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Everything posted by Areez

  1. I know you mentioned that this is more geared toward the SP(S). But the way I see it, you have agreed not to tell most of her friends and family. Keep your promise to her, when the family asks, deflect the question. Sometimes a white lies is a better way for everyone. -- my nickel worth (again. them cent is goner.) Areez.
  2. Twice from the same provider yes. Its not as bad as no showed. Cause one no showed would be a strike out sorry... that's just rude. You know what they say though - fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. There wont be fooling around the third time :b I think I have better things to do (not wanting to sound rude here)
  3. Maybe lawyer(s) know better not to get their ass sued by their S.O. LoL.
  4. Love them. Has them. Want more of them. It really is a personal choice and preference one have with tattoo -- I find it appealing, its an art in different form. And I do appreciate any form of art. Put that art on a womens body .... Thats just an extra bonus for me! MmmhMmm....
  5. Great idea Lexi, I actually would love to make this a reason to travel to Halifax ... The timing is fast approaching which is going against me though. LoL.
  6. Areez

    Chat Rules

    This is mutual respect thing, really. You could take a screenshot fairly easily now... I believe in terms of CERB chat you could even just hit print screen. Or in other certain cases or website you could even run a recording program ... The beauty of technology ... is also its biggest downfall. Hope that helps.
  7. Areez


    Thanks Lee!! I think that little bugger of a checkmark automatically unchecked itself after you edit an option -- so make sure you add the tick mark before editing other option :b Got myself confused on this one also .. so for those of you that lost on what we are talking about ... here it is Visualized. Little Green Bar (Instead of Icon and the person name that left comment/thanks) While we usually would like to see who left comments :D And the option you need to change as per Lee's discovery: Under "User CP" Under "User Options" Under "Thread display options" Woohoo its fixed. LOL. Anyways -- :D Thanks Lee+MOD for looking into this hahaha. Don't know why it changes itself.
  8. Areez


    I think this is happening again .... :\
  9. ___________________________ <- Thats the line !! Hahaha - sorry too much time on my hand waiting.
  10. Absolutely not. Why: Everyone comfort limit is different... Your decision is yours to make and never let anyone tells you otherwise. As a hobbyist _if_ this is a deal breaker for me; I just carry on and find a different provider. I would never try to force anyone to do anything they would not do.
  11. Happy birthday Castle! Have a great day ahead!
  12. Areez

    Lovely! Just lovely :)
  13. Awee. Thanks :) Here's some of my blurb for that 500th post! When I first joined -- I never thought I would be so engaged on this website and the wonderful experience the ladies brings. It was actually a pure random coincidence that I was bored one night - and stumbled upon escort-canada and there was a link to this site advertising live cam and chat! woohoo! \o/ ! (I've been caught on the chatroom ... quite often. lol.) If I looked back, I joined the site in April 2010 -- But didn't even have my first encounter till December 2010. Just looking and lurking not knowing where to find information or how to approach things. After that I started browsing more actively and finding an awesome lot of information. In highlights: I've gotten the chance to meet with some of the most beautiful, intelligent and interesting ladies from all over Canada. There still many ladies that I wishes to meet ;P (I'm in Ottawa *hint*) I've also gotten to know some of the gentleman from here! I've learned all kind of different aspect and form of sensuality .. from mild to wild! Thank you to everyone on this site for sharing their thought, experience and insight! --Areez.
  14. Great job u DOG, oops I mean OLD DOG :) Keep up the post and don't stop chasing tail!
  15. Areez

    Can I help you?

    in many ways than you could think of.... ;)
  16. So... If a lady stole my clothes during a shower i'll do the naked 6-49 style dance out hahaha ... ;-) I'm certainly lucky i had never have to worry about this issue whatsoever ... Trust goes both way .. For a guy that does lots of incall... If a lady trusted me enough to let me in their space ... Why should i have any doubt towards her ;-)
  17. Anal[Die] Hard! The Perfect Anal[storm] Just Anal[Friends] lol.
  18. De-ja-vu all over again... Im sure this has been discussed far and wide before... My nickel thought, yes they get more expensive cause penny is slowly going.
  19. woohoo.... I'm a proud slut! LOL .... Slut united anyone?
  20. Happy birthday !!! (But you can only claim this tomorrow.) :D wishing you a great one!
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