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LeeRichards last won the day on December 28 2013

LeeRichards had the most liked content!

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177238 Excellent

About LeeRichards

  • Rank
    Elite Member (500+ Posts)

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Sticks
  • Biography
    Easy going quirky Redneck from the West

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  1. Jackie Redmond from Sportsnet... Gorgeous :)
  2. Redneck word of the day...... "Far" It's so cold out today, I'm going to start a Far ...:p
  3. This........ I wanna hang out with this smart Hottie :) Eat pizza, drink wine, be merry and stuff ! (Wonder if Red wine makes her frisky...Meowww ? ) Note to self.....Bring an extra bottle.
  4. Currently I am looking at you're lovely avatar Bum :) Thinking you should open that damn package sexy pants !!!! ;)
  5. yes that counts. Gotta love Netflix binges !!
  6. Kinda had to chuckle. Lost my virginity at a Drive-in move. But may have been quick enough however to have been classed as a Drive-thru movie :p or just a commercial or Vignettes I suppose :-/ Ooops....Hijack.... Guess this was a game MyBad Carry on.
  7. I can't help but think anyone on this board reading about your man-spreading on public transportation right now .... is probably remembering you're man-yeast issue thread as well. Good times in the neighborhood.
  8. Reading about discounts or rebates..... poor shopper I am. I keep it simple. I choose whom I want to spend time with..........then I shop for them or with them ! Tis fun :)
  9. Need some help proofing those pics Mssss Manda ? Hmmmm ? I can do eeeeet !!! ;)
  10. Well I imagine that there will be legislation passed that it should be a 50/50 split for females and males that go first. If it is an odd number then .......rock, paper scissors.
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