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Old Dog

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Everything posted by Old Dog

  1. Happppppy burfday hunny!!!!! We have everything for the party!!! Okay... we didn't get the latex, ummm.... we will just leave it at that.... hehehehehe xoxoxox
  2. Congrats Mia!!! I Poured you a milk bath... but this lady got in it... I will clean the tub and have your milk much warmer than hers!
  3. Congrats Erin!!!! I tried to make them golden, but I left them near the fire too long and they burned... and then the apartment burned. The Fire Marshal said I can't be near fire anymore.
  4. The Cramps-Queen of Pain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_5K5NIrDmE&feature=related
  5. Ohhhhh a HITACHI.... not a hibachi. That clears things up and gets a lot less dangerous.
  6. What if that paid advertiser working at a spa was born on a Thursday and had an extraneous nipple? Would she have to have the nipple removed, ride in a rickshaw to work and bus tables to gain access to the SP only area or would she qualify if she got her third nipple pierced?
  7. Yup, that was her gay friend.
  8. There is a simple solution. We ask the MOD to kill the poll/thread/award... NOW. Ask yourself, "Is it worth risking the continued health of this community for such a trivial matter?" Take a few steps back. Hold the poll in December, January... whenever. Clearly define the attributes of a "Member's Choice Candidate" or a "CERB Valued Member" in the interim. If a candidate does not meet the merit criteria, they can't be nominated. The key contributors will STILL be the key contributors. The most deserving candidates will be nominated, and the eventuality is that someone will get a fancy banner on their profile. In the meantime, EVERY member is a VALUED member; EVERY provider is a VALUED provider. Let's let this go... book with each other and enjoy what everyone brings to the table. After that, we can all go out and buy me a beer.
  9. I am not sure, but I think Wilfrid Laurier was the first MOD....
  10. ummmmm..... BLUE! ahhhhh... GREEN! errrrrr..... ORANGE!
  11. Boobdazzling??? Can DO!!!!
  12. 1. The Polo Park Mall was originally constructed in the 1970's entirely out of day old perogies. The Merry Mushroom Slide contained therein was said to give you a non pharmaceutical high. 2. Winnipeg is actually a Cree word meaning "Not Ontario." 3. Pine Street was renamed Valour Road in honour of the three Winnipeg natives who stayed in the city all year round in 1917. 4. Winnipeg won the Stanley Cup.... in 1896. 5. The Winnipeg Free Press is still printed by hand in black pen. 6. Winnipeg has more snow shovels per capita than any other city IN THE WORLD. 7. If you ask a Winnipegger to tattoo your name on their bum, they will. 8. Winnipeg's motto since 1972 has been "Unum Cum Virtute Multorum" meaning "One virtual multiple orgasm". 9. The University of Manitoba was incorporated in 1877 as the first university in the west. In 1880 the first graduating class had one person in it, by 2010 they had tripled that success rate. 10. In 1970 "American Woman" topped international music charts. Winnipeg rock n' rollers The Guess Who, who penned the tune, went on to become one of Canada's largest cultural exports and just a few of the many who have left Winnipeg since.
  13. The year was 1936... Nazis were threatening Europe... Roosevelt was President, Mackenzie King was Prime Minister... people were still doing the Lindy Hop.... prohibition had been repealed... and the girls... oh the girls... here they were... the first women of CERB... Ethel the Unready, Myrtle the Minx, Mildred the Manitoba Manhandler, Sheila the Shy and up front Harriet the Harlot... ohhh those were the days.... Ohhhhh and here is pic of the first trio.... Martha, Clover and Esther....
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