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Old Dog

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Everything posted by Old Dog

  1. Just noticed that myself WIT... congrats!!!! Your posts are always thoughtful and sagacious... you are like the oracle of CERB!
  2. She knew how to move her hips BUT... the guy seemed either disinterested or downright frightened.
  3. Meg.... it's not fair that you also use the same milk that was in your Grampy's fridge to test your theory!!!!!
  4. Amelia!!! Watch out for #47... she carries a knife and talks to trees!!!!
  5. I just found this video reply... priceless!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dY_YLukQ5w
  6. But if you had clones, would you do duos with yourself?
  7. I wish I could recount all things lost. Some with passing value, some with great sentimental value. One of the really crappy things about building a life together with someone and having it torn asunder in a divorce is not only the loss of the relationship, it's also the loss of some of your favourite stuff.... She sold a steamer trunk that came over with the last bastions of the family in 1842 from Scotland... it was worn by years of use but held great value as a relic of the life in the old country. I was heartbroken... as was the rest of my family BUT... what can you do??? I looked for it for a few years but gave up... that still hurts.
  8. Please change your dyslexia... it's kinda creepy on a personal level....
  9. The Gaelic seemed to get far more guttural when she was angry... I really think that's why Gaelic died out, the great phlegm shortage of 1917....
  10. I cut and paste from a site... but the Gaelic is real!!! My old gran used to wish us all kinds of wonderful things in Gaelic... either that or she was calling us filthy little demon spawn in a language we couldn't understand at the time....
  11. Boner... I must agree. Every time I see this pic, I think of licking a creamsicle in the summer time... I just wish that my creamsicles had this on the inside instead of ice cream!
  12. Damn Lindsay!!!! Now I am going to have to doctor the books and claim that I have only been offering $9.20 hugs since July 21st!!! If you want to book, I will be standing on Metcalfe and Laurier between Pigeon Hobo and Cigarette Butt lady....
  13. Here is Eddie Murphy as James Brown for the Celebrity Hot Tub!!!
  14. I charge $8 for hugs, I blame it on capitalism... and alimony.
  15. I am soooo glad you make that distinction!!!! That was one of the central arguments at Christmas with the ex... I always said it's not about what the kids need, it's about what they want... she couldn't tell the difference!
  16. another.... "May we kiss whom we please, And please whom we kiss."
  17. RD... I don't see him as much as I did. The white suit is his summer garb; the multicoloured is thicker and more suited to cooler times. I did see him a couple of weeks ago at Metcalfe and Slater so I do know that he is still out and about!
  18. It is ironic, because I do think of it from time to time... but from a different angle. I am monogamous by nature, to the end that even in my relationship with SPs, I do not stray until the natural course of a relationship runsto its terminus. I have been out of a committed relationship for a couple of years now and I do date. I now approach dating with the hobby in mind, thinking, "would I be willing to give up the hobby for you??" In the last few years, the answer has been a definitive, "No." Bottom line?? When she, who shall rock my world, has been found the hobby will slip by the wayside.
  19. iPhone Murder Apps from Emma Stone
  20. Why isn't Whistler in someplace like... um... Ottawa??? You lucky lucky west coasters!!!!
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