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Everything posted by Ice4fun

  1. This type of behavior is just sickening and speaks to the very essence of why this industry needs to be legalized.... bring the business into the open and allow people to adequately screen clients so they don't find themselves in these types of situations. My thought are with the SP who endured such treatment when all she was trying to do was do her job and earn a living ...
  2. Sex workers have operated in a world of serious legal ramifications for an eternity. To some how suggest that the world is about to end and that the wonderful ladies who we have trusted for years (and who have trusted us) will now be more likely to break our confidentiality just does not fly for me. The bottom line on this issue is an unjust law is about to be imposed and some of the individuals who are taking public positions in favour of this law have in the past participated in the same industry that they are demonizing and this has caused some to want to public call them out on the difference between what they say and what they do. I am not sure I agree that this is a great idea or that it will have any impact on the issue but I understand their frustration. Just my opinion
  3. This is not something I have given a lot of thought to with the exception that if I am seeing a lady in my home town i like a location with discrete public parking that could be explained if a friend saw my vehicle and asked that might be harder if it's a driveway. As for being questioned... walked into a fair number of inservice locations over the years and I can't think of a time when anyone questioned me. Just my opinion
  4. I get the concern it's hard to think of discretion as a "sometimes" thing. To be honest I don't really know what the answer is but I do see a difference between the issues around a bad review or a no show and the bigger issue of a person's long term ongoing safety. I am not really concerned that the outing of a few politicians will cause a disintegration of all discretion and me being outed... but i do have a concern that this type of outing will have people questioning how safe they are and that might negatively impact everyone. Just my opinion
  5. What a hornets nest this issue is.... the fight by sex industry workers for their rights is very much like most major cultural change battles it relies on the courage of a few strong courageous people who stand up to authority and demand their rights. Often the activities undertaken by these trailblazers is considered to be controversial when it is undertaken. The change process is long and people get hurt along the way but we realize later that the willingness of these individuals to stand tall and challenge authority was necessary. Currently one of these trailblazers, who has fought the battle publicly for years is proposing to name names and highlight the hypocrisy of the proposed new law. Is she serious or is she trying to continue to influence the debate i really don't know..... what I do know is i appreciate her frustration. While I am not a sex worker i appreciate how hard it is to carry out their work when they not only are looked down on by society but when the government goes out of its way to make their working environment unsafe ...unprofitable but amazingly legal... wtf???? So if I was a sex worker who was aware of individuals who have taken on roles in their public life where they have an active role in influencing the public debate on sex workers rights yet their private actions are not in alignment I think i would conclude it was ok to call that person out publicly on this incongruous in their approach to the topic... ahhh but here's the rub... just because it might be justifiable... is it the right thing to do... what are the impacts both short and long terms... personally and for the industry and other sex workers .... will it have any impact on the outcome of the debate? Tough tough calls in my opinion. Now as a client where do I stand... hmmm well let's see i partake in this hobby in secrecy... lie to my wife and rely on the discretion of the wonderful ladies i meet to keep my secret.... so it would be a little disingenuous for me to suggest that I would not be concerned if the premise of confidentiality was being challenged. But you know the more I think about it the more I realize that if it was my son or daughter in this industry i would expect the government to support their right and ensure that their legal business enjoyed the same right to safety as every other business. I'm thinking i would probably be way more willing to support their challenging authority and calling out hypocrite politicians who speak one way but act another.... but i would also worry about them and the effects such an approach might have. Well i don't have any children in the industry (that i know of) but yet I do have a number of very wonderful friends in the industry who i worry about as we move forward so i guess my stand would be that i trust them to make appropriate decisions that are right for them and i appreciate that if they do choose to make public figures accountable it will not be indiscriminately and that the overall discretion on which the industry is built will remain. Like i said a hornets nest. Just my opinion.
  6. Salmon... salad...rice... an amazing dinner
  7. Tonight meal was marinated salmon fillets cooked on the grill and severed with a mixed grains rice and green salad ..... while the food was extremely good it paled in comparison to the amazing company who i shared it with.
  8. My favorite fragrance is "La vie est belle" by Lancome.... just the smallest scent of it evokes amazing memories. Just my opinion.
  9. Well if the only batteries you have that are dead are in your tv remote your still ok lolol :)
  10. Surfing CERB... waiting for supper to be delivered... yep eating junk again tonight.
  11. Beautiful CERB ladies are my guilty pleasure lol
  12. Being with an amazing lady you have seen before and enjoying some social time or maybe a meal in addition to the play time. Just my opinion
  13. I prefer to see SP's in downtown hotels but would not have a problem with traveling anywhere in the city to see someone who i see more regularly. In one case i traveled about 200kms to see a lady I like. Just my opinion
  14. Happily Married for 30 years.
  15. 45 minutes is not really an option i would choose as I tend to like longer engagements. On first appointments i tend to book for an hour and usually 2 hours for any followup meetings. Just my opinion
  16. Surfing CERB at the cottage and chatting on text with an amazing friend.
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