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Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Grass_Hopper

  1. I won't give for several reasons, starting by a big lack of details. Plus you say a day surgery in the US that is life saving and done in a day, but here, 100% unavailable??? Honestly, we are quite a lot in need of cares, and we all deal with it at some point, BUT here's what I can do for you. I am ready to provide you with an address here in Quebec, so you can at least have more options. Out of that, nothing I am willing to do, but good luck!..
  2. This kind of activity is absolutely forbidden on here... Mot mentionning how dangerous. Make sure to include name and handle of the provider, general area and phone number. There's also a certain cowboy wich could be interested in the details.
  3. Je me sens privilégiée de faire partie de ton entourage, Cato. Bon anniversaire!
  4. Hi!, I will be hosting Tuesday / Wednesday from an all new location, in the Laurentians, accessible from the highway 40 / 344. This opening is only a soft, therefore I will be offering a special rate. PM to get détails!
  5. The ''verified independant'' tag makes it very hard for a couple to advertising independently (?), but if you are looking for a ''He'' provider, ask us with the details. Some of the providers will be able to provide you with info... ;)
  6. What really would help is not photos, or technology, or whatever techniques LE would use. The solution to human trafficking lies really in the underground community. Education on what are the signs of human trafficking, clients to be able to turn a sp down if he thinks she is too young, and also, to be able to detect those who encourage it. Guys, some of you have to put their pants back on, and be able to say: ''No, you look too young.'' instead of wondering all session long if she is 18. You are part of the solution.
  7. No news on here is usually bad news, especially after 3 weeks... Found another ad stating ''party friendly'' which usually means drugs. To access the ad, type her phone number on Google. First result that comes up. Good luck on this one!..
  8. Hey Yous! Looking for some ''out of the ordinary'' fun? I have received requests for such an event, which I haven't done since wayyy to long! I have experience in such (been called a ''Sabrina Sandwich'' in my recos ;) . Check it out!), with up to 4 participants (more if there's a fluffer), rates are reviewed, and the location would be very decent and clean, as usual. My pre-requirements? - No illegal drugs; - If drinks, in moderation; - Post history or refferal; - No D&D; - Deposit equivalent to the trip expenses, by e-transfer; - If pix, none that would include my guests, pre-approuval, and tip. Please note that the experience might be different if you are suffering from diabetes or blood pressure problems. Please include ''Special request'' in the title of your PM for information. Let the fun begin!
  9. Harsh, but still a very good warning, so here's the link to Tineye: http://tineye.com/ Just copy and paste the url of the image in the big white box, at the top of the page. It will give you any used copy of a photo all over the net, on what website and date they have been used. You should really get to that if you are going to look elsewhere than Lyla... Sorry for highjacking the thread...
  10. Ouf, been there... Being ''awaken'' enough to see reality as it is is a quality I truly appreciate, and I can see eventhough you are perfectly aware of your situation, you're looking forward, and on a positive note. I don't know about you (we are about the same age), but I believe a woman is truly in her prime in her thirdies. Not only beatiful, sexy, and raced, but also strong, almost powerful, determined, but most of all, really getting to know what are needs really are. I may not yet know what I want in life, but I sure do know what I don't... Anyways, what I try to say is you may have the impression of starting over, but you don't. It hurts, but it will heal. And bring you a whole lots of new opportunities... *Hugs*
  11. I hope you are aware that party usually means drugs. Add to that 16 hits on Tineye, some dating from 2013 as a transexual escort in New Jersey, and two years later as a female escort in Long Beach ( http://tineye.com/search/fb5f9ddafee1fc842f541821ca6f3e74dfa2a0fe/ ) and you have the perfect recipe for a disaster...
  12. I think TERB is not SP friendly at all, unless you are a paying member. Bashing is allowed, aswell as false reviews and drama. Also, MOD here is strict. Sometimes, it can be very frustrating, but he's out there, watching over us. On TERB, if you are not an advertising SP, good luck to have support. The level of politeness and respect is not even comparable. For the three times I've been on there since 2009, it always have been a bad experience. And last, the requests that make me the most uncormfortable (and believe me, there are not much), are all coming from there. Most banned members from here are ending on there. Says a lot. LYLA (CERB) or its affiliates are really the only ressources I feel cormfortable with...
  13. I haven't really see, if ever, that kind of post. Not from taboo or lack of interest, but because nobody really engage in that subject. Lots of providers are indentifying themselves as bi-sexuals, or straight lesbians, so the offer is there... Would be nice to read something from another point of view. ;)
  14. I would never show my passport to anybody. Ever. I wouldn't even mention it to a stranger. This would make me a target of interest. As for IDs, Maybe I would keep one out if requested, but my wallet stays in the safe. Always. It wouldn't even surprise me. TD is my bank, and even if they are a little more expensive than the majority, their safety and security measures are, I believe, almost flawless. So having the sender's legal name on the ''e-receipt (?)'' would be one of them... Makes sense.
  15. Although your idea of a shared list is very good, I would be frisky about such a list, due to privacy matter. Of course, if a sp is inquiring about a client regarding nc/ns, I will be 100% honest. But to call everyone I know to complain is just a no-go. For the first no-show, I would give the benefice of the doubt. But at the second, no wonder what justification a client can come with, I blacklist. I did not have a single ns in over two years, and I gatter mostly to my regulars, rarely accepting new clients. This can bring an sp's buisness down and has to be dealt with seriously...
  16. Grass_Hopper: Nikki Astronaut My real name: Kitty Jizz But what if my real name is actually a very nice name???
  17. Do I have to disclose my real name, or am I good only with my e-mail adress linked to my bank account?
  18. Thank you so much for the advice! So to make things clear: - Watch the comments when receiving payment; - Watch for fraud; - Accept only from reputable hobbiests. Reasonnable enough! You make me feel way more cormfortable requesting them, as they may become part of my regular screening. As for BitCoins, I wish there was a point for me to accept them, but I have nowhere to spend it (no ads running), but it is a wonderful idea!
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