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Everything posted by 6dave9

  1. Agreed..!! My angle was perhaps taking a good look in the mirror..!!? I can attest my bathroom mirror is quite functional and tells me the hard truth.. ;-) Just like RG said.. It take a special person to be an SP/MA and I am very grateful to have such wonderful ladies open their doors to me.. ( no matter what age they may be...) Cheers
  2. I'm going to be the devils advocate here ( not to highjack the thread...) and assuming there was some authenticity in the OP's question, (not just trollling..) lets spin the table 180* for a brief moment... shall we? FastForward>> -Wonder how he might feel when he is in his 50's and looking at an SP/MA in her early 20's- Hmmmmm ;-) just sayin' I"ll stop here...
  3. Would love to try something like that at least once in my life..!! Count me in.. (subject to date and time..)
  4. I sincerely hope this 8.1 will smooth things with Win8... ughhh!! Win8 is driving me nuts with its constant intruding pop-ups and sliding this and that... XP was good and Win7 was just marvy.... :-) I had no choice when I got this new HP laptop, Win8 only.. OH it will be like Win7 but even better... boy was I wrong... I'll stop here... ;-)
  5. The general consensus is - DONT- plain and simple...
  6. When my SO tells me to "go into my purse, get my wallet and find my..." ..I dont.. I hand her purse.. I was taught to NEVER go through a woman's purse. I have no reason to think that my wallet gets a look over either.. My 2c
  7. In that respect -agreed.. it could be devastating - for both... however each marriage has there own dynamics.
  8. Oh I see,thanks for clearing that up for me. Sorry to hear you've had to start over..(how did she find out..? if you don't mind me asking.) Right, so the 'what if' for my situation.. tough to say.. as she has just as much to loose going the divorce route as I do... Would she be upset? certainly... the outcome? not so sure.... I have been witness to a few marital breakups, some due the gents indiscretion, and the last one I've seen is due to the ladies doings...! Heck it has happened on her side of the family.. So we've all seen it to some degree. Some marriages has survived , and obviously, some has not. D.
  9. Well Stand OG, All of these questions would come into play *IF* if my hobbying would come to light.... and thats a BIG *IF*.. As I wont speak for my esteemed colleges here on CERB, i suspect many of us here are in the same predicament... Life is too short to let go unfulfilled... (as i described in my earlier post) so shame.?. sorry not buying it.. because i cant fix something when the other half has her head buried in the sand, and is complete denial of what's missing and... I could go on.. its not like I haven't tried.. Your reference to divorce, don't know.. and I am not planning to find out... !! yes, i get that life can through you curve-balls and shit can happen... cross that bridge *IF* i get to it. Family and friends, many will *certainly* understand .. others may not...and for those that dont...oh well !!!! TFB.. I am not holding them responsible now am I? Kids are already old enough to realized whats is and isn't happening at home... and yes I can look them in the eyes.. thanks for asking...........! "Ultimately, is this worth it? Only you know the answer to that question. " sorry but that seems a little harsh............. dont we all..???? we are all grown-ups here.... and i don't believe any of us here gets judged for the decisions/needs/want and desires we all have, especially here on CERB. I'll stop here.....
  10. Well put Empty83, I will also assure the ladies that the same direction will be returned.. To the degree that I feel that even writing a recco diminishes the experience of what we shared. But thats just me..!! My 2c.
  11. For you Chardonnay lovers, a really good bang for the buck is the Mag of Santa Carolina Chardonnay $15 for 1.5L - great for get togethers. Straight forward Chard, med body with a hint of oak on the finish.
  12. Preparing the crusher ... The blend this year's is 25% each of Cab Sauv / Cab Franc / Merlot and Malbec. I should yield about 9 possible 10 cases of finished wine. And I scored some D254 yeast.. happy happy joy joy! They are just gorgeous little marbles of sugar and flavour.. ;-)
  13. Indeed Il Re, in reference to my post above, the lover that I was referring too, clearly stated to me " oh I taught myself after seeing a few squirting movies..".. I kid you not... !! Its a wonderful thing...!! :-)
  14. Honestly Alexis, I am saddened to hear that... I can assure if it were me.. the look on my face would be -OMG ..! lets do that again..??- would you like that..? ;-) ( I have made mental a note here.. wink wink...) D.
  15. Totally HOT.. I've had the pleasure of a having a partner that exploded while DATY.. And then we.... (Oh the memories..!!). D.
  16. Call me a clairvoyant.. (LOL) Something tells me that these are all situations that have manifested themselves.... Thanks for reaffirming the reality... because it is something that can be easily be blurred when one has starving soul and a hungry heart... I'll stop here.. D.
  17. Yes.... I believe every one- gay or straight and every one in between... should suffer the indignities of marriage at least once the their lives... (tongue firmly in cheek).... sorry.. couldn't resist.. LOL even I am not sure if this is my quirky sense of humor or synisim... ;-)
  18. Just like NotchJ, I also have the need to keep all of this under the radar.. There is however, one of my best friends of 35+ years, who has confided in me about his second persona last year. He is a Dom and has found his Sub and has his needs, wants, demons and desires fulfilled. We have had a few excellent conversations about each other dilemma or alter ego, i recently told him that I am on CERB, as a vehicle to have and open and honest means to voice my feelings. which is true!! but i have not told him of a few connections I've made... But he is a very intelligent man... I think he has figured it out that I have sought solace in a lady's arms... :-) I'll stop here.. D.
  19. Question #10: Upon meeting a lady on your first time, do you..: A) slap her on the ass and shout - YEEHHAA.. HOT Damn... !! B) Great her with a warm smile, take her hand, and say "Its wonderful to meet you..." C) ask for Rolaids " this spicy burrito isn't sitting well.." D) request her -Suck start a Harley-Davidson- qualification papers.
  20. Question 3: When initially contacting a provider by text or email: A) tremble and shake thus your text is sent as - jhr svjvv lkrfjelvjnvvd- B) perspire profusely that you cell phone slips out of your hand and falls to the ground. C) you spend 4 hours re-reading and editing your email or text. D) take a deep breath, dial the number and politlely introduce yourself.
  21. Hey Vic17.. yes give it some time... yes there are a lot of nice girls here.. but if you're looking for a complimentary shoulder to cry on.. i don't think this is the place .. sorry. Peachka said it well... I hear you when you say "I have a lot of love to give..." I would go out on a limb here and say that pretty much echos A LOT of gents here on CERB... myself included... but you are now free to venture out and discover new relationships... but not quite yet... if your heart still stings.. give it time....
  22. Apothic Red, is a good bang for the buck.. its very fruit forward, tannins are soft with a med to firm body. serve on the cooler side say 14-15* http://lcbo.ca/lcbo-ear/lcbo/product/searchResults.do?ITEM_NAME=APOTHIC+RED&ITEM_NUMBER=&language=EN
  23. unless they are trying to give an angle on the angel because she is not spinning.. (groooannn...) (sorry couldn't resist...) ;-)
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