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Posts posted by downbound123

  1. Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massages might be something you might want to look into. I have had many and the lady I saw would only do a minimum of two hours. I have also had the three hour massage. The combination of oils, music, touch and joint movement leaves you in an altered state. I have never felt as relaxed and refreshed. Mine was strictly theraputic and from my research that I did before having one it seems that if you want a true Lomi Lomi experience that is all it will be, but trust me it will be more than enough.

  2. I had an experience with a pregnant SP about a year ogo. She advertises regularly in the Sun. She was in her 20's, spinner type and when I visited her she mentioned during our getting to know each other that she was 6 weeks pregnant and just starting to show. (barely). I asked if she would prefer not doing full service but she said that it was fine and she actually was hornier because of the pregnancy.

    Well the extra hornyness definitly was contagious. One of the best experiences ever.

  3. Lets go back to the late 60's to a place just around the corner from the Regent theater on Bank Street. I can't for life of me remember the name but think it might have been the Ritz. There was an Italian restaurant upstairs and downstairs was the club. The waiters all wore tuxes and looked like they good have been extras in the godfather movies. It was all blacklight so their white shirts really stood out. The dancers all wore pasties in colours that the blacklight would highlight.

    There were tables but the stage was surrounded by curved booths.

    Any one else remember this place...

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