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Old Dog

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Everything posted by Old Dog

  1. http://babybirthdayboutique.com/images/elmo-tutu-set-2.jpg http://blog.costumecraze.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/elmo-costume.jpg Ooooooh.... you said EMO... I thought you said... um.... never mind.
  2. Alizee - J'ai Pas Vingt Ans (French) ... she is perhaps one of the most BEAUTIFUL women in the world.... Sunidhi Chauhan - Aa Tayar Hoja (Hindi)... that is a clip from the Bollywood blockbuster "Asoka"... not Sunidhi, but a gorgeous lip sync nonetheless... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTJVPquO9ig Mary Jane Lamond - Bog A'Lochain (Scots Gaelic) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgttB42VLas Joshua Bell (Violin Virtuoso) and Josh Groban - The Theme from Cinema Paradiso (Italian)... one of the most haunting songs ever to grace the silver screen... Montreal's own Florence K - Las Calles Del Sur (Spanish) - it's a jazzy little tune that hearkens back to sixties lounge... LOVE it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiHmN9uVcyo Lucio Battisti - Non E Francesca (Italian) ... reminded me of an old flame named... umm... Francesca... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pBzTF9O7o4
  3. When faced with the statement, " I hope you're worth the money," the perfect reply???? "Oh I am. But I have decided, just now, that you couldn't possibly be worth my time." Nuff said.
  4. Hey WIT... what doesn't kill me makes me stronger!!!
  5. Hahahahah not thwarted!!!!!! XTC - Dear God
  6. Her time in the restroom, not long, She was met by an amourous throng, But to her dismay, She discovered that day, That her skirt was caught high on her thong. She quickly recovered her poise, And despite all the giggling noise, That her bare butt sashay, Proved quite a display, Very popular with all the CERB boys. Now who could be possibly numb, That a miscue potentially dumb, Could be the prescription, For a million subscriptions, To a website showing only her bum.
  7. Damn it WIT, what you read is all true, When you start with this style, you are through. Every cognitive thought, Whether wanted or not, Rhymes with three lines and two others too!!!
  8. Brilliant!!! I admire a man (in a manly way) who ignores his own moral dictates. Kudos! Additional Comments: My Three sons??? Like Chip, Ernie and Robbie??? Do you have an uncle Charlie and a dog named Scamp too???
  9. If we can target llamas as well as cows, I am coming with you on the Cambodian trek. Llamas are the bane of the animal world.
  10. The brazen young man with a 'tude, Said, "Yo, I'm a good looking dude," He figured his "date," Should be paid half the rate, As he admired himself, in the nude. So, he surfed the CERB ads with that thought, Thinking, "She won't reject me, I'm hot!" He made a few choices, And imagined the voices, Scream his name as he found the right spot. But no one accepted this snob, And no one would touch his wee knob, You see, this rude jerk, Never thought of this work, As a valid and substantive job. The moral, my friends, is quite true, Whether booking with Jane, Beth or Sue, When you bargain a session, You'll soon learn a lesson, That ends with your palm, full of goo.
  11. Oh a challenge.... William Shatner doing "Mr. Tambourine Man???" Ohhhhh yeah..... Leonard Nimoy doing "Ruby, Don't take your Love to Town"... can't touch dat!!!!!! Here's a Story ... of a man named Brady.... who was the head of the Bunch that DESTROYED "American Pie" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMblLwWNA30 Pat Boone, America's favourite Jeebus guy... doing "Enter Sandman"
  12. There is a limerick in here waiting to be born. ... back to the thread.
  13. Another likeable bum... hey... at least he is honest! Hell this is ANOTHER likable BUM! ...okay... not so honest, BUT damn he is creative.
  14. Would the reverse be true??? Would damp towels dirty the mood?
  15. Thank goodness I never mentioned Lima Beans. Does anyone actually eat Lima Beans?? That has to be the greatest scam in the entire vegetable producing industry. Someone will buy them for some unknown reason and they will get relegated to the back of the cupboard... never to be seen again until the purchaser dies of natural causes. A relative will clean the deceased person's home, clear out the cupboards and take a few cans for themselves. Once again to be relegated to back of the cupboard. Until they die... and the cycle continues. This is going on forever. We could have prehistoric Lima Beans sitting in cupboards all over the world. Waiting. Yup, just waiting for that ONE person on the face of the planet that has a craving for Lima Beans because that is the thing that brings them comfort and makes them smile. Like I said. Thank goodness I never mentioned Lima Beans.
  16. That just begs for a retort. If you don't get the "Flesh for Fantasy", Billy Idol also has an answer... it's called "Dancin' with Myself." 'Nuff said...
  17. Ohhhhh come on!!!!!!!!!! No one has ever had a glass of chocolate milk with breakfast??? ... now I am self conscious... am I that weird???
  18. Not in the same glass!!!! You could substitute the vegetarian equivalent of a greasy breakfast food... not really sure what that would be.... ummmm... Tofacon?
  19. You are a mad woman. Absolutely adorable, but without a doubt a certifiable loon. I LOVE it!
  20. Thanks Cato!!! But there is one final stanza... Now Stanley sits sad, and forlorn, His CERB membership canceled with scorn, His life full of gloom, He sits alone in his room, Eating cheezies and watching bad porn.
  21. Oh the ladies of CERB would implore, That his hygeine was really quite poor, But he never listened, And his chest how it glistened, With the sweat garnered three days before. Now he called and he called everyone, His mind full of visions of fun, But the odious smell, Like the sulfurs of Hell, Meant his calls would be answered by none. Poor Stanley could not understand, That no courtesan in the land, Would sate his desire, So burning with fire, He was forced to take matters in "hand."
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