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Old Dog

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Everything posted by Old Dog

  1. I do agree with this thread... and will not highjack it. I promise. Even though I do like toast and boxer shorts... where were we... ooohhhhh yes... the thread. A couple of really valid points have been raised. I do think that a provider's thread is sacred, that is in this respectful environment, if contributions are to be made either in support or as an humourous aside, it should be done. I certainly have not been immune to adding a few points here and there. For the provider thread, in my humble opinion, if there is a glaring error or omission, communication should be done by PM rather than pointing out the mistake as a response. No one wants to be made to look like an idiot in their own thread (present company excepted.) Everyone likes good-natured fun, but no one likes to feel the fool. On other threads, we all run the risk of twisting something that started out wonderful or meaningful and compromising it by adding our own personal tastes. That is a risk that we do take when launching a thread; the fear that it will spin out of control into a deplorable debate that splits the board. The solution? Bring it back. Get to the original point. If you feel the need to get tangential, create a new thread.... this is a discussion board. You can reference the offending post by copying the thread or you can merely copy and paste the text that has your hackles raised (oooooooh I have been waiting to use the term "hackles" for such a long time... but I digress.) See... I can comment on a thread without pictures!!!! Shit... can't ...be.... done
  2. I was gooder by 39.7 percent... now if I could only work on my English skills....
  3. Nope he is working on the sheep... honing his aim for the RPGs to come!!!!
  4. You kill me!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the fantastic work.... love ya!!!
  5. Allllll right.... you bring the paper towels... I will bring the ummmm.... more paper towels.
  6. David Bowie - Golden Years http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8gPA1UiOdo
  7. Awwwwww.... I think we all have been there. I remember the first time I ever saw an opossum... I killed it. I was coming off the 401 and turned slowly on to one of the access routes. I saw this strange beast and thought... wow that's a POSSUM. I slowed down. The possum was suicidal. I turned and veered but the possum just kept coming. I think he may have been on crystal meth or pcp... or something. Whatever way I turned, he just kept running towards my tires. I was doing about 30 kms an hour when I heard the thud... and then the scream of a drug crazed suicidal possum as he died. I felt horrible. Then I thought to myself, maybe that's just what the possum wanted. Maybe he wanted me to end his life... maybe he was like a possum martyr and this was his way of dying for his cause. Maybe he just needed me to send him to possum heaven where he was to be met by 56 possum virgins. Maybe you have given that skunk a sense of religious fulfillment. Probably not. Heheheheheheh
  8. I was beginning to think that you too had sex with my ex .... but then again, it wouldn't have been the best nor would it have lasted 11 seconds. Additional Comments: Something to make ya smile... Fat Cat Gets Stuck - watch more funny videos
  9. Sheriff - When I'm With You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEkW16x7kCg
  10. And that couple??? Rahim Jaffer and Helena Guergis....
  11. Old Dog

    Those are some looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong legs my dear.... lovely!
  12. ....ummmm... wow. I swear to god I spilled some water on my lap and was toweling it off vigorously. That's my story.
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