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Everything posted by twoblues

  1. YES! I'm all for raunchy sex, but the degrees that some "films" go in the absolute degradation of some women is pretty extreme...slapping, spitting, choking are my top 3 turn-offs. Also hate "too young" girls, but I've always loved a more mature lady. On the other hand, I love DP, large toys, etc...
  2. I guess it depends...I've been doing this for just over 5 years and I take the view "new to me". I suppose 1 year max, though...after that she may be new to no one but myself :o
  3. An ex of mine use to do that alot. We weren't living together, but she always wanted me to leave a shirt behind that I've worn so she could wear it. She would often greet me at the door wearing the shirt and heels...and nothing else. Yes, that was a huge turn on. Heels and how they make a woman's calf look...also a huge turn on.
  4. Bah, polls are so out of date these days. It should really emphasize "53% of people who responded to the poll which is made up of a small number of people who don't hang up right away".
  5. Ahem: http://consumerist.com/2011/06/erotic-phishing-attack-steals-thousands-of-tumblr-logins.html
  6. The Internet requires a much thicker skin than many are used to having. It's very easy to lash out/post one's opinions that many do not think of the consequence. You must remember that there are also many out there who use the Internet as a forum for spouting stuff they would never do in person or in public. The best advice is to let it just flow right off you and don't fall into the trap of confrontation because rarely does the one "in the right" ever come across much better than the person who said/did the harmful thing.
  7. My downfall over the years has been communication...much easier, for me, to find someone who is compatible off the bat. It's horrible, I know. I'm trying to turn myself around ;)
  8. I've had this enough times in my life that I'm gun-shy when it comes to oral... Ex-wife used to smash me against her molars...when I would try and pull her away, she took it as a clue that I was nearing completion so she would go at it harder...I could never explain to her how to do it right... I thought it was a one off, but I have encountered it again and again...rubbing/banging me against the molars. To be fair, the bad ones were not very experienced sexually. I have been accused of going to aggresively on a girl, but I find it's really different girl to girl. Some want me to dive right in, some, as the poster above, need a gentle start. Basically, I can count on one hand the fantastic blow jobs...and wow were they great. A blowjob is either fantastic or horrible...there is no in-between.
  9. More likely the explosion of iPads in Canada, considering I got a couple as well from people who don't normally use Skype, but try it out on their iPad to annoy me ;)
  10. twoblues

    iPad opinions

    I do hold out hope for the WePad: http://eu.techcrunch.com/2010/03/19/apple-ipad-how-about-a-little-german-innovation-instead/ but I'll believe it when I see it and read the real-life reviews.
  11. twoblues

    iPad opinions

    You know, I had pretty much talked myself out of an iPad until I handled one last night...they are sexy devices. I know it really has no value other than entertainment and that money can be spent on...ahem...better pursuits, but I want one now :( Help me...
  12. Is your Vista system "up to date"? Latest service pack installed (ie. SP2)? There were a lot of great changes in the 2 service packs they released. Really stabilized the system. I wouldn't suggest downgrading to XP, rather an upgrade to Windows 7 if only for the reason that XP support will be ending very soon.
  13. Domain name transfers are offered by many sites. For example, GoDaddy offers the service for $6.99. Pretty straightforward, I would imagine. Then once your domain is transferred, you can do the redirect to escorts.com, if you want.
  14. Honestly, these days it doesn't really matter what you get if you are just doing what you are asking for. Just look for a computer in your price range and it will do everything you want it to do.
  15. Back when the strip clubs around here were still good, there was this one girl that just....wow...she would certainly get me close! Now, a naked strip tease in the comfort of a private room with a sexual partner...yah, that can lead to an organism, depending on how pent up I am and how much touching and rubbing is going on ;)
  16. twoblues

    Tablet PC's

    I do appreciate the paper books, but I read a ton and with the new travel restrictions that change everyday, the less I have to carry on a trip, the better :) (plus, it saves my back from being strained!)
  17. twoblues

    Tablet PC's

    I got a Kindle (Int'l) for Christmas and absolutely love it. Just got back from Mexico and it's such a nice travel device. Interestingly, when the Kindle Int'l first came out, I noticed an extra $1.99 charge for purchases outside of the States...but while in Mexico, I bought one book, paid the extra $1.99 and now on every other book I've looked at, there is no additional charge. So, no idea if it is a one-time charge, a once a month charge (pay once, then don't pay again for a while), or if they suddenly removed the charge while I was away. As for the Text-To-Speech, the authors are idiots...the text-to-speech is no where near the quality of an audio book...it's the silly computer voice and nothing else.
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