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Everything posted by LuxeMulvari

  1. I'm sorry, anyone please don't take this the wrong way, but what is the difference between providing bbbj and bbfs? I have never offered either service, i lose ALOT of business because i don't offer bbbj,never have never will,because i'm just too terrified to catch something, disease and illness, especially incurable/killer ones, scare the hell out of me. Putting a complete strangers member in my mouth without protection seems the same as having unprotected sex with someone I do not know from a hole in the wall; his fluids are entering my body which put my health at risk. HIV and other STDS are carried through the semen fluid, so if is guy is positive, how is putting it in your mouth any different from your cookie? Will the risk factor change? The way is see it, I'm too young to die, or get sick and because of this thought pattern, I have ALWAYS been a 100% safe gfe, and will never do bbbj, in my mind its the same as bbfs in terms of the risk factor. I'm just curious, why is it "ok" to do in the mouth, but not ok in other regions? I mean if your already doing bbbj,your already risking your health, how is doing bbfs any different, other than now the client is at risk too? Why is unprotected ok when the sp is taking all the risk ( bbbj) but not ok when both parties are at risk (BBFS)? Why is ANY unprotected service alright? Are the two really that different? Just curious? Please don't anyone take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be rude or offend anyone,nor am i trying to judge, your body your choice. I truly just want to hear some other perspectives. Additional Comments: I'm sorry, anyone please don't take this the wrong way, but what is the difference between providing bbbj and bbfs? I have never offered either service, i lose ALOT of business because i don't offer bbbj,never have never will,because i'm just too terrified to catch something, disease and illness, especially incurable/killer ones, scare the hell out of me. Putting a complete strangers member in my mouth without protection seems the same as having unprotected sex with someone I do not know from a hole in the wall; his fluids are entering my body which put my health at risk. HIV and other STDS are carried through the semen fluid, so if is guy is positive, how is putting it in your mouth any different from your cookie? Will the risk factor change? The way is see it, I'm too young to die, or get sick and because of this thought pattern, I have ALWAYS been a 100% safe gfe, and will never do bbbj, in my mind its the same as bbfs in terms of the risk factor. I'm just curious, why is it "ok" to do in the mouth, but not ok in other regions? I mean if your already doing bbbj,your already risking your health, how is doing bbfs any different, other than now the client is put at risk too? Why is unprotected ok when the sp is taking all the risk ( bbbj) but not ok when both parties are at risk (BBFS)? Why is ANY unprotected service alright? Are the two really that different? Just curious? Please don't anyone take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be rude or offend anyone,nor am i trying to judge, your body your choice. I truly just want to hear some other perspectives.
  2. eyes are killer.....lovely :)
  3. Whenever I read these threads, i always try to put myself in clients point of view. Honestly, if it were the other way around, I probably wouldn't want want to see a lady who doesn't respect herself enough to keep herself safe. With no screening methods, she clearly doesn't have enough common sense to protect herself as she lets anyone into her zone, really how safe could i feel spending time with her? If she has such clear disregard for her safety in that manner, in what other areas is she this careless too? Not to be dark here, and I know this is depressing to talk about but if I can clarify, at least from my perspective, why we screen. As sex workers, people murder us, plain and simple. Because of the stigma put out by society; that what we do is morally wrong, and therefore, we do not deserve the same respect as any other human being. Some men, like Robert Pickton, think its OK to hurt us. Our profession has one of the highest risks of death and/or serious injury. Our assault rates, next to nurses is the highest in the country, and the number #1 cause of death in this line of work is murder. If you look up statistics, the numbers for abuses against us are staggering. We, like police or fireman, blindly and selflessly put our lives on the line to serve the public for the greater good. I know when I see my client, the time we spend together is beneficial to him in some way shape or form, i make him happy and he likes to spend time with me. I cherish the thought that I am adored by these amazing gents who spend their very hard earned money to visit with me, talk to me about their lives and share their inner most fantasies, thoughts, hopes, dreams, fears and day to day lives with me. Whatever the reason, they gain something from their visit with me that is why they come, and I am flattered everyday by these wonderful people. That being said, there is alot of crazies out there, who do not treat us in the same manner. They have issues with whatever, and for some reason use us as an outlet for that rage. I know whenever someone walks through my door , I like a cop or fireman, am taking the risk of potentially being hurt or potentially losing my life. I do not know the risk of the situation, this person could be crazy, drunk, high, upset, angry etc. In my short time in this industry, I have delt with a few, and had a few close calls that scared the crap out of me, if it had gone left instead of right, I wouldn't be sitting here typing this now. Every incident was when I worked for an agency in another city, but I digress..... Because i value my safety, the safety of my clients, and the safety of my place of business, I do not just let any random person into my space with zero accountability. Every gent that has seen me has gone through my screening process, and provided me a number. Some one who told me a long time ago "those who cannot trust cannot be trusted". If you are wary of providing me a number, in my head, that tells me you do not want me to have any information about yourself. If you do not want me to have any information, and want to remain anonymous, you want to able to do something to me without any accountability, much like why a bankrobber wears a mask when he robs the bank. When you do not want to provide me with number, I think you have ulterior motives. As an sp, you talk to other sps, and in my short time in this industry, I have heard many a horror story of ladies accepting blocked calls and it having detrimental sides effects to her. Please don't think we do not get assaulted, beaten robbed etc, it happens more than you think. Every major city has a police line for us to call for "bad dates". If assaults on us never occurred do you think the police would spend all that money to have these specialty phone lines and units dedicated to crimes against sex workers? I am not trying to be a downer here, nor am I a trying to be on a soap box, I realize you gents have lives to protect and could be a little concerned with giving information. However, you are not the ones taking the risk of physical harm to yourself. We are women we are not as strong as a man, that why so many of us fall victim, we are in a vulnerable situation. You would not expect a police officer to walk into a dangerous situation without a gun, nor a fireman into a fire without protective gear. Is it really fair to expect us to see you with no protective means? We screen so that in some degree, you are not anonymous, so in the case you do assault us, we can report that to the police and protect other ladies from a predator. Knowledge is power. That's it, plain and simple, the only reason we want your info is to keep ourselves and others like us safe, and obvious practical reasons, like calling if there's an emergency en route and we need to cancel. Honestly, I have regulars I've been seeing for years that I still don't recognize their number when they call ( i must start programming them lolz) I honestly don't care what their number is. Some guys think we save all these numbers and were going to call you or something. I would never call my clients, I have no reason to. We are professionals, not "citizen" women; if you give us a number, after you are intimate with us we are not going to fall head over heels in love with you and start calling you all the time. We have our own lives and no reason to interact with you outside of the contact you initiate. I have never called a client unless i was asked to, period, that makes no sense to me, as well as most of the other ladies here. Sorry for the long rambling, this is not meant to be offensive or preachy,please dont take it as such, just meant to shed some light for you gents so you can understand an sp's perspective :)
  4. I always turn off my phone and hide my cordless in the couch so if it does ring it can't be heard, it takes away from the intimacy it think, the ringing of the phone, and is NOT appropriate. However, I find some may abuse this title of "clock watcher". Back when i still did 30 min appts, I was visiting with a client.After a little chat, we got down to business. As soon as he finished, we cuddled a bit, I sat up and merely glanced at the clock, since I was sure more than 30 mins had passed (when you are in this line of work, you get quite accustomed to 30 min and 1 hr blocks of time and have a general idea how time has passed.) Sure enough, it had been about 40 mins. My client saw me glance at the clock, which i only did once, and said "oh clock watching are we? I will be sure to let others know about this." The time he had paid for had passed, I had given him exactly what he contracted me for, 30 mins, plus an extra 10 free of charge. With hr or more appts, i usually give and extra 15 mins, because I don't like to rush. However, 30 mins in my case was the bare minimum of time to purchase, and if you want more than 30 mins, there is an hour option available.There's a huge difference between consistently checking the time multiple times DURING an appointment, and checking once when services are completed to make sure you don't go over the time you have paid for. I don't appreciate being threatened by someone trying to take advantage of me, it needs to be clarified what a clock watcher is. This is a time based service, so checking the clock once near the end of an appointment is not clock watching. This is one of the reasons i no longer provide 30 minutes, because people abuse it.
  5. Try Angie's List, they are kinda like a CERB for contractor's, plumbers, electricians, etc. Its reviews done by people who used the the services and review them :) http://www.angieslist.com/companylist/ca/on/ottawa/junk-must-go-ottawa-ontario-reviews-6207416.aspx
  6. I could see why a lady wouldn't want reviews. I myself am open to them, but sometimes they can be pretty graphic, and a lady might not want her personal business all over the internet (where it can be viewed forever) along with pictures of her face. Some potential clients might read the review and assume that she will do everything with him that he read, and alot ladies are ymmv, so that can be frustrating when things are expected that were not clarified beforehand, and she may not be comfortable providing to someone new and unestablished to her. Gentlemen always ask for discretion, I think we should be allowed that same courtesy if we so choose. When you review me, everyone now knows we've seen each other. As some gentlemen do, some ladies also prefer to keep who their bedroom partners are between them and the bedroom partners. As i have stated before on the "lack of reccos" thread, many gentleman choose not to review for their own reasons, I have clients I have been seeing for 2 yrs who have never reviewed me, but they keep coming back, which indicates they enjoy what i provide very much. It is your choice as a client whether to review or not. So on that note, it should be ladies choice whether or not she want to be reviewed. If it is optional to give reviews, than it should be equally as optional to accept or refuse them.
