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Everything posted by TGirl-Kay

  1. You give a sensual and sexy massage, I for one will definitely be back on your table as soon as I'm able. You should put up a profile, I'm sure that others would enjoy them selves as much as I did.
  2. Hello loves, I'm offering a new package called PJ's and Cognac. It includes cuddling and careing touch, togetherness and snuggling, Cognac in the evening and a cooked breakfast with fine coffee when we rise in the morning. This is not a FS package, it's intended to proved quality time and body contact in a relaxed and tender manner. The PJ's and Cognac can be combined with any of my other packages. Out calls only avalible for the PJ's and Cognac at this time. Please PM or Email for more information. I think that you will be pleasantly supprised if you do. Hugs, Kay
  3. If you can catch her in town, or take a road trip to Toronto TGirl Nikki is a great first time choice. Good luck in your search.
  4. Or talk to some of the amazing Tgirls here on CERB. Why not say hello to xxxJanexxx.
  5. I'm a 6 and the test didn't even get into the really fun stuff.
  6. Not getting paid on payday. Finding this out after driveing across town Friday evening sucks large as well.
  7. Oh I love feet both giveing and receiving, I like to dip my feet in chocolate and have them sucked clean and massage will make me moan. Feet love to be touched and are so often forgoten :(
  8. Hello love, what a wonderful time last night at the social. It's all ways good to see folks again and to make some new friends. Thanks Angela for getting us all together. MisterT I'm eating your brownies for lunch as I type this note they are delishous. Hugs Kay
  9. Oh there might be one or two out there ;) I'm sure that they will turn up. I'm with you on the derby girl look that and knocking people over where the two reasons that I got into the sport. Good luck in your search, Kay
  10. Hi Old Dog, sorry to hear that your feeling under the weather, I hope that your on the mend soon. Hugs Kay
  11. Hi again, this thread just won't leave my brain and I need to write about it a little. I find it interesting how the idea of monogamy is so tied to our views on relationship and how an SPs work is seen as a life style by so many. Many of us where only give one example of how a relationship has to be conducted, it starts early in childhood and is reinforsed through out our lives. We see it in kids shows and toys, we see it in teen movies and music and it's the theme of much grown up entertainment. Not to mention, church teachings and government policy. We are rewarded for creating monogamous family units, yet so often we stray from them or leave them entirely to creat new ones. I have heard many hobbyists say that they are monogamous when in a relationship and if they where in a relationship with an SP that is some thing that they would have to work out. This sounds a lot like saying she'd have to stop working or change the work she does. I'm struck by the possessive nature of relationship and love and wonder how we came to this point. I love alot, I love my friends, I feel love for my clients and I'm deeply in love with both of my life partners. I build relationships with all of these people and I have sex with many of them. Openness and polyamory are life style choises I've made for my self. Working as an SP is a job that I enjoy.
  12. Had an amazing massage, facial and pedicure today. It was a birthday treat from my sweety.
  13. Hi sach, Yes to both questions. I think the most important part of any relationship is honesty and communication and as long as the people involved are open about what they are up too it's all good. I wouldn't want to be involved with someone who looked down on me because of the work I choose.
  14. I often wonder what if I'd transitioned earlyer.
  15. Goodbye Serenader, It was a pleasure meeting you here on CERB. Follow your heart my dear. Hugs Kay
  16. Add yours, it has to be some thing real and you have to give a description of the position preceding your post. I offer for your enjoyment, The All-American Pressure Canner.
  17. I've got a long black cardigan that a lover gave to me, it's my go to for comfort because it's like being wraped in their arms again.
  18. Hello my dears, I want to add to this conversation that some times getting hard or haveing an SOG doesn't have to be the end goal of an encounter. Some times an encounter can be about touch, connection and sensuality. It's possibly to laugh and f----k and get totaly blissed and never take your pants off. Sex is so much more than PIV. If you make capital L love to the whole person with pleasure as the end goal, you'll never go wrong.
  19. Hi Jabba, I gave up TV back in 2007 and don't miss it one bit. I often wonder where I found time to watch TV in the first place now. Why look at someone elses fake life on TV when you can go out and have a real one of your own? Life is short live it to the fullest. Kay
  20. Slutswool - an old term for dustbunny. Jane Austen uses the word slut in Sense and Sensibility to describe an unkempt woman.
  21. I like the word Overmorrow, it means the day after tomorrow.
  22. My partner is a modle and it seems to be more often the case that she is asked if she'd work as an SP.
  23. I'm Onward_Harlot on twitter.
  24. I chose November after a character in the book Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Valente. Palimpsest is a sexualy transmitted city that you can only visit in your dreams and November was a woman who traveled there after she started sleeping with strangers. It's a story about loveing your self and others at the same time. http://www.catherynnemvalente.com/novels/palimpsest/
  25. Walked in todays Pride Parade with a friend, we carried a sex workers rights banner and got many thumbs up and smiles. Now on to the after party.
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