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Old Dog

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Everything posted by Old Dog

  1. I don't know about that Cato, I only showed the top half! ;)
  2. I have provided a visual example for your edification....
  3. Vitto is sooooo right. (She always is!) Just because you see someone listed on another venue doesn't necessarily make them unworthy of your dollars - providers use the resources available to maximize potential business - it's just good business sense to use all the free advertising that you can! That being said, the lesser lights on those other sites tend not to make a big splash here on CERB - either because they lack the business sense to spread the word, or they fear review/recommendation boards of any kind. The brightest stars ascend because they are worthy of our accolades... and that's why CERB is our first and best choice for finding the quality experience that we all so justly deserve.
  4. Watch it Lee... I have a lawyer now!!! hehehehehehe
  5. Villains. Every story has a hero, but the best stories have the coolest villains. Chai Tea Latte or Howler Monkeys?
  6. Well Meaghan... I actually used my first one last night (the guardrails one) with AMAZING results.....
  7. You better put some guardrails up because honey, you have DANGEROUS curves. I bet you a quarter that I can touch your boobs without using any part of my body.... (touching boobs, tossing quarter) Damn, I lose again ;)
  8. I'm not gay but... you serve me that, and I might just do ya. Just sayin'.
  9. Gatineau... oh the dreams I have had of that town... the Quebec Riviera... ahhhh.... beautiful women, cheap wholesale beer.... what's not to love???
  10. HUGS to everybody!!!! Cuz that's the way I roll....
  11. We've all met shallow people, those who judge the people around them by the aesthetic beauty on display... and usually we find them distasteful. They fail to see what YOU see in others. The problem is, most of us are incredibly shallow when it comes to our own aesthetic beauty. We focus on the aspects of ourselves that fail ... whether it be dark circles under our eyes, a heavy midsection, a receding hairline or whatever - when WE look at the mirror and see ourselves, we don't concentrate on the fantastic, we micro-analyze the miniscule. The problem with that? We sell ourselves short. A little Old Dog story.... I was a heavy kid. Not morbidly obese, but HEAVY. At the age of 18, something happened within my metabolism and BOOM. I wasn't heavy anymore. Problem was... HEAVY Dog was still in my brain. I sold myself short. I was interested in so many young women but HEAVY Dog said, "you're not worthy. She can do better." I was fit. I was tanned. I was a golden blonde and had all my hair. But still HEAVY Dog ruled. Eventually I became more confident, and became engaged to a beautiful woman... (I didn't know then she was Lucifer's handmaiden) ... but when the word got out that I was getting married, something happened. Women came out of the woodwork. Women that I always felt that were completely out of my league... and all of them in one way or another asked a single question, "Why didn't you ever ask me out?" I was flabbergasted. I had no idea. These were women of my dreams - beautiful, charming, funny and at one time or another extremely available - but I was so sure that I was too hideous to even merit their attention, I was oblivious to the fact that there was indeed, a great deal of attention. The moral of that story? Be happy in who you are. Be happy in how you look. Be confident and charming and witty and beautiful... because somewhere out there, right now, is someone that is thinking about YOU. They don't see your imperfections. They see the beauty that resides in each and every one of us. They see your beauty whether it is on the surface or surrounding you like a glow.
  12. Finally realizing that even with my super duper 3D glasses, I still can't peek further down Gabriella's top in her icon.... hmmmmmm.
  13. The past 24 hours have me smiling from ear to ear. So many hours spent just relaxing and talking to my girls... life is precious.
  14. Why is it that only wicked people get to have cool minions? I, personally, would love to have a garrison of trained and uniformed flying monkeys to do my bidding. Just sayin'.
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