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Old Dog

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Old Dog last won the day on June 17 2014

Old Dog had the most liked content!

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179138 Excellent


About Old Dog

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    Elite Member (500+ Posts)<br><img src=http://www.cerb.ca/nominat

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    sugar daddy apprentice... I have the attitude... heheheheh
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  1. If you live in a TORY riding that has a vulnerable candidate there are options. http://www.votetogether.ca/riding/list/?filter=swing The site is for strategic voting - ostensibly giving the candidate most likely to defeat the incumbent CPC member the combined votes of the NDP, Liberals and Greens (or BQ if applicable.) I am sure that many people will still vote their true colours but it is an idea that may just work. The premise? A riding has a CPC candidate with 37% support. The other parties combined have 63%... but none of them are approaching that 37% individually. For this example the Liberals have 30%, the Greens have 17% and the NDP 16%. The site would suggest that all the NDP and Green voters throw their support behind the Liberal candidate to defeat the CPC. There are other sites as well... and most are dedicated to defeating the Tories in the next election.
  2. I wish I could have made it... but I am heading out of town this week to walk the daughter down the aisle!
  3. Was thinking of someone last night and it turns out she was thinking of me too.... it felt really nice.
  4. Darn it all to heck!!!! I missed your birthday!!!! I guess you'll have to spank me!!! luv ya!!! xoxo
  5. Is that Lyla as in Vagyla? ... or Lyla as in tequila????
  6. Dammit!!!! I missed it!!!! Now you have to spank me!!! Love ya kiddo!!! Happy belated birthday!!! xoxox
  7. That was illegal before the current legislation and still is now. That is solicitation. In short, the answer is no.
  8. Thank you all my friends!!! It was a quiet one, I had a wee tummy bug that kept me indoors... but I am definitely feeling the love!!!! xo
  9. Hmmmmm.... Kinda nervous about being in the same room as lusty perverts and fallen women..... ....flipping a coin..... Heads - Stay at home and read the Conservative Manifesto/The Holy Bible Tails - go to a party with harlots and sociopaths.... ... here we go.... YAY!!!! Trollops and Johns!!!! Bwahahahahhahah.... I am in!!!!
  10. Notch... For tassimo and keurig, the Presidents Choice brownish gold label medium roast is your best bet for matching the taste of Tims. Its more full bodied... And is FAR superior to the stuff that Tims sells for the machines. Best thing? It's nearly always the cheapest coffee for the machines!
  11. ..... and if yesterdays news wasn't enough, my other daughter called at supper time to let me know that her guy just proposed to her... What a fantastic way to start 2015!
  12. Sitting here content today, with family, after giving my beautiful daughter to her handsome new husband. The wedding went perfectly... and i even hugged the ex and didn't turn to stone!
  13. Old Dog


    This makes me cry. A&W fries and their, no longer available, coney sauce. That SHIT was magic.
  14. I am finally able to add my congratulations to Loneskater and MisterT and of course the wonderful staff from ALO that hosted our festivities. The location was amazing! Private, fun and very well appointed - the staff was friendly and courteous and there was more than enough room for all of us to mix and mingle. I am hopeful that we can continue these ventures for years to come... it's a celebration of the amazing people in our shared adventure. Merry Christmas to each and every one of you, and to all those who couldn't attend!!!!
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