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Everything posted by Ice4fun

  1. Thanks If anyone finds a Android or Apple App that is similar I would love to hear about it.
  2. I am a die hard BlackBerry user and I recently downloaded a new App that I think is great for this Hobby/Business. The App is called "Hide SMS" and while it is for BlackBerry 10 phones I am sure there are similar Apps for other popular phones. Bottom line the App redirects incoming text messages from identified contacts or phone numbers into a password protected area on your phone and not into your regular text message location. This allows clients to securely text back and forth with SP's with no indication of the text trail in their regular text listing. If your spouse checks your phone you are all clear. It also would allow SP'S to flag the number of regular clients so that the record of their conversations were secure in case the phone is ever lost of stolen. I have only been playing with the app since yesterday but it looks very promising.
  3. Just to clarify my comments regarding Private Profiles.... i am absolutely fine with allowing members to choose to have a private profile for whatever their reason might be... that said I think it would also be appropriate to allow other members with open profiles to restrict access to only those who also share their details. Under this arrangement everyone's interests are respected. Just my opinion.
  4. For me personally I think my confidence is dependent on what aspect of my life I an involved in at the time. In my professional role at work I think most people who know me would say I have a huge amount of confidence which is why I excel in the leadership role I have. In my Community Role I am often engaged in leading community initiatives so I feel a great deal if confidence. In my personal life... my family life... i used to be a very confident Dad and Husband... however I have had a lot happen in my personal life in recent years that has dramatically impacted my personal self image and confidence.... so my confidence in this are is lacking. I'm hoping that will change but who knows. Just my opinion
  5. Don't mean to hijack thread but more and more I have a problem with private profiles... with the amount of choice you have in regards to what you show on your profile I don't see why private profiles exist.... if they continue to exist members should have the ability to not allow access to their profile to private members. As for Province.... should not be a problem for anyone... but sometimes us guys are too busy looking at the amazing ladies profiles that we often don't think about ours till weeks/Months/Years later Just my Opinion
  6. Family Weekend Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics
  7. I think pretty much everyone is unique and in ways quirky... in fact one of the things I like about the posts that I read is that the diversity of opinions and outlooks on life have challenged me to stop and think about all of this. So my advice... hit the send button... its just a comment. As for a board presence... to each their own... just like in real life some people, like me, have an opinion on everything and tend to express it, others tend to keep their opinions to themselves or only comment after great thought or on things that they feel strongly about... Some have time to post some don't... Do whatever us right for you Just my opinion.
  8. It's a real shame that we have lost this amazing actor. He was one of those actors where if you saw his name in the movies credits you sorta knew it was a movie worth going to see. When you think about this it is kinda amazing as in almost all of his movies he was not he leading man but was a supporting actor. I know I was always happy to have seen his movies and would have loved to have seen him in stage as his acting on Broadway in Death of a Salesman was said to be amazing.
  9. For me the aspect that I think I find most important has changed since I first started seeing SP.... initially I think the most important aspect that I looked for was a lady who fit my mental image of sexy so I would check out the ads mainly for the pictures and secondly for an indication of what type of services they provide. I think my experience has shown me that there really is no correlation between looks and an amazing meeting with a lady. I have learned that for me it really is all about the connection with the lady. As a result of my realization that it is about the connection I now tend to book longer session and I enjoy very much the conversation... the sharing.... the time after the sex when we are together. So if I was looking to meet someone new now I am looking at how their ads are written for what they can tell me about them.... i am reading their posts.... i am checking their recommendations. And if all of that catches my interest I am contacting them and to be 100% honest the ability to chat with them a little before we meet would be a major consideration. I gave learned that a little familiarity with each other before the meeting can enhance the anticipation and make for an amazing time together. When I think back my reliance on visual cues was a little silly as to be honest I have never met a lady who was not sexy and beautiful in person. Just my opinion.
  10. 3000 posts pretty amazing.... i have appreciated your involvement with the community... thanks
  11. I prefer to not insult either of these important people in my life... i have had good and not so good sex with both and amazing mind blowing sex with both. So I will pass on this one.
  12. I am with you on this Cristy... I mean who does not like a Warm Roll in bed or out of bed I am game. All kidding aside I also love fresh baked bread...and I certainly have the waist measurement to prove it.
  13. Let's see.... got up and watched the Canadian Women's hockey team play the Swiss ..easy win 5 to 0, while doing that I surfed CERB and apologized to a good friend who as a result of my mistake was placed in a very embarrassing situation. So besides the Canada win... not exactly a stellar day.
  14. I guess for me it would be 7 months Summer... 3 months early fall, 1.5 months late spring and 2 weeks winter which would be Dec 20 to Jan 3. I know I am too old for winter..... i can live with it and would not move to avoid it but if I had a choice to not have it here lolol it's gone
  15. Nooner 2 partners for 10 minutes or 1 partner for 20 minutes
  16. I may be the odd man out on this topic but my preference is that when I meet an SP that we are both honest with each other..... now having said that I fully appreciate and understand: * The need to be careful till you get to know the other person before you share to much * The RIGHT For either party to politely say they would rather not answer ANY question. That said I can't help but feeling that any relationship that I have that is built on honesty will be more real and enjoyable for me. Of course I recognize the hypocrisy of what I am saying because I am a married man in this hobby without my wife's knowledge. Inherent in my comments is my understanding that if I ask a question and expect an honest answer then I have to be willing to accept the answer or not ask the question. In regards to Love / BF /Spouse in an SPs life I am kinda in the camp that thinks everyone needs someone who loves them and is there for them so if a SP tells me they have someone in there life I think it is great. And yes I understand some choose the single life...to each their own. Just my opinion....
  17. Hmmmmmmm I kinda always assumed if there was handcuffs in use.... there was also rope..... OK..... Rope it is Hair pulling.....Ass Slapping
  18. From my perspective there are at least 2 facts about this Hobby/Business There are Risks associated with it for both Clients and SPs Like in the rest of your life some individuals, both clients and SPs will be untrustworthy Based on these two facts it is always imperative that we are careful what information we disclose and with who we choose to disclose it. I get the OPs suggestion that in general the ladies of CERB tend to offer a higher level of professionalism than non CERB SP's but membership in CERB is not a guarantee. In the end responsibility for your privacy and safety as either a hobbiest or SP rests with you.... if you want 100% guarantee than good luck.... if you are reasonable however you try as best you can to to screen your partners.... make good decisions....keep the personal information you share to the bare minimum until you have a comfort level with the other partner. In regards to what happened to the OP I can 100% relate..... we hope when we share information that we can trust that other person and we rely on their common sense and good judgement to protect the personal information that they collect.... thankfully in my experience this need for privacy gas been a mutual need and therefore I have not had any issues..... but I certainly realize the vulnerability that exists and make a conscious decision to proceed.... for me the benefits have outweighed the risks. Just my opinion....
  19. It really Sucks when you buy tickets to a great show but you fuck up and get the wrong date.
  20. I my Experience the best sex that I have had is when the lady and I find a position that works best for both of us. If i only consider what I want and it is a position that is uncomfortable for her or does nothing for her pleasure wise, then chances are I am going to miss out on some truly amazing sex. I kinda just think.... Hey I am with this amazing beautiful lady how lucky am I..... hell if she wants doggy.... its good for me. Just my opinion
  21. Either but if I had to choose Bare Late Night Sex or Early Morning Sex
  22. 4 Door Truck Hands Tied in Front or in Back
  23. ON Her Majesty's Secret Service
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