  7. Apparently, some scientist watched the movie, and proceeded to tell James Cameron the star field over titanic in the movie was incorrect for the night of April 12th, 1912. So for the re-release, James Cameron went in and corrected it. So now it's even more historically accurate, right down to the star field :) There have also been alot of strange coincidences with that ship, including a book called "Futility:The wreck of the Titan" in which the author, Morgan Robertson, pretty much copies the story of the titanic, down to exact numbers of people and measurements. The strange part? The book was written 14 yrs before Titanic even existed..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futility,_or_the_Wreck_of_the_Titan http://www.cracked.com/article_18421_6-insane-coincidences-you-wont-believe-actually-happened.html Some other creepy Titanic coincidences......... http://josiehermit.hubpages.com/hub/Titanic-Strange-Coincidences-and-the-Unsinkable-Ship http://www.psychics.co.uk/encounters/coincidences/titanic.html A neat little documentary about the unknown bodies and relatives trying to name them..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiXM9mM7hx8 That ship was cursed!
  8. Drake :) One of my current faves ( he made this an awesome remix) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHX7RmAy4dY
  9. Looking to reignite a flame extinguished long ago....... to once again experience the fires of passion, with a sultry and seductive flair? I am a charming and exquisite exotic young beauty. With my gorgeous smile and witty personality, I'm sure to suit even the most selective and particular gentleman. I offer a luxurious experience in my private oasis, the perfect indulgence for those seeking to escape the mundane.... Let me and captivate and fascinate...... 613-315-4405
  10. I am posting my reply from the Ottawa section as well: This is so true, I have a few clients I've seen more times than I can count who have found me on Cerb, who have never written me a review. When asked about it (curiosity....can't help but thinking "am i doing something wrong? I'm confused, we keep visiting, yet no review.....?????), they have replied in various ways to why they haven't written them, saying things like "oh i am not the reviewing type", " i wouldn't know what to say" but yet each and every one of them decided to see me, my reviews, being a major influence on that decision. Gentlemen, if you are going to read and use the reviews to find a lady, why is such a far leap to write one as well? I understand a lot of you are shy, or private, but those who are even the top posters remain anonymous in "real" world, anonymity is the beauty of this place.I couldn't point out those I haven't met personally if they walked up to me face to face in the street lol. Some gentlemen feel like their writing skills aren't up to par. Well,you don't have to be William Shakespeare, and this isn't English class, you aren't being graded on your writing capabilities. I have received pm's, texts and email after the rendezvous saying how pleased they were, all messages were short and sweet, and could have easily been posted in the same exact wording as a review, and they would have been sufficient. if you are really concerned about they way in which you convey your experience, try typing it up on a word document first so you can edit it and review it if you feel like that's what you want to do, it gives you opportunity to chew it over, until you like what you wrote. Then you simply copy and paste it onto here. Finally, I fear some gentlemen do not write reviews because they are fearful their experience doesn't "measure up " to say another reviewer. For example, if a previous review of a lady communicated that the rendezvous was very passionate and wild, and your experience was more sensual and laid back, you may fear being looked at then less than the previous gentleman, or you weren't "as good"; you can't "top" the previous review. Well, as someone stated before, the review isn't about you, or a contest of who had the wildest or "best time" with the lady. It's about letting others know, especially those who are considering seeing us (hence reading the reviews lol) that they are not wasting their time, they will enjoy themselves and get their money's worth!!! I look at it kind of like American Idol, i.e. when you review us its like when you call in to vote for your favourite contestant. By writing a review, you are essentially "voting" for us, showing others that you think we are great and deserve to "win" lol :smile: By generating business our in "voting" for us, you are keeping us on the "show" because if we aren't earning we don't stay, so therefore you are ensuring we stick around and are available for future visits. I also personally think its it's unfair and disrespectful to the gentlemen (and the spirit of this board in general) who tofft and then take the time out of their busy lives to contribute by writing a review, just to read the reviews and reap the benefits of that information, only to then not contribute in the same way so that some other gentleman can receive the same beneficial information in the same way you did. Its a two way street imho, if your going to use the resource(reading the reviews), it is only fair contribute and replenish it (ie add onto the reviews) so that others may benefit form this wonderful forum, just as you did. Without the recommendations, how can a "recommendation board survive"? JMHO :smile:
