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Everything posted by Ice4fun

  1. Yeah Daniel I hear you... I used to go back and read all my old post but ultimately realized it was useless information so I stopped lololol (just kidding) Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  2. Most likely junk food as I think this will be a later night at the office....not sure vacation is worth it lol Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  3. I agree... shit happens... it's emotional playoff hockey... I am pretty sure Subban did not intend to hurt Stone but it was a stupid careless play... If Ottawa was smart they would use it to motivate their play but stay away from payback because in the end that will just hurt them more as the refs will be looking for it. You have to love the emotion of playoff hockey... two great Canadian teams locked in a battle to move forward toward bringing Stanley back home... Love it Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  4. It was a stupid play by Subban and the HABS were very lucky to get out of the penalty tied. I am sure that the HABS have Stone targeted for extra attention and that understandable but that type of slash is not needed... be physical... take the body hard...of course... but two handed chops on the arm away from play is stupid and he should know better. Now before I get beat up by all the HABS supporters I just want to say I don't have a horse in this race so I can live with either the HABS or Sens getting through but I would ask the HABS fans to think about what their comments might be if the slash had been by stone on the arm of Cary Price away from the play and it resulted in a fractured arm???? I kinda think the fighting might still be ongoing. Other than that foolishness in the second I thought it was a good game can't wait for game 2 Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  5. HABS take a SLASH and burn approach to their Game 1 win over the Senators..... Ok.... sorry just could not help myself lolol Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  6. Just stepping out of the office to grab a quick bite for lunch.... busy busy busy few next few days as I have way to much to get done before heading out on a short vacation on the weekend. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  7. In my opinion this is an extremely low risk.... but maybe there are other members who are more technology geeks who can weigh in. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  8. Just got home... turned on TV to watch game... Sens up 1 to 0 at start of 2nd period. But in fairness it appears the Sens goal was scored by a Habs player on his own net lol Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  9. We all catch some flack from time to time it's not really that big a deal... when we ask questions or give our opinion we open ourselves up to replies from others. I have learned over the last couple of years that sometimes it all about how you ask the question or give your opinion and not so much about the topic itself..... I for one am ok with people raising topics and stimulating discussion so don't over think yourself. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  10. Today I wore brand new red briefs met a lady I had not seen before so wanted to wear something different lol Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  11. OP's second post in this thread reads as follows: Harassment - the Legal Definition from the Webster's New World Law Dictionary is: "Unjustifiable conduct, typically persistent and repetitive, aimed at an individual, that causes distress or discomfort." In my opinion it would not be a stretch to consider someone being approached in their professional work role / environment solely for the voyeuristic sexual viewing pleasure of the client and not in relations to their professional role (ie real estate agent, lawyer, banker etc) to be seen as unwelcome by the individual and to cause them distress or discomfort especially if they are not aware from the outset that this activity will be undertaken by the gentleman for his sexual pleasure. I think unless the lady is aware of the arrangement this type of behavior regardless of the potential for a commission is unjustifiable conduct in a professional environment. But that might just be my warped view of the world lol... if both parties are fully aware of the arrangement from the outset and agree then by all means have at it. Great discussion by the way. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  12. Sorry never met her but if you want to PM me I can suggest a great lady in St. John's. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  13. The key to this issue is it should be the individual in question who chooses to use their sex appeal to market their specific product or service. The problem comes when others choose to objectify someone without that person's consent and in doing so risk demeaning that person's Professional credibility based on how they react or behave solely based on the person's physical characteristics. In my opinion there is certainly more to everyone then how they look. Cristy you have chosen to work in a industry where sexual image is a major (but not only factor) so I would assume you accept that others will look at you in that frame of reference... I hope they also see you as a strong independent business woman too. If you had chosen to be for example a real estate agent and prided yourself on your competency and professionalism in that field but people chose to treat you only as the sexy lady I think you might object. Of course should you choose to use your sexy image in your ads to attract clients that should be your choice. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  14. Just to be clear the OP has the right to choose his real estate agent based on any criteria he wishes... What I find offensive is his statement that their professional credentials did not matter... well if that's how he feels I hope he will be as honest when he approaches the agent in telling the lady that he is only choosing her to be his eye candy so that she is given the right to choose if she wishes to be sexually objectified in her workplace.... if she agrees wonderful. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  15. Welcome SSTbay... hopefully you will find this community a welcoming informative place to learn and share like I have. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  16. Sorry while I have seen her ads I have never met her. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  17. Welcome Victoria... hopefully you will find this community a welcoming informative place to learn and share like I have. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  18. Welcome Nick63... hopefully you will find this community a welcoming informative place to learn and share like I have. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  19. Welcome Sasha... hopefully you will find this community a welcoming informative place to learn and share like I have. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  20. Welcome Dahlia ... hopefully you will find this community a welcoming informative place to learn and share like I have. If you do get out and tour don't forget us guys here in the east...St. John's can be a great city to visit. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  21. Welcome Cybilmarie... hopefully you will find this community a welcoming informative place to learn and share like I have. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  22. In theory from a logical thought process I fully understand the reasons why a lady or a client might choose to not kiss during an encounter.... My problem is I have real trouble moving from that logical understanding to internalizing it when it actually involves me.... I have never in my own mind been able to stop myself from seeing it as them rejecting me personally in some way... Now don't get me wrong I know that is my problem and I certainly would never give a lady a hard time for her personal choice I am just saying it does effect me and it does impact on the level of enjoyment I personally get from the session. Maybe some day I will grow up and get over it but has not happened yet so for me Kissing is a very very big part of the encounter. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  23. I always saw the "Turn-offs a Lady / Client" and "Ask a Escort / Client" as a fun informative way for both clients and ladies to get an insight into the other person's perspective. Personally I have found it extremely informative and like the threads a great deal. At times some of the comments may have struck a little too close to home for me and made me think about my actions and behaviors which while at the time might be a bit frustrating is in the big picture a good thing... who amongst us could not learn something from an honest assessment of our previous actions. I will however suggest that this community (me included) is often prone to seeing things very black and white and are quick to jump all over a person's opinion that might challenge in some aspect the conventional wisdom of the group. I am pretty sure this happens with both clients and ladies but being a client I am likely seeing this more from a clients perspective. I think we all need to sit back and embrace the information that these types of threads bring to our attention and allow ourselves to be open to that challenging thought... be open to considering that other perspective... we don't have to agree with it... but the thought process around considering it will inform us and allow us to understand that there are other opinions and perspectives out there. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  24. Having Canadian teams play each other in the first round is not all bad it means at a minimum two Canadian teams will be in the second round. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  25. I ignored your first post but in my opinion your request is very unfortunate as it unnecessarily views women as only a sexual object there for your viewing pleasure... you even go so far as to say that you don't need her for her "credentials" but that's ok because she will get a good commission WOW... Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
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