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Everything posted by Ice4fun

  1. I don't think the risk of this behavior increases because of this new law. If you were dealing with reputable SP'S. Just my opinion
  2. Unfortunately in today's real world more and more organizations are implementing codes of conduct for employees that would result in significant negative implications if the employee is even charged with an offense. While there is fairly straight forward legal guidelines for dismissal of employees for off duty behavior ( ie millhaven criteria http://hrinsider.ca/homepage/discipline-can-you-discipline-employees-for-off-duty-conduct ) which have been established over time by the courts the reality is the more public a role you play with a company the greater likelihood that the employer can and will dismiss you if you are charged with an offense. In many cases the employer faced with an employee who has been charged will try to reduce their exposure and will dismiss the employee and take the risk of a wrongful dismissal lawsuit... the payouts are not nearly as expensive as you might think. Just my opinion
  3. There were no highlights in this day it was an utter waste of time
  4. Lying here listening to the storm outside with my mind racing and wishing I could just fall asleep.
  5. We can only hope he does call an election
  6. Will SP'S and clients find a way around this new law undoubtedly with this business continue...of course the problem is that the new law has just made it harder on everyone. For the most part the criminal risk will move from the SP to the client... in the past i had to worry about my wife discovering my hobby and think about the view society would have of me if it became know that i had been with an escort... in the future i will still have those things to worry about but i have to add the risk of criminal charges and the loss of my job if I am convicted. That is a significant increase in risk and will undoubtly cause' at best a short term negative impact on the market. Add to that the fact that most clients will never want to give their names to sp's and you have a huge increase in risk for SP's. Will i quit i don't think so.. will i be less likely to connect with someone new yes. Just my opinion
  7. I'm not sure I have a specific fantasy encounter in terms of activity or menu items I do like multiple hour meetings as i want time to connect... so my fantasy is not a prescripted encounter... now if you asked Who is my fantasy encounter that is a much more definitive thing.
  8. Shit... i think i have been late every time we met.... note to self... i must do better
  9. It takes all types to make a world... this is her view and i am sure there are threads that connect it to all of us but while a garment may be made of the same thread it does not have to fit everyone the same way... her reality is not mine and i am thankful for that.
  10. If he agrees he will not have "plausible deniability" lololl
  11. While i understand and agree why you hope for that... the reality is... this will be the law... the GG does not with hold ascent... the battle now moves back to the courts and we find ways to live under a new reality. Just my Opinion
  12. Wait a minute.... are you telling me that there are ladies on this site selling sexual services... i never new that i have met many ladies from her and spent hours and hours in their company... we have discussed sex... our wildest fantasies... things we imagine would happen in a country which allowed prostitution but god forbid we even act upon those urges... i think many of you may have misunderstood what happens... this is just a discussion board... bookings with cerb ladies are just field trips for more discussion... not for sex... after all we are not perverts. Like the other upstanding law abiding moral countries that provide leadership in the world we don't have prostitution in canda... you know similar to the way Iran and Russia don't have gay people. Now if you will excuse me i have to leave and go to my optician to get fitted for my rose coloured glasses. Just my opinion
  13. Unfortunately the chances of C36 having any significant negative impact on the election outcomes for the Conservatives is slim. More likely the bill will feed their right wing base and those it upsets were probably never going to vote, conservative. Unfortunate but true. Just my opinion.
  14. Sitting back after the dinner and the family time and thinking about what is missing in my life that I would give anything to have back.... i am thankful... but i am also very sad.
  15. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone... we all have things to be thankful for.
  16. Out buying beds for the spare rooms at the cottage
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