  11. This is so true, I have a few clients I've seen more times than I can count who have found me on Cerb, who have never written me a review. When asked about it (curiosity....can't help but thinking "am i doing something wrong? I'm confused, we keep visiting, yet no review.....?????), they have replied in various ways to why they haven't written them, saying things like "oh i am not the reviewing type", " i wouldn't know what to say" but yet each and every one of them decided to see me, my reviews, being a major influence on that decision. Gentlemen, if you are going to read and use the reviews to find a lady, why is such a far leap to write one as well? I understand a lot of you are shy, or private, but those who are even the top posters remain anonymous in "real" world, anonymity is the beauty of this place.I couldn't point out those I haven't met personally if they walked up to me face to face in the street lol. Some gentlemen feel like their writing skills aren't up to par. Well,you don't have to be William Shakespeare, and this isn't English class, you aren't being graded on your writing capabilities. I have received pm's, texts and email after the rendezvous saying how pleased they were, all messages were short and sweet, and could have easily been posted in the same exact wording as a review, and they would have been sufficient. if you are really concerned about they way in which you convey your experience, try typing it up on a word document first so you can edit it and review it if you feel like that's what you want to do, it gives you opportunity to chew it over, until you like what you wrote. Then you simply copy and paste it onto here. Finally, I fear some gentlemen do not write reviews because they are fearful their experience doesn't "measure up " to say another reviewer. For example, if a previous review of a lady communicated that the rendezvous was very passionate and wild, and your experience was more sensual and laid back, you may fear being looked at then less than the previous gentleman, or you weren't "as good"; you can't "top" the previous review. Well, as someone stated before, the review isn't about you, or a contest of who had the wildest or "best time" with the lady. It's about letting others know, especially those who are considering seeing us (hence reading the reviews lol) that they are not wasting their time, they will enjoy themselves and get their money's worth!!! I look at it kind of like American Idol, i.e. when you review us its like when you call in to vote for your favourite contestant. By writing a review, you are essentially "voting" for us, showing others that you think we are great and deserve to "win" lol :) By generating business our in "voting" for us, you are keeping us on the "show" because if we aren't earning we don't stay, so therefore you are ensuring we stick around and are available for future visits. I also personally think its it's unfair and disrespectful to the gentlemen (and the spirit of this board in general) who tofft and then take the time out of their busy lives to contribute by writing a review, just to read the reviews and reap the benefits of that information, only to then not contribute in the same way so that some other gentleman can receive the same beneficial information in the same way you did. Its a two way street imho, if your going to use the resource(reading the reviews), it is only fair contribute and replenish it (ie add onto the reviews) so that others may benefit form this wonderful forum, just as you did. Without the recommendations, how can a "recommendation board survive"? JMHO :)
  12. i read these one's on the wall in a little Deli once: "of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most" " My wife wanted a new experience, so sent her to the kitchen" I got a good giggle :)
  13. I hold a special place in my heart for the soldiers. Being from Windsor originally, Fort Wayne is right across the water in the States. Alot of the men coming home from Iraq would get dropped off at Fort Wayne, and the go their respective hometown from there. I was a dancer at the time, an I met tons of soldiers from all over the U.S., some having returned to North America as little as 2 hours ago. They were from places as far as Texas and california, and probably would never get the opportunity to see Canada again, so they came to meet us naked Canadian girls and drink our beer lol. Anyways, they were so appreciative to be home and be with us ladies, and after the sacrifice they made, plus how sweet they were, it was always such a pleasure too entertain them, and so flattering that the first thing they did was come see us lol. I will always remember one in particular though. It was the summertime, a very hot night. He came into my club, I was onstage. He was in uniform, and something about him caught my eye. It was like the song magic man by heart " I never seen eyes so blue......"He watched me so intently, not with a look of lust, but sense of intrigue and bit of confusion,like I was something different or strange to him.I've never gotten that look before or since, and didn't know what to think of it at the time. After my show, I went over to talk to him. He was from Alabama, and i LOVED his drawl, so different from the Michigan accent i was so accustomed to.We sat at table in the corner, and he bought me drink. I looked into his eyes and this man was haunted, it was like i was there but i wasn't.........he spoke to me intently and with conviction but he was almost vacant...... He had just returned from his 2nd tour in Iraq. His wife had left him, she couldn't take him being gone and