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Everything posted by TGirl-Kay

  1. What you describe in your inital post sounds a lot like the life that I lead in the real world. CERB and FB are enough for me computer/time wise. I'd much rather live my life hands on. The concept of a virtual world baffels me. Love as you will, November
  2. Hey I do, this is just life to me. I have a body that's a mix of parts, Drs tweaked it when I was little and now I'm tweaking it back in the other direction. I love being in a middle place and my partners and lovers are fine with who I am. Never had a problem finding relationships or dateing in the dyke community. The people whom I've met with bodys like me who say they can't get a date don't have a problem with their bodys it's usualy their personalitys that trun folks off. Love as you will, November
  3. Has any one seen the Green Flags the have been put up along Gladstone St around Little Italy here in Ottawa? They say The Stroll, LMAO I'm so going to go and have some photo's taken.
  4. It would seem that because my net book has windows 7 starter and not the full windows 7 the extend feature isn't avalible and I won't be able to run two diferent screens at the same time.
  5. Ok cool thank you all very much I'll try that out. ;) November
  6. I'm running a Toshiba net book with windows 7 starter it's a year old, I've got both screens running and can switch back and forth between them but can't figure out how to open a different window on each one. I'm missing some thing simple I'm sure. Cheers November
  7. Hi loves, I've been given a second screen for my comp, any one out there know how to set up windows 7 to run two screens with different windows. I'd love to be able to have the chat room open on one and be able to acess CERB on the other with out a lot of back and forth. Cheers, November
  8. It's ok Olivia knows he was there. What stunning photos, thanks for posting.
  9. Well done roaminguy, high marks for that video. The song will be stuck in my head for days.
  10. Hi lover, I'm sending good thoughts your way and will hold you in mind and heart. Bright Blessings November
  11. Wow what a stunning video. Thanks for shareing it Nathalie :) I enjoy alone time when I get to choose when it happens, all too often though being alone is work related for me. My day job can put me on a job site away from other people for a week or more at a time. Not haveing any one to talk too realy starts to play with my head after a while and I find I have to seek out other people.
  12. I like your diary as well Kenny, please keep up the good work. November
  13. Hi folks, Just saw you post this evening, and I'd like to say that I think you did a great job of communicateing what your looking for. I hope that you find just the right person. If I where to suggest any one it would be Berlin, but I see that you've all ready met. Cheers, November
  14. Up date of up datiness. Last week when I called SWCHC I was told that some one would call me back from the Harm Reduction team, no one did so this afternoon I stopped by the clinic and asked the same question about sex workers and STI testing again in person. Still no answers to report but I'm sure that some one will get back to me this time. If I don't hear any thing this week I'll write to the director of the center and cc both the Walk in Clinic and the Harm Reduction Team. Bear with me it's going to take a few more days to get the answers. What I'm hearing is they will do the testing, but it has to be asked for a certain way. What I want is a written copy of their policy stateing that they do it and under what circumstances. November
  15. As far as I can recall neither my parents nor any of the schools I went to ever gave me the talk. We moved alot and that might explaine how I missed it at school. If any one can fill me in it would be greatly appreciate it. November
  16. Hi Loves, I spoke to the person looking after the front desk at the Walk In Clinic that's part of the Sumerset West Community Health Center today. They told me that they do and they don't see sex workers from out side there catchment area. And that the clinic offers anonymous STI testing and treatment. I read that as you don't have to tell them who you are or where you live to get tested or treated for an STI. But they stressed that someone with an OHIP card has other options if they live out side the SWCHC catchment area. I've left my name and number and someone from their Harm Reduction Team is going to get in touch with me tomorow to talk further about their policy, So hopefully I'll have more answers for you all then. Testing sex workers falls well with in SWCHC stated mission statement and goals. Bear with me, November
  17. I'll Swing by the Sommerset West Community Health Center tomorrow (Tuesday 15 2011) and find out what's going on regarding STI testing and SPs. What I'm hearing here isn't lineing up with what I've been told at the clinic. Wish me luck, November
  18. Hi Sonoma, I go to the Somerset West Community Health Centre. I've never had to wait more than 15min to see some one at the walkin clinic and the Nurce Practitioners who work there are top notch. I've never had better care any where. You have to live in the catchment area but it's quite large and they will see anyone who's a sex worker regardless of where they live. November
  19. The Globe and Mail has a great article that I'm sure that most of you have read by now http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/state-has-no-obligation-to-protect-prostitutes-ottawa-to-argue-at-appeal/article1935992/ The comments are great as well. What I'm not hearing is how we the people affected by these laws are supporting the groups who are going to court on our behalf. My Local organization POWER www.powerottawa.ca is in need of funds to help cover court costs, so I'm going to pledge $50.00 a month to them and also do some third party fund raiseing to help out. What are others planning on doing to help support the organizations in the citys where they live? November who is hopefull
  20. According to POWERS www.power.ca report Challenges Ottawa Sex Workers Speak Out. According to Statistics Canada in 2006 94.7% of prostitution related charges where classified as "prostitution other" which exclueds charges under the bawdy house law. Most charges are for prostitution related offences are laid against street based sex worker who make up an estimated 5 to 20% of people in the sex trade. Read the report folks, you can get it on line or in dead tree format from POWER November
  21. Hi Loves here's the question. The company that hosts my web site is moveing it's servers to the States and I'm wondering about the privacy and legal issues that this might cause. Any one out there have any experience in this area? Personaly I'd like to find a new Canadian host ASAP Thanks, November
  22. This sounds like a fun night out, I've done events like this in the past but with known attendees and it's a scream. The event that your preposeing sounds like it would be hard to screen from the sp's point of view though. Cheers November
  23. Greek and toys are great and has been said above should not hurt. Find some one with a Hitachi Magic Wand with a prostate massager attachment and hold on to your socks. Also nothing beats a good deep fuck with a strap on or factory equipment. Go for it and enjoy. November
  24. Had to share this video with evey one who likes things a little hairy :)Can't get the beat out of my head. Hugs, November
  25. I'm fond of Red for stop every thing, Yellow for slow down and Green for all's good. It's common and most know the meaning. I don't use these safe words myself when I bottom as I have a synesthetic relationship to pain with red being a lite warm up and bright electric blue being the point where things are at there most intense. Red, Yellow, Green makes this hard to comunicate to the person I'm playing with. I use Stop as my safe word.
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