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Old Dog

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Everything posted by Old Dog

  1. ... in fact I have several of those in this monster that is sitting in my living room waiting for repair...
  2. I think it's a double blind. He either knows or suspects your profession; in fact he could be a member here and recognizes you from photos. It may be that he didn't snoop, he may have just put two and two together and said, "Hey, I recognize that pretty lady, she is Soleil from CERB. She is smoking hot, I would like to have intimate time with her." On the other hand, you have his home phone number and his work phone number. You know who he is and what he does; moreover, you also know exactly where he works and for whom. You have a great deal more information in your hands than you would for your average client. If knowledge is power, then you have power. Oh yeah... you also have his offer that he would do extra work off the clock... what employer would be happy with that? If the answer is no, you have several options, but my personal favourite would be, "Thank you for your offer Mr. Singh, but I would rather keep the nature of our relationship professional. I appreciate your interest but would also like to maintain my relationship with ABC123 Security in good standing."
  3. Another Alison... Alison Krauss.... this is from the baptism scene from one of my favourite Coen bros movies "O Brother Where Art Thou" Alison Kraus - Down in the River to Pray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgVL-rBq9Fw
  4. when you went into a grocery or hardware store and saw one of these... and you knew what they were for!
  5. I must again proclaim my undying adoration for Olivia Munn....
  6. I actually received one of those in kindergarten.... it was our task to learn how to count to 100 (being the centennial and all)... and I almost screwed up. I figured after ninety nine, the next natural numerical progression would be "tendy" and after "Tendy nine" it would be Elevendy.
  7. You know who else went to Mexico??? James Taylor - Mexico
  8. ..... and that my friends is how the piston engine works....
  9. Darth Sidius of course!!! he is ribbed for extra sensation! Now let's do some 50's bombshells.... Jayne Mansfield Diana Dors or Anita Ekberg?
  10. Hmmmm... what if a zombie was a vegan before he was undead.... would he crave cauliflower?
  11. In French, English or Swahili... I just love em...
  12. The story is horrific enough, the video is just horrid!
  13. wait a minute... I have never seen this before....
  14. On a day when we see the tragedy of a small girl in China and the her treatment by apathetic passersby, my friend sent a link to this story out of Australia. There are GOOD people in this world... and there are few barriers that can't be overcome... watch the whole thing... and have a handful of Kleenex handy. Emmanuel Kelly - Imagine (his audition on Australia's X Factor) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W86jlvrG54o
  15. soooo set your pvr's for.... wait..... It's on AMC? Don't bother setting your PVR. IT says it will be on from this time to this time, but three hours later, you will still be on a different show or interviews.
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