passes for tonight's showcase PM me) . Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  13. Actually it has in the past Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  14. Just home from ECMA'S.... great show... lots of fun...[ATTACH]326[/ATTACH] Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  15. At East Coast Music Awards and one of the performers wore a shirt that says "Dildo NL" an actual Newfoundland community.... dirty.... but not ( i know hard to read... Trust me)[ATTACH]325[/ATTACH] Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  16. Salmon with rice and vegs... very very nice... Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  17. I like Cristy's idea.... I will get the room Cristy... what should I order for food? Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  18. The reality is Mr. Harper has chosen to cater to his right wing conservative base and position the people in this industry as criminals, human traffickers, and child abusers rather than respect the majority of Canadians View that people should have the right to control their own bodies including engaging in consensual sex for pay. For purely political reasons Mr Harper has chosen to vilify the participants in this industry and place them in increased risk rather than making prostitution legal and regulating it like other industries to ensure worker and consumer safety. After all why actually fix the problems when you can instead use it as a wedge issue to solidify your right wing base and put the Liberal party in the position of having to prove they are not supporting human trafficking.... shame on Mr. Harper. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  19. Just about to leave the office then grab something to eat before heading out to the East Coast Music Awards (ECMA's) which are being held here in St. John's this week... should be a great show and a fun after party tonight. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  20. I might suggest a duo to a lady I have seen before but I think I would leave it up to her to find a lady who she is compatible with... but to be honest I have only been involved in two duo situations (one amazing and one not so great) so I really don't have a lot to base it on. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  21. From my perspective when this happens unless it was a blatant B&S or there was a dangerous situation or illegal activities ie. money stolen etc then you need to just chalk this up to one of the risks of the hobby and move along. I understand that when things like this happen we hate to feel like someone has taken advantage of us but the reality is there is not that much you can actually do about it. On CERB / Lyla we restrict ourselves with good reasons to an environment that focuses on the positive so with few exceptions this is not a place to air dirty laundry... I think someone suggested that there are other sites where if you were so inclined you could go and freely air your dirty laundry but I would suggest to you that if that is your plan then keep in mind that the reality is that this becomes a "he said" "she said" and those discussions often don't come out positive for either side ... the end result might just be that other ladies who you may want to see may choose to not see you as they don't want to risk a similar situation in their future. The bottom line is there are risks associated with participation by both clients and ladies... ladies see bad client who treat them bad or short pay just like clients see ladies who might act inappropriate.... both need to move on. I am a big believer in Karma... whether it is a client or a lady that acts inappropriately it will ultimately come back to them as our actions represent us in the world and try as we may most people will in the end actually see us for who we really are. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  22. I kinda think we all make to much of pictures... I agree they are great marketing tools and should be reasonably recent and generally be representative of the person who will answer the door. But to expect a lady to match a photoshoot picture with perfect lighting and the photographers eye positioning her for the desired image is really unrealistic in my opinion. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  23. I don't think I would ask a lady I have met many times to give me nude pictures... lol... I might secretly hope she would but I don't think I would ask... so I definitely would not ask a lady I have never met as I think in most cases it would mean you would never get the chance to meet her. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  24. We don't have the "metro" paper here in St. John's so I can't really comment on any shift that may have taken place in their editorial policy.... what I can say is that I know I hate to have to sit next to another guy on public transit or on a plane or at a hockey game or concert as we do in fact tend to spread out into other people's personal space... women in this regards certainly seem to be way more respectful. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  25. Wendy's junk food for supper Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
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