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Everything posted by Grass_Hopper

  1. Wow Nikki! Nice review! Keep it up, girl!
  2. I think that to take the time to awnser personnaly to thread is a mark of professionalism... Question of respect, I guess... But in this business, for us, professional and successful girls, to give some love and getting closer is the first step for a good relationship... After all, you, guys, are the ones putting the butter on our children's spinach... Anyways... XxXSabrinAXxX
  3. :-P I know I am the right one, but will you DARE to let me proove it? You may get addicted... LOL ;-) XxXSabrinAXxX
  4. ThXxX Joe! My English is getting better, but I still have a lot of homeworks to do, I guess...:-?
  5. :-?Can I, please, have a translation??? HELP!
  6. :?:I've awnsered already... For those who want to know, here is my background... I am a little chick from Laval (Quebec), grown up with 3 bothers (totally insane), and I've start to work at the age of 15 at Marilyn (an agency in my area, that does'nt exist anymore). Had a kid at the age of 20, and then went to university (UQAM) in accounting... Tired of counting the money of others, I went back to business with Fantasme, and since Montreal is now a cracktown, I decided to move in Ottawa, where people may be snob, but still, nice and respectful. I am independant, and I never travelled farther then OTT. So, no, I've never been in Brockville (but I heard good things about Sabrina there...) and I will probably never go, since I'm all set here... To much love for you, guys... XxXSabrinAXxX
  7. Most of the girls will say yes, and once you`ve paid and got in the room, it is an extra or not offered... ASK THE GIRL IF SHE IS USE TO IT! You`ll feel in her voice if she`s lying... Personnaly, IT IS MY THING, but I had to practice it... It is not something you can go on the spot... And if the girl's hurt, THEN YOU'LL KNOW IT WAS A TRAP! Unless you have a horse dick! But, for myself, it is the sweetest thing that could happend in my sex-life! ;)
  8. Je ne comprends pas... Je suis toute nouvelle et deja dans les problemes... Je travaille pour une agence serieuse qui, de fait accepte les cartes de credit. Hors, je ne suis pas celle qui fait l'operation, et l'agence dans laquelle je suis a des franchise dans trois provinces (AL, ON, et QC). Nous faisons deja notre argent, alors pourquoi ferais-je une chose pareille? Aussi, je prefere perdre 15 minutes de mon temps, plutot qu'un client... Mes reguliers vous le dirons, mon service a la clientele est IMPECCABLE. C'est pourquoi j'ai tant de rappels... Hors, je ne comprends pas comment cela aurait pu arriver... :-?Est-il possible de verifier d'ou vient cette information, et faire en sorte qu'une telle campagne de salissage ne se reproduise plus, s'il-vous-plait?:-? Merci, Vic xxx
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