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Old Dog

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Everything posted by Old Dog

  1. EGGGGGZAckly!!!!!!!!!!! It's a uterus NOT a clown car!!!!!
  2. If you notice the guy in the back... take a good look at his neck. He has three adam's apples. Those extra two would be his testicles....
  3. Offspring - Pretty Fly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzY2Qcu5i2A&ob=av2e
  4. I must say I really enjoy the Big Bang Theory. It pokes fun at a lot of things... and frankly there are a lot worse shows out there. I think the afternoon talk show format is dead... Dr. Phil, Steve Wilco, Tyra, Maury, Jerry ... bleccch. Get rid of all those fake judge "People's Court" shows... stupid trashy garbage.... half of TLC's lineup of human degradation and power wombs... c'mon, do we really need 6 more shows about huge families????
  5. HBO has trailers coming out for a new series coming in 2011... "Game of Thrones"... it looks quite interesting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_of_Thrones_(TV_series)
  6. XTC - Senses Working Overtime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkboXFd9dDU
  7. Thanks for the tip!! I just set my PVR to catch episode 1 on its final rebroadcast this week (Saturday on Showcase) and have the rest of the episodes set for capture on their Sunday night spots.
  8. The debate is moot; the best Smith can hope to achieve is a watered down private member's bill that will not see any of her "National Action Plan" goals achieved. That's right... it is HER "National Action Plan"... not representative of the party that she represents. Some of her proposals are not only legislatively impossible but logistically impracticable; she has very little knowledge but expounds greatly. She, in my opinion, is a mere tempest in a teacup. ... carry on.
  9. The mushy mush??? I really feel like a part of this community... always have. That part was heartfelt. The funny side... well that comes from "life"... sometimes people get so hung up on an issue they don't realize that there is humour everywhere. I have always taken a look at things from the ridiculous angle first... it is and always has been a survival technique. That being said, do I get the key to the executive crapper with this crown thing? Ahhhh Rick.... When your numbers are down on the mats, Don't give up, don't just utter,"Drats.", My posts, how they rose, When I betrayed the prose, For poems that padded my stats! Woooohooooo Ava!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Taste of Honey - Boogie Oogie Oogie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX8ta-5ZBLo
  11. Gnarls Barkley Everybody is somebody, but nobody wants to be themselves.
  12. .... despite all the words, all I have to say is...
  13. Awwwww ... thanks sooo much folks. I can't but think that I am the one that should be thanking all of you for your friendship and your insights. Believe me when I say I have gained so much more than I have imparted in this short period of time. I am honoured to count you all as friends!
  14. It's all okay. I believe it has been swiped many times as a status.... I thought it was extremely creative!
  15. What is worse than having no sight is being able to see but having no vision. Helen Keller
  16. Why yes.... ummm... we ALL know about the vampiric cheetah zebra am/fm centipedes of which you speak.... they were trained by llamas.
  17. Old Dog

    Naughty Angel

    When I see your mouth all I can think of is Ali Larter. I love Ali Larter
  18. I'm sold. I will take three dozen.
  19. Edgar Winter - Frankenstein http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b23VFcsbPA
  20. Emma... that scares the bejeebus out of me too... not your sons getting jobs, but my daughters.... wow that was poorly phrased, I am not afraid of your sons getting my daughters (should I be???) ... but I am afraid that the intellectual investment that my ex and I have made in post secondary education will not equate to a great career....
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