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Old Dog

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Everything posted by Old Dog

  1. Raspberries are awesome.... I had a raspberry hedge between my place and the neighbours place... it completely covered the fence between our yards. We both loved the outcome. Raspberries as big as the end of your thumb and bursting with flavour.
  2. I used to have a vegetable patch for years. Best tips? Wherever you plant, make sure it's going to get sun. May 24 is usually the earliest I would plant, you want to make sure that you are out of the risk period for frost at night. Radishes. Plant them early and often. They break up the soil for other stuff, they grow quickly and the little buggers are actually tasty. Edge your veggie patch with : Marigolds, nasturtium and green onions. Woodland creatures love veggies, but they DON'T eat the aforementioned. The anti animal barrier keeps the veggies safer PLUS you can eat the onions and the nasturtium... the flowers have a peppery taste - great to add a little colour to a garden salad! Green and Yellow beans. Plant a couple of rows. They are so good PLUS they are easy to grow.... the yield is fairly high. One of those plants that makes you feel like a gardener - they are very forgiving. Poo. No, not you. Get bagged animal poo (sheep poop is great, and please don't follow farm animals with a baggy), some black soil and a rototiller. Spread the fertilizer and black soil on your veggie patch and then give it all a good mixing with the rototiller. This is the prep you NEED to do before planting anything. Water daily. Plants love that stuff and it allows the fertilizer to work better. Don't over water... your plants can't swim and you don't want to promote rot. WEED. Anything green that is NOT what you planted has to be removed. Grow cantaloupes. They are delicious and they look like boobies.
  3. Beautiful website Vanessa!!!
  4. Now sweety... we have to get an icon for you... cuz you are way too pretty to be an egg!!!!
  5. Your best bet is to contact a reputable provider and see who she is comfortable working with... cuz duos can be INCREDIBLE!
  6. ...or by climbing a ladder and licking the roof of your house....
  7. Ummmm... I have no clients so it would have to be an SP in my home. Final answer. Dogma or Clerks?
  8. it's official.... SOLD OUT!!! Sorry to all those who pm'd late asking to attend - it is extremely unlikely that there will be any further room. Watch for future events and contact the organizers early... you never want to miss out on the fun!!! Less - than 24 HOURS.... doors open at 6:30!
  9. Other than the Sens part... this post just made my day!!!!
  10. Bottled Beer... I am going to need it going up the mountain and climbing on top of Vitto after dinner and before ice cream.... 7 deadly sins or 7 not so deadly dwarves?
  11. Hi Loraine... we are full but if anyone drops out between now and Thursday we will let you know!
  12. I understand the aggravation... but for a first timer, even that "hi" is a big step. This is not an apology for the guys that have been on the boards for quite some time or for someone that has had more than one experience. This is for that first timer. "Hi" is hell. "Hi" is scary. "Hi" means that he has stepped out of his comfort level, regardless of what it is, and decided to delve into a world that is completely foreign to him. We all know the media portrayals; rarely are they positive. But the guy that says just "hi" is going against everything he has been shown and everything that society has told him, and is entering a great big world unknown to him. He may have been debating that "hi" text for weeks. He probably wrote and erased that "hi" a dozen times on his phone and when he finally was satisfied with that message, debated again just pressing the "send" button. "Hi" means that he has decided on extra marital adventure for the first time. "Hi" means that he is lonely and doesn't have the social skills for intimate relationships in the real world. "Hi" means that he and his SO have broken up and is reaching for something to ease the pain for just a short amount of time. "Hi" means so many things, and it could be that you, the recipient are the one he has chosen out of a hundred other possibilities to help him. He doesn't know the next step. He's never done this before. He is scared. Believe me, he is petrified. You are beautiful and sexy and are offering him things that he hasn't had in a long time, if ever. He may stop at just "hi." That may have been the limit of his fortitude. He may just say to himself, "I can't do this." So when you get upset at "hi," please understand that at one time he may have been ALL of us, everyone who gets into the hobby for one of the multitude of reasons that we do the things we do. I apologize if I have offended, all I want to do is give some sense of what that "hi" was all about. I rest my case.
  13. Austin Powers! Free range vegans or strawberries?
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