worrying if he was killed or not, and when he went the second time, she couldnt take it. He had no one waiting for him at home, so he decided he was going to stay in Canada for a bit. He would come see me almost every night, and we would hang out after words, go to a club or out for dinner or whatever. One night, we were at the hotel, and there were fireworks on the river. We were in the room, and they started going off. He ran and practically dove under the counter in the bathroom. He was holding his ears and he turned all red and was breathing heavy. The fireworks had clearly triggered a panic attack.I climbed under that sink and sat with my arms around him rocking him and humming until it was ok for him again. He was very reserved before, we only talked about me. He just broke down and told me everything, the stories from Iraq that night, stories of things he did i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy to have to commit, and the guilt he felt about those things.......his conscience was heavy and he was a tortured. We were together everyday that summer, it was strange, we weren't lovers but we weren't friends either, it was like......... i dunno it sounds weird but he needed someone to care for him and i was supposed to do it......it was just a strange unique and intense human connection.......... He gave me his dog tag and he left. My life went on. A little less than a year later he called me out of the blue. He was going over again, for his third tour. he wanted to see me before he left. I met him when he was getting off the bridge, and we had the best night........he wrote me while he was there and his letters just stopped coming. A few months later, one of his friends wrote me and told me he was on a routine mission to a village and someone blew up their truck, him along with 2 other were killed and three other wounded. He told me he had talked about me often, and i found out while he was back in the states he had a major drug problem and that's why i didn't hear from him for 7 months. The friend had found an envelope addressed to me so that's why he wrote, and he included his phone number to call and encouraged me to do so, but i never did. I had a great respect for that man, and I'll always always remember him........... If he had had the support he needed when he want back to u.S. maybe he'd still be alive today.......................
  14. Pig tendons. I used to give these to my dog and she loved 'em!
  15. thanks to everyone for all your compliments and well wishes. I had a wonderful time seeing both old and new faces alike :) Can't wait for next year!
  16. Indian women are gorgeous and we come in so many different colours....truly amazing...............
  17. Tacky and ghetto. I would never dream of doing this. I only reply to texts sent to me, i would NEVER engage the convo first, for fear of major repercussions for my client. Practices like this is what makes clients apprehensive about giving their information out, which makes screening harder and therefore all our lives more difficult.Not cool.
  18. Enjoy and all the best!!! Enjoy your feast!!! xoxoxoxoxo Luxie
  19. Here's more: Love it Local Detroit Music: Great one: AMAZING Song to dance to: Additional Comments: OMG AWESOME: One of my all time faves, this song makes me smile :) "Canadian visitor, lady exhibitor" Play me I'll visit ya" i LOVE drake:) Additional Comments: Ashanti has good stuff: LOVED dancing to this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p4ZBBIaEPQ Very Naughty, Also Naughty :P another fav Another feel good song...make me smile: Either Version of this SO CUTE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExC7J-WrScY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GvB9ySUJ3A&ob=av2e So Sexy(I love how they sound like Indian Music,Played these alot): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q4tQu0_rVE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiJu58dDKJw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2WjyuC3vPs Ya its my day off.... :P
  20. OMG i can't believe i forgot this one!!! **** Only for Fridays and Saturdays 12 pm on when people are partying*** I used to make a TON off my stage shows when i played this.....i dunno if it'll work up here, but its worth a try!!! heheheheh GOOD TIMES at the Bouzouki club downtown Detroit :) LOVED it there :)
  21. I have been noticing alot of negativity and frustration on this board lately, and as such and haven't really been participating as much. However, I wanted to put something positive out there for all the wonderful gentlemen who treat me like the Indian Princess I am!!! As some of you may know, I moved up here from the Windsor/Detroit area, due to the economic downturn when the Big 3 closed. Since arrivng in Ottawa, I have to say the difference is night and day as far as the clientele. The vast majority of you are nothing but gems to me, which was a refreshing change from the cash strapped, stressed out, and rude people from home. That, and being in school, is what has kept me here in Ottawa. Sure, I do put up with the occasional headache, but that's just life. I for one, especially coming from a place in an economic depression, am thankful for your guys company and welcoming attitude:). Thank you Ottawa for giving me a new home, a place where I feel myself and my services are greatly appreciated and the success to achieve my goals in life. I dedicate this song to all of you!!!
  22. I've only met her once, but I like Soleil! i think she's sweet :)
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