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Everything posted by Ice4fun

  1. Speaking just for myself I gave always felt guilty for cheating on my wife but given my personal situation this hobby has been good for me and may even gave saved my marriage.... i don't feel guilty about the sex or companionship just not being honest. In regards to men or women indicating publicly how they feel about prostitution... i think there may be more support then we think but like many of us the risk of the public stigma associated with it stops us from actually saying how we feel. Just my opinion
  2. It's ok.... remember according to Mr. McKay you may be vanilla but your still a pervert. lol
  3. My many years as a father have taught me that sometimes when someone has an ache or pain that they can be distracted by a kiss on the affected area.... given my years of experience I would be happy kiss your navel to make you feel better... in fact if helpful I would be happy to kiss any part of you that you want. ;) lolol Damn us Newfoundlanders can be so selfless and giving. Lol
  4. Pretty open welcoming positive place to learn about the hobby... meet amazing ladies and chat with like minded enthusiasts. Given Mr McKay's announced new law last week the board has been a little pessimistic but that too shall pass. Welcome to CERB... don't be shy.
  5. The challenge will not be the ongoing conversations between regular clients and SP'S the issue will be that first contact and the willingness or lack thereof of clients to accept the additional risk. Over time options similar to those used in the US Will develop..... prostitution has existed since the beginning of time so a silly ill conceived law will not change that. Just my opinion
  6. Turkey Dinner with all the extras.... very good.
  7. What your saying is correct... the adjustment will be that conversations will no longer be about sex...
  8. As I said in other threads this law will hurt.. it will make me less willing to meet / contact new SP'S but i don't see it as the end. The risks for clients are going to increase so i think that will make life much harder on SP'S who may be pressured to do more for less with less than ideal clients because demand will decrease especially on the short term. Those of us who stick it out will find ways to manage...just like they do in US. Just my opinion
  9. Midnite-Massage....If there is a blog more sexually intense or with better images... i have not seen it.
  10. If the law passes I will not make any future payments by electronic transfer. I feel pretty confident that when thus bill passes charges under it will be quickly challenged and I think won. While that is iencouraging the reality is even being charged will for most Hobbiests like my self be disastrous....both in terms of my family life (I'm married) and my work. The reality is life will be harder... there will be increased risk and many clients... like myself, will be more cautious about meeting new people. Will it mean I will give up the hobby no... but it will gave impacts. Just my opinion
  11. It would be significant to more than just teachers... it would be relevant to just about anyone who requires a security clearance for their job or who volunteers with children or youth. But let's keep in mind that everything was not legal in the past... things will be worse but it's not the end. Just my opinion
  12. No music.... but we have pet birds... and currently they are doing what they do every morning... sing.
  13. I Woke early this morning..... which is not unusual for me... as usual I checked my email and CERB.... and have been sitting here in the quiet of my home while my family sleeps thinking.... our days and our lives are all to often dominated by the negative things that are happening around us.... just this week the thoughts and minds and posts of many of us have been focused on The crazy acts in Moncton and the stupid laws being proposed in Ottawa.... While these events are important and we should be thinking of the individuals whose lives have been or will be shattered by them... and if course we should be taking actions to support those affected and fight for changes.....i think it's also important to focus on the positive....the many good and amazing things that happen in our lives every day which we often seem to take for granted. I was reminded of this this morning when I read a late night text sent to me by an amazing friend I met in this hobby.... my friend spoke of friendship and caring about someone who is important to their life (no not me) and this made me sit and think of all the things I have to be thankful for in my life not the least of which is the friend who sent me the message. I encourage everyone who reads this post to take a minute today to think about the blessings in our lives.... so far... for me anyway it is a very nice way to start your day. I'll finish by just saying Thank You to my friend who sent me the text.... THANK YOU of course for your message but more importantly THANK YOU for all the things you have brought into my life.
  14. Happy birthday Castle have a great day.
  15. I have been a member here on CERB for a few years but only really active for the last year... i think the Board does a pretty good job of monitoring behaviour of members in regards to their postings but there is really very little that can be done if members behaviors with SP'S are less then desirable. I would like to think that the amazing ladies of CERB would share that information with each other so that those who do not act appropriately get black listed by mire ladies. There is no excuse for mistreating these wonderful ladies through your actions or your word.
  16. Personally I'm having enough problems with the sex.... i really don't want to start piano. I'm gonna stick with a smaller instrument legal or not. :)
  17. You can only cheat on a stripper if you are in a committed relationship or married..... If she expects you to pay and just see her and you do that it's called excellent client management by her. Just my opinion
  18. Tonight.... i have a craving to enjoy a great lobster dinner.... unfortunately ... i had tacos... lol
  19. I can't even see you...yet I am appreciating the mental image.... we are gonna have to start including pictures with these posts...
  20. We may be perverts but we're not crooks so we don't qualify for politics.
  21. Jeans and a green short sleeve shirt... that did not fit till I recently lust some weight.
  22. This is an excellent article... does a great job of showing just how stupid this legislation is.
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