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Everything posted by Ice4fun

  1. Time with one of the Beautiful CERB Ladies from the Halifax area would be an amazing gift.... BTW if that is what you decide to get your friend let me just say... Hi, my name is Vince and I would love to be a good friend of yours.. oh and my Birthday is in March :)
  2. Welcome stantheman... you should enjoy CERB great place to learn about hobby
  3. I have no idea where this site is hosted but I agree in principle to your suggestion that access to the data on the site would be more difficult for Law Enforcement if the site was hosted on servers outside of Canada. That said however I would have to add that I consider my "safety" on this site or any site to be totally within my own control if I take care to respect the laws and not communicate about the purchase of sex then I should not be at any risk. This does not mean I cannot continue to speak openly on this site or others about all the legal and fun times I have had with ladies who are in the business of selling companionship time to clients. I am surprised to continue to hear about the idea of people selling sex...I was under the impression that our government had recently passed a law that made that practice illegal so of course it must have stopped... you know like the way Putin in Russia and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran eliminated homosexuality by making it illegal. Yep... I am so proud of our leader Stephen Harper for aligning himself with such stalwart defenders of human rights... makes me proud to be a Canadian. Now if you will excuse me for a minute i need to go vomit in disgust. Just my Opinion
  4. Steak on the BBQ... but my thoughts are of a very good friend who seems to be having a bad day.
  5. Just about to .... out to do some final yard work for the year.... while I would prefer to be uncovering a nice "bush" I unfortunately have some that must be covered :P
  6. Tom... Thank You for being who you are... you are truly an inspiration I wish our paths had crossed in the real world and we had met. I am extremely grateful for your contribution to our community. While I don't drink any more and never liked Scotch when I did drink you can be assured that I will be having a shot of single malt in your honour.
  7. What ever lingerie the lady thinks she looks good in.... if she feels sexy it will be good time.
  8. I certainly agree with you I don't expect that LE will be going to that extreme but the rub lies in your last comment about complaints... i don't think that LE will have any interest in allocating resources to things like CERB unless the militant right wing decides that this is the cause they want to push and start joining these boards and causing shit by making complaints when someone inadvertently crosses a line. I totally understand why the MOD and others who are running this board would want to try and protect themselves at least until they have a good understanding of where this is going. Those people who are in favor of change will tout all its many benefits and those against it will speak of doom and gloom the truth inevitably will come down somewhere in between the challenge for the MOD and us is to figure out exactly where that middle ground is so we can all mitigate our risks. A year from now this will all seem just a stupid but will be way easier to navigate. Just my Opinion
  9. This is not a law intended to protect our communities or vulnerable populations who participate in the sex industry. Let's recognize it for what it is.. it is the imposition of extreme rights moral ideals on the rest of society. Unfortunately the striking down of the old outdated laws by the Supreme Court because they did not meet the legitimate rights of sex workers to safety and security was not met with an enlightened review of the working conditions of sex workers and an honest attempt at improving the working environment it instead was seen by Mr Harper as an opportunity to curry favor with Mr. Harpers right wing base and and impose their minority views on the majority of Canadians. Mr Harper used the opportunity to please his right wing base and to politically position anyone who opposed the new law as supporters of child abuse and human trafficking. Mr. Harpers response brings to mind the the actions of other morally corrupt leaders in the past who have tried to take away people's rights with bogus laws that pretend to be protecting our community values but we're ultimately seen by the courts as what they were unconstitutional... this is a human rights issue and unfortunately like most human rights issues the battle takes time... Mr. Harper and Mr Mackay are the modern day Gov of Alabama standing at the school door refusing access and denying people their rights to safety and security.... but let's see this law for what it is the beginning of the end for this right wing moral crusade.... the fight is not over. Just my Opinion
  10. Change is never easy... no matter how the MOD does this someone will think there is a better way or a way they would like better. Now don't get me wrong... i don't see anything wrong with the discussion as it might identify suggestions that are adopted and benefit everyone. What I would suggest is that we pause for a moment and ask ourselves is the comment i am going to make a positive input or a rant...is it a suggestion that is about process or is it a personal attack on others. As i read many of the posts on various threads I am struck with the level of stress and confusion and frustration that is being expressed and I can't help but think that Mr. Harper and his band of excessively right wing follower must be loving the level of rancor that they have caused everyone who participates in this industry. For me... I am pretty certain that we will find our way through the growing pains. I am going to continue to book "time" with the wonderful ladies of CERB and after my next meeting with a wonderful lady I will make a point of sitting down to draft a well worded recommendation that will meet both the legal requirements and the CERB wording requirements...will it be harder than in the past...yes of course because change is hard... hard but not impossible. Just my Opinion
  11. At a hockey game... St. John's IceCaps vs Hamilton Bulldogs
  12. Happy Birthday... hope you had a great day
  13. Watching Republic of Doyle... checking the CERB posts
  14. I am not a big fan of either of those words because they are often used in a hurtful way but I applaud your choosing to reposition them and take them back from those who choose to use them in a negative way..... Just my Opinion
  15. Personally I don't think Celibacy is worth a good fuck.
  16. Wasting time watching TV and checking the CERB posts... feeling a bit bummed out tonight not really sure why
  17. This crap seems to be happening way to often I am not sure why people need to be so hateful. Revealing a ....... providers real name and personal information is not only stupid it is very dangerous and often leaves the ....... ........ very vulnerable... they can fight to get the information removed but it's impossible to undo the damage that it may have caused to their sense of security or to their family. Additionally as noted by a previous poster this fight can cost significant money which often the SP cannot or should not have to spend. It's unfortunate that there is not an organization that provides support as i would be happy to make a donation. Just my Opinion
  18. Happy Birthday Lexy.... hope your day is amazing
  19. I am not sure I missed your point at all I agree that things have changed and that there will be a settling in period... i agree that the risk has changed in fact i think for clients it has significantly increased. But i also think, based on my time in the hobby, that things are always changing... i recall when the business was much more on the street and newspaper ads and landlines the risks were higher then too but we found ways and we will now. I like you agree that we need head to be thinking ahead and consider all the risks. Just my opinion
  20. Lol... yes i do... been gone for a while but i was there as a child lololol... now that is a walk down memory lane... what's your connection to St. John's Nicolette?
  21. I got to spend some time this afternoon with an amazing friend ... It's funny how some people can just improve your day just with their presence.
  22. Congratulations on 2000 posts and for all the sexy thought you have caused to run through my head by reading them and your Blog... please keep them coming